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blade muse

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About blade muse

  • Birthday 08/23/1991

Personal Information

  • Location
    back ass of nowhere, co.wexford, ireland
  • Interests
    game cube, xbox, DS , lissnen to music (fave bands are muse,queens od the stone age and guns n roses
  • Occupation


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    gamecube, snes,DS...does a gameboy player count?
  • Other Systems Owned
  • Favourite Game?
    tough one...ocarina of time or knights of the old republic
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Kilik from soul calibur- he kicks ass
  • Gender

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blade muse's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. 1. Zelda :ocarina of time (i know i really shouldnt but i love it so much...): Filled with classic moments from Epona leaping over the broken bridge to Link getting the biggoron sword knocked out of his hand at the final battle. 2. Zelda :minish cap 3. Super mario world 4.Wario ware Is it just first person titles or games that have just appeared on nintendo consoles? if its just first person titles.., 5. Mario kart 64 If not... 5. Soul calibur 2
  2. have you been living under a rock? on mars? with your eyes closed? and your fingers in your ears? going "LALALALALA"????
  3. ok people, back to the subject at hand!!
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