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Posts posted by ~LAc~BodyCount

  1. Flipped and reversed haha! Nice. What level is your Sharringan?.. Or is that Mangekyou you have awaken? :laughing:


    As the most feared and unique troll around these bits, I do feel incredibly urged to fuck some of you up. Kav82, feel like going Hell in A Cell match, all items disabled apart from grenade and knife, 7 and a half minute match? :cool: 360, gimme your gamertag if you accept. If you want, get LAc bodycount and his fellow troopies perhaps with MoKong on your team. T'should be even then. It'd be a bit of a cheat if you had lost, Zechs and the whole squad. Just you guys'd be fine...


    1question... what the fuck do i have to do with any of this ???

  2. i have been to my local GAME shop and they have the wii version down for release on the 11th...

    but GAMESTATION are not so sure.. they still have it down for the 8th but have not recieved any stock yet but they have started getting stock for the other versions..

    confused now...

  3. as you know N-E stands for nintendo europe which is this website. So if your on the website commenting about a game which has a clan from the website on then you should join it to be fair.


    and zechs is right our clan is friendly we have fun times playing and your clan did call us hackers and cheats which they mistook for SKILL!


    As i have pointed out to you before.. this is not a clan website this is a gaming FORUM. A place for people to come and chat about all games for Wii, PS3, XBOX, PC, DS, 3DS.... need i go on.


    This quote from one of their clan members is legendary


    "Maybe those N-E guys werent using a Wii...."



    And as i thought, 1 of your members joined our website just to take a look at what was being said about the matches we had.... NICE.

  4. Will you be sticking with your "good" LAc clan or want to join the BEST CLAN ON THE WII!!!!! [N-E] ?


    lol.. . good 1..why would i want to be joining N-E... think i will stick to my great and friendly clan if it's all the same to you..

  5. well what do i do now. with the wii u announced yesterday, which looks amazing do i still go for a ps3 for modern warfare 3 or wait to see what comes out for the wii u. decisions decisions.

  6. Yes, well they were just tips to reduce the chance of it happening! Also Bodycount, when can N-E take on LAC?? Fancy a clan night?


    yeah.. i didn't mean to sound negative... soz.

    about clan match.. as i have said on your clan post and my own i am waiting on you guys to let me know when is a ggod time for yourselves... we tried to arrange 1 for the other week but some of your members had stuff to do.. Just let me know a date ( give a few days notice if poss ) thanks.

  7. Point one didn't save mine, had my Wii like that at least the last 6 months... though it was vertical for a few years since day one before that


    mine has been flat from the day i got it, i still had to have my disc drive replaced..

  8. I hate it when people put a dash in Xbox.


    And the answer to your question can only be answered by yourself really imo. No console is better than the other, power wise it might be. But, it comes down to what you want from your console.


    lol... soz bud... yeah i guess your right.... the blue ray on the ps3 is a big plus for me..

  9. i have the sony ericsson xperia x10 mini pro ( my god that's a mouthfull.... lol )

    it's a very nice little phone, the screen may be a little small for some but i find it ok. the keypad is easy to use despite it being small.. as with most the battery is a bit rubbish if you use it a lot but a car charger normally keeps that problem at bay while i am at work....

  10. Haven't both MW2 and Black Ops both had serious online issues on PS3? All the PS3 CoD fans literally rioted over it.


    I haven't had a lot of experience of PS3 online (I started Uncharted 2 online days before PSN went down), but I did get a big "this would be even more awesome on Xbox Live" feeling.


    That's 1 game i wanted to get also... looks very good....

  11. I meant amongst your clan; presumably those are the people you want to play with.


    Objectively the 360 is the safer choice as a CoD machine, though. It'll receive DLC earlier for the next few years, Party Chat should be useful if you're into clan play, most people prefer the 360 controller for first-person shooters — although I don't, personally — and Treyarch's PS3 ports tend to be a bit sloppy.


    Honestly the differences aren't that big a deal, hence my suggestion to turn to your clansmen: ultimately the people you play with are far more integral to your experience.


    good point, i will have a chat with them all....

  12. I don't have either an X-Box or PS3, but if PC is no option, I'd be inclined to go with the PS3. PS3 has more exclusives I like, and you get a blu-ray player.


    Like you say, PS network has.. Problems, and X-Box live isn't free. All things that are better on PC, plus better controls and a cheaper game, and better looking. PC is the better investment, and you don't even need an overly expensive one for CoD.


    But again, if it's no option.. Personally I'd go with the PS3. The PS network problems should likely be sorted by then, and since you'll make a new account, you're not affected by any stolen account information and such (at least, not from this incident). Overall the PS3 is a better machine, but you have to look at which other exclusives you find interesting on both machines, and you yourself only knows which controller you prefer. From what I've heard, multiplatform games tend to be better on X-Box unfortunately, despite the PS3 being better.


    yep the blue ray player is a bonus, psn being free is also a bonus.

    i have always been a playstation person before i got the wii ( ps1 and ps2 ) so i am more used to the ps controller, i have used a friend x-box a few times and i found the controller for that hard to use so for that it would be ps3 also.


    Also, I don't know if you've noticed, but there's a new Nintendo console coming, one that can easily handle a new CoD. As far as I know it's slated for release end of the year, and it wouldn't surprise me if CoD is coming for that.


    from what i have heard myself the new nintendo console won't be out untill 2012, but i guess we shall have to wait for news at the E3 conference...

  13. Well, you've clearly signed up to advertise your clan so go with the machine that's most popular amongst them.


    i am only here to chat to some good people, the advertising part is just a bonus... lol

    What machine would you say is the most popular then ??

  14. With the possibility of call of duty modern warfare coming out towards the end of 2011 and the chances of the nintendo wii getting a new call of duty game slim to none i am thinking about getting a new console. The question is which is better.

    Now i know that ps network is free and that you have you pay for x-box live, i am also aware of the problems that sony are having at the moment with hackers but i am asuming that it will be sorted in the very near future.

    So i was wondering if any of you guys have either ps3 or x-box 360 and would like to share your views, either good or bad.

    Thanks for your time.

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