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The Peeps

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Posts posted by The Peeps

  1. I think it will come out in black and white, but possible silver and red too. I'm getting a Revo at launch but I can't decide which one I like more, the black, the grey or the white one... Well, if black and white are the only launch colours then that'll help me :P at the moment I'm thinking black... Or silver... Maybe white... ::shrug:

  2. In the interview with Reggie, he says that TP doesn't have Revolution control capabilities...


    'SpikeTV: So what will there be, will there be an add-on. Will we have a sword fight on Revolution or anything?


    Reggie: You know, it's a great idea. We should talk to Miyamoto about it but, you know, right now the focus is really getting it out on GameCube.'


    Hopefully he's just teasing us?

  3. The article on the front page has been updated to include part of the interview with Reggie and in it, he basically says that TP has no Revo control capabilities. If that is true then why the hell has it been pushed back a year? Surely if they think they need that long on the game that they would have known sooner and wouldn't have said it would be out last year! What could they possibly be adding?

  4. One good thing about this is that my birthday is in September, so hopefully I'll get enough cash together to get a Revolution and a few games at launch and maybe TP on my birthday if it's released by the 27th but if not I'll just have to spend a bit more :P


    Good news that the Revolution is definately 2006 but we kind of new that anyway even if they weren't sure. Iwata said he'd like the console out before thanksgiving didn't he? That's in November if I remember correctly.

  5. 4ny0n3 wh0 t41k5 l1k3 D15 C05 1t'5 1337!!!1!!!11!!!!

    Just type like a normal person you moron!!! argh :mad:


    Also people who I talk to on msn are starting to put Z0r at the end of everything. It starts off from online gaming (haxz0r, pwnz0r etc) and now people are using it when they're just talkingz0r. Makes my skin crawl.

  6. Although the Gamecube was the first to go online, Nintendo held back from it because they wanted to have all the bugs taken care of first and stuff. Also they wanted to give everyone the best deal and it's definately gone that way as we now have free online play for DS and Revolution through the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.

  7. Iwata is even said… "We invented the current way a console is played - in front of a television and holding a controller - but maybe that image will change." Miyamoto is talking about a device(revolution) that doesn’t need a TV to function. Of course we know that the REV can use a TV and a Monitor, but the REV will also play without a TV.


    Yes, Miyamoto and Iwata have both said that they would like to change the way consoles are played, that they would like to play without having a TV. But I don't think anyone, anywhere has said that the Rev will play without a TV have they? He seems to have just made that up and passed it off as fact without giving evidence of where he got the confirmation from.


    It would of course be fantastic if this turned out to be true but I don't think it is. Maybe for the console after the Rev or the one after that, but right now it's too soon for something like this.

  8. Yeah, I'd prefer to have the choice between standing the Revo up and having it flat.. I'd rather have it flat down even though standing it would take up less room, but if it turns out that the stand is needed then it could be worse really.


    edit - replying to the post below here rather than posting yet again :P I'm quite bored so I'm just on here 24hrs a day hehe:


    The Revo we've seen so far isn't the final version as Nintendo have said, so they could very easily change it so the stand can be a power supply. Though, the more I think about it, the less likely I think it will be.

  9. You know, this makes the Revolution unique from the other 2 consoles. It also means people technically don't need a PC to access the "actual" internet.


    Good move Nintendo.



    Also, there's an infinite amount of internet games that use the mouse and we'd be able to use the Revo controller for those too :D

  10. Link dying would be very different and original and it would be a great twist. It could happen, but it doesn't have to. In the wind waker they said the hero didn't return, that doesn't mean he died - he might have just travelled to a very far away land and lived a quiet and peaceful life or something.


    I'd still like to see Link defeating Ganon or a great evil by sacrificing his own life though.
