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The Peeps

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Posts posted by The Peeps

  1. I think this may be why the Cube has had some loss of interest... With the NES and the SNES, gaming was still relatively new and fresh, with the N64 we got to play in new 3D worlds but with the Cube, all we really had was an update in graphics. Now with the Revolution, Nintendo is bringing back that new, fresh and original feeling into gaming.



    And we still don't exactly know what the games are going to look like on Revo, Nintendo have said that we wont notice the difference.

  2. Scrubs is great :p I've been re-watching series one and two recently.


    I think Nintendo should bring out TP fairly soon for GC but have it capable for revolution control. The game is being seen as the gamecube's last stand, we've already seen how beautiful it is and Nintendo have said that it'll be bigger than OoT. I'd be perfectly happy getting the game next month or the month after and then being able to play it again when the Rev comes out but in a completely new way.

  3. It has to be the N64, no contest (though the Revolution looks set to change that).


    Definately the N64, because of the endless hours of multiplayer mayhem I enjoyed with my brother mainly but also with my dad and uncle. We'd go to my uncle's house every weekend and play Goldeneye, MarioKart and Mario Tennis. It was so much fun, my uncle has now developed an involuntary Italian outburst any time he's losing at something. He was always Mario when playing MarioKart and one time he got hit by a shell and just came out with an Italian accent (can't remember what he said exactly) and it carried on from there, very funny.


    I also spent lots of time with my brother on the N64, we played Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, F-zero X, MarioKart, Mario Tennis, Conker, Lylat Wars, Smash Bros and loads more... Too many to name really. It really was a fantastic machine. Oh yeah, can't forget Legend of Zelda: OoT :D


    With the Cube I didn't really get the same experience, the games were good but I just didn't get any that I could play with my family, MarioKart: Double Dash was disappointing... We do play a few games though, monkey ball, mario tennis and mario party but that's about it.


    I really hope that when the Revolution comes, the multiplayer experience I felt with the N64 will come with it. I think it will.



    Forgot to mention the snes :p that was good too, playing mariokart and super mario world (still the greatest game ever made in my opinion).

  4. I have a friend like that, she wouldn't play on her boyfriend's xbox but she'd play on my N64, personally I think the controller for the N64 would look more complicated than the xbox one but she was comfortable with it straight away.

    She also keeps hogging my DS :shakehead

  5. Yeah I agree with you Hellfire (mainly because I need to believe it lol, but it is plausable), it could be released fairly soon and still be considered as a launch game for Revo as, if it had revo controller capabilities, it would be one of the first games people would play on the Revo, some people (rich people :p) would even buy the Rev, a few launch games and TP.


    Whatever happens, I hope TP is Revo capable... That'd be so great.
