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The Peeps

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Posts posted by The Peeps

  1. Lylat Wars


    The music is great :D


    And MarioKart 64 :bowdown:


    One thing always kept me puzzled in the ending of Majora's Mask, in the end sequence you see the Deku Princess's butler crying next to the weird-looking tree that's found at the start of the game...

  2. If only there was a way to fire CDs out of Wii like the Turtle's Pizza Throwing tank from my childhood.


    I hope they do that too, they made it do that with the gameboy player for GC. I used to try and see how far I could fling the cartridges :D

  3. They say 'unlike sony, Nintendo haven't announced the price or release date' as if it's going to cost more and come out later.


    It's also said in the video that Sony also have a motion sensitive controller as if it's on the same level as the Wii. It's not even motion sensitive, it's tilt sensitive and that's very different.


    Also noticed they said Matt Casamassina is a Games Developer :S

  4. Did it download this slow for everyone else, or is it just my bad luck?

    Going at 9.4kB/sec - nope just dropped to 8.7 :wtf:

    gonna take 40 mins


    Edit: I tried the other link and it's going at a normal speed now :p


    Edit 2: First impressions - not good really, I can't be bothered to get into why I don't like this but I'll be switching back in the morning...

  5. I was talking to one of my friends and he said he was going to get a PS3, I asked what games he'd get with it and he didn't know. I asked what he thought about the controller and he said 'what about it?' - didn't know about the tilt sensors. I asked him why he was willing to pay so much for one, he didn't know that either.


    Doesn't really prove anything though, you can get people just as mindlessly buying Nintendo products...
