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About Largo

  • Birthday 04/30/1985


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  1. Sup people ^_^;;
  2. lolz at Christmas! +1 to you all!
  3. Maybe Maybe not. This place went tits up fomr days of Old. I miss it. I still see Jordan gets whored like usual. I demand more Ada in RE she is Hot ^_^ Imba powers FTW! Also CLaire shouldnt die she's an Icon for us all. Without her we wouldnt have people like porky the pig and Humpty Dumpty!
  4. LIKE ZOMG! Shorty is teh LESS THAN THREE! FL is hot with a non capitail haytch!
  5. We have snow on the mother fucking plane!
  6. Ati Radeon version from ebay, a power seller is selling 6 for £300 including p&p. Ebay Card here
  7. ATI Radeon X850XT Platinum Edition. AKA The sexiest graphics card alive!
  8. I'm getting mine for £300
  9. Where i say? Its a lie!
  10. I got it right once and i think that was luck :P
  11. I used to play Ragnarok Online loads! ^_^ On 56k it was fine. Assassins = Sexy
  12. Everyone wants to be Dom. I wouldn't mind being 'in' Dom. ^_^;;
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