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Posts posted by Aneres11

  1. I am the same Dan - poured hours into this game already (65) and played it non stop today for about 4.


    And that's with a shiny new 3DS sat there with Pilot Wings and SSF! Lol.


    The 3DS can take a back seat until i'm done with Pokemon though.

    I wasn't going to get as far as I did then stop coz of new shiny console-ness.


    These are brilliant, brilliant games and I have thoroughly enjoyed playing through it.

    Can't wait to move onto black once i'm done with White too.

    But before that I need to finish up my main story and sort out breeding.


  2. Errr....don't know to tell you this but I went back to catch Vicitini and had forgot to put Petilil in my squad..and used just two great balls whilst fighthing him (didn't realise until I was in the fight) and caught him :shakehead


    Absolute mother bitches.

    Lol - dont worry about it.

    You can't catch Petilil on Black anyway so just take it as an extra to your Pokedex!

    Glad you finally caught Victini ! :yay:


    Is it that they will never learn the moves or do slowly? When I used Leaf Stone on Pansage it just said he would learn them a lot slower than unevolved.


    Some Pokemon when evolved with a stone will not learn any moves as their evolved form.

    For instance when you evolve Pikachu into Raichu.


    As far as I was aware the likes of Pansage -> Simisage continue this and do not learn moves by levelling up once evolved with a stone. They will learn TM's and HM's as normal.


    Think this is right, someone tell me if not though :awesome:

  3. Yeah there is that. As is the case with most Pokemon that evolve from stones.


    I like that TM's are re-useable now though as that kinda takes the annoyance away from levelling up a weaker first evo Pokemon as you can teach them whatever you like! Aside from the moves they learn much later of course.

  4. hmmm we seemed to get it sorted anyhow right? I got your pokemon anyways!


    Yup all done.


    Enjoy. Hope Petilil will do the trick for you. Don't forget to evolve it if you have a sun stone!


    Let me know if you manage to catch Victini!

  5. ooooh yes please! Although I'm yet to work out how to get online. What's your friend code?


    Friend code is

    2322 5830 1907


    Will probably come up as Mark.


    I have a Petilil that I have just quickly trained to level 26 - knows the following moves now:


    Stun spore (will paralyze)

    Sleep powder (puts em to sleep)

    Giga Drain

    Leech Seed


    Also if you have a sun stone once i transfer it you can use it and it will evolve into Lilligant.

    If you want me to evolve it for you I can do so its a bit stronger etc.


    However it may be an idea for you to keep the petilil and evolve it yourself for Pokedex purposes as Petilil is white only.


    Will be free pretty much anytime today so let me know when is best.


  6. Did you manage to inflict any poison or paralysis on it?


    Try either paralyzing it or putting it to sleep.

    Makes it loads easier to catch if it has a status problem.

    You may already know that but for the legendaries I always have to put em to sleep or paralyze to help make catching them easier!

    Good luck.

  7. So there I was waiting for my 3DS at the midnight launch.. Some bint won the 3DS from the raffle, but the tills had finally opened! I was 6th in line, shit was going good and then there was an unforeseen delay...


    The big girl got her 3DS at the counter all paid for but the boyfriend had plans. I can only imagine what went through his mind "Oh the location is perfect, the environment is romantic and there's no way she can refuse with all these people around!"




    I was choking in laughter. I nearly missed the shot on my phone. Some people had serious got engaged at the 3DS launch, delaying my purchase as the staff are too busy trying to give them genuine congratulations whilst holding back their laughter.


    I lost some thing last night, faith in humanity.

    But I gained a 3DS. Fair trade.


    Unbelievable scenes.

  8. The light in my room is too weak for AR. Luckily, I can use my phone as an AR card which doesn't need the light.


    As for the 3D, I've already gotten that used to it that I can glance away from the 3DS and it instantly comes back into focus when I continue looking at the screen.


    Yeah I found that too!

  9. Questions,


    1: how much of a charge is in the console out of the box?

    2: How long does it take to charge?

    3: Is it ok if on it's first charge I'm playing at the same time :heh:


    1. I had about half battery life when I first turned mine on.

    2. I plugged mine in to charge around 12, went for a hair cut (as you do) came back at half three ish and the light was out so it had fully charged.

    3. Yup certainly is ok. I am doing it now! :bouncy:

  10. The 3d video is pretty cool.


    I have just been playing street fighter.

    The depth in that game from the 3d is crazy good.


    Its so impressive. Want to pick up another title to go with that and Pilot Wings tomorrow.


    Torn over Rayman, Ridge Racer and Monkey Ball.

    Hhmm. If anyone has these and has thoughts on them it'd be appreciated!

  11. I have just had it on - and done the system set up - time date etc.


    This was my first experience with the 3ds - I had previously not seen one in action.

    All I can say about the 3d is oh my god.


    Incredible. The main menu was just amazing in 3d.

    Need to sort a mii out once i've done something with my hair coz bed headed mii is not the way forward... :hmm: lol.


    I hope everyone else who pre-ordered gets there's today.

    And yeah my mum hiding it was kinda funny. Not at the time though.

    Sorted that out with a quick backhand. Wont happen again. :grin: Joke lol.

  12. Shopto have sent mine so I might get in tomorow.


    Sent mine too! : peace:


    When you track your order does it give you any details?

    Mine takes me to the tracking website (TNT) but it says 'Please Call' under the status box.


    Hhhmm. Wonder if these guys are holding it until release too.

    I'm off work tomorrow and friday though so anytime is good with me! So long as if its gonna be friday its early friday!!

  13. I had that problem, it worked fine when I put the shiny cats and Celebi in PC boxes.


    Bless you.

    It worked!



    Thanks a lot.



    A) So you can train em' from the beginning etc

    B) So you can get whichever personality whatever etc you want etc

    C) Getting moves that you can't TM onto them or that they don't learn normally.


    I have just read up on breeding.

    Very confusing. Something else to try and get my head around once i'm done with the second play through!

  14. Breeding?


    This is the one thing I have never done with Pokemon.

    And all i will say is - what the hell?


    How and why people.


    Can someone help me with this stupid relocator thing.


    I am trying to transfer my shiny dogs and Celebi so I can get me Zoroark but everytime I try to do it the relocator is saying that nothing was found to be transferred.

    This is lies.


    I have loaded up my copy of White in my DSi.


    Then I have inserted my Soul Silver cartridge into another DSi and kept Celebi, Raikou, Enitei and Suicine in my party.

    The DSi with Soul Silver in I have clicked download play and selected the relocator.


    The DSi with White in I have gone to the main screen and clicked 'Relocator'.


    It searches, then says nothing can be found.

    Am I doing something wrong?

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