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Status Updates posted by flameboy

  1. I don't have a handheld to play it on really...unless you have any cheap suggestions?

  2. already own one! A fully updated firmware'd 3000

  3. I'm having trouble getting me editing done...bloody movie maker keeps crashing piece of shit.

  4. Got a DSi lol! I'll just play it on PC at some point...got a ton of other stuff to play...

  5. It's live over on blip.tv

  6. errrrr.....Hello Ollie.

  7. Alright mate! wondered if you had got round to filming anything for LGS? I'm on with a few things been kinda hard last week or so since back at work but working on the intro and a megadrive feature to...

  8. ok awesome cheers mate!

  9. yes I did cheers! hard at work putting stuff together...still undecided on my main feature, modern review or retro stuff...
