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About wildo

  • Birthday 08/25/1982

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  • Location
    Cardiff, Wales
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Maintenance Technician


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    dremacast (once), Xbox 360, PS2
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  1. Just to point out, I'm not silenced but once again no info from me either, sorry chaps. As for the whole voting debacle, I really don't see anything other than people being paranoid. We should act upon solid info (or at least some form of accurate info) so my vote is: Vote: No Lynch
  2. Thats one of the possibilities I'm looking at I just want to be sure as we are now loosing good people at a fast rate.
  3. Ok I'm confused, there is so much blaming going on right now I just don't know where to go with my vote. I feel slightly suspicious of doughnut and would be looking at voting his way if cube hadn't already cleared him to be good. It's just i find it odd that somebody would be looking at getting rid of potentially our last investigator. Still he is good so who else, perhaps chairdriver but he has been right with some of his claims. I see people are voting in the way of getting rid of the quiet people and feel that perhaps that is the way to go. What have they been doing? Are they simply not bothering or are they staying quiet so not to arouse suspicion. I'm going to keep looking into this one before I decide to vote.... it's investigating time (i.e read a lot of this thread)
  4. Ok dude this is a fantasic idea, I can see this working but it will need a lot of effort and time to be pored into this. I have me quite a few links within the world of gaming (kinda have to if your the PR guy) which will help this cuase out. I shall add you msn and talk over a few things with ya.
  5. Well this one is going to be a quick day due to a lack of info. VOTE: Volcom
  6. Man I don't know what to do, I don't just want to be a sheep and follow everybody else but I also want to see this day progress. If no other info presents itself then I can see it being sheep time. Anybody??
  7. Hang on a sec I have been posting, not a huge amount I admit but surely enough.
  8. This is getting daft now, the few people with powers are not using them. C'mon, we've done well so far but lets not let things slip. As for voting, well I have no idea who to go for at all. This is proving a difficult one so I shall leave my options I can see anything worthwhile. Did anybody get any info at all?
  9. Wow this one hell of a long day.
  10. In the interest of fareness I feel it would be better to vote no lynch. We have zero evidence and by voting for people we could simply be eradicating one of our cops and doctors (even if they do forget to protect and investigate, grrr) Vote: No Lynch
  11. Put me down for this one too guys.
  12. Ah lets just get this thing done Vote: Haggis. Why waste a day.
  13. Apart from Cube saying Haggis is a bad guy, do we have anything else to go by?
  14. Ok looks like I'm getting in before the 9pm deadline VOTE: THUNDERER. Reason being that I feel it best we have active posters around although I am suspicious of Masse I still can't decide on him. It would be harsh to loose an important person early on.
  15. Sorry guys no info here either. Surely somebody knows something?
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