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Posts posted by scubahood

  1. Just because some blog says that those are the six doesn't mean its true but I think you are right none the less as all six are meant to of been revealed now obv Jin is more likely to be one of the six than Ben as he is the only alternative

  2. Shit is about to kick off this week i have a feeling tonights ep is gonna be good. The last of the Oceanic 6 is revealed so far we know Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid and i'm assuming Ben is one at the minute from the advert i saw last night making it sound as if there is only one to reveal.

  3. Just had a little 20 min session on Meelee completely forgot how good that game was! Really excited about brawl now


    My bad, I obviously didn't quite read your original post properly, it must have been the red mist induced anger/disappointment.




    Fair enough, but unless I am missing something here how would that explain being able to successfully output NTSC GC games when using an RGB cable on the original freeloader , as I did without problems.


    That was the gamecube the wii obivously outputs in a different way over there. As someone said apparently they use s-video

  4. Well that sucks. How the hell did Datel manage to screw that up , I am sure that a lot of people use RGB , especially if like me, they don't have component inputs.


    So now , as well as using the freeloader disc every time you want to play an NTSC game you have to remember to switch cables (unless you're prepared to put up with a lesser picture quality , sorry but I disagree that the composite scart gives equal quality as when I when used the RGB the improvement was clearly noticeable). Great job Datel :shakehead


    Its not datels fault its just how the game outputs. If its an American game its gonna output in the signals that they use.

  5. I reckon we'll see a handheld version you see. I reckon a couple of years to Gameboy 2 announcement and then a couple of years after release there'll be a watered down portable offering. Ninty would be stupid not to, but they wouldn't be able to pull it off on DS.


    New DS in 10 years no way I give it say 2 maybe 3. They will blatently put motion sensors in the new DS for tilting action like Wario Ware twisted

  6. Ok, no offense, I know I've been a total arse in this thread, and apologies to everyone for that. But I am trying to get actual confirmed information from a credible source(I would consider the majority of you guys here, a credible source) rather than probablys and speculation. There's too much speculation, and I've done some myself, but it's speculation and probablys that lead to big rumours and falsehoods being believed. I just want some info about what the Wiiloader actually really 100% does.


    It is supposed to allow you to play US and Jap Wii and Gamecube games on your PAL Wii I haven't tried mine so cant say if it will actually work

  7. I couldn't give a shit how i spell it! I'm not having some stranger say i'm sad because i can afford to spend £20 on delivery, thank you very much!


    Us around Colchester? I am from around Colchester, i know full well how rude and sarcastic the people are thanks, your not doing too much to fight this case are you?

    Where have you got this impression of Colchester from? Its not because you can afford to spend £20 on delivery that I said it its more the fact you paid it to get the game a couple of days early. I could afford it but i'm not gonna cause I can wait we're getting the game months early anyway so what differance does a couple of days make
