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Posts posted by scubahood

  1. Ah but Claire is Jack's half sister, so that's got to come out at some point and the only way it will is in a chat between the two of them, unless its noted in The Others' files. My view is that its Jin, though it looks like there'll be a raid on Locke's camp, so that seems a little unlikely. Perhaps they'll shock us all and Locke will be cut off.


    It'll probably just be some half-arsed thing though.


    Its 100% not going to be Locke as a future episode is based around Locke cant remember which one. I don't think its going to be Jin either I think they did that at the end of the last episode to throw people off


  2. Just watched the advert for episode 8 basically it says someone will die. In my mind i've got two people I think it can be. I think its either going to be Sawyer or Claire. Claire is probably most likely as she is now a pretty pointless character without Charlie and obv Kate having the baby makes it point to that. But then I did just read a post on here where apparently the writers say a male cast member will die early on. If it is to be a male i'm thinking it will be Sawyer. I think if they were to keep him alive they would of gotten him off of the island. What are other peoples thoughts

  3. I'm looking to get myself a laptop don't want anything to impressive it will be used to browse the net etc. I think the most i'd spend would be £350 i'm looking for like 120gb hdd, 1gb ram, 1.8 ghz processor or something like that and a reasonable battery life. Any recommendations?

  4. Scotland as a whole are very patriotic, it's the media in England which makes all you guys unpatriotic. With the media slagging the PM, the national teams all the time who would want to be patriotic?




    Like booing your team off at half-time when you aren't playing well? Hmm. When England lost to Croatia and therefore didn't qualify for Euro 2008 they were booed. The Scotland team got a standing ovation from the crowd after they lost to Italy and didn't qualify.


    Thats because Scotland are used to not qualifying. In all seriousness I generally find it impossible to feel even remotely patrotic in my opinion this country is going more and more downhill by the day.

  5. First thing you need to do is put freeloader in twice then insert smash it will say it requires an update do that then your wii will restart. You then need to insert the freeloader again as the wii has just restarted then insert smash and you are good to go. From then on whenever you want to play smash you only have to insert the freeloader the once.

  6. Right with the date on Jins grave now known its quite clear that he isn't part of the Oceanic 6. I find it quite hard to believe that the writers would waste a space in the 6 on arron



    Woohoo got the old spoilers working will sort out my others
