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Posts posted by scubahood

  1. I see Weed as like a starting drug which DOES lead to other things. A lot of people I know have been smoking for many years and eventually they end up going for the harder drugs. I myself have never really enjoyed weed but have tried the harder drugs and although really enjoyable mess with your head big time. Don't do any drugs anymore just drink and much better for it.

  2. Man, you can tell this guy is cultured when he can feel music in YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU


    What does this have to do with culture? I'm pretty passionate about my hip-hop enjoy it a lot so like to have a good old debate when I hear people slagging it off. At the end of the day i'd rather listen to stuff that is relevant to my life opposed to all the rubbish a lot of people like to listen to on here about all the problems in their bloody life.

    I like to go out with friends get drunk and have a bloody good time and that is what Soulja Boy and the whole Southern movement represent.

  3. What do you mean 'get the song'.


    The fact he's just talking about wanking over someones back? or...?


    When I say get the song I mean feel it. Certain people don't feel that kind of music. I'm not talking about the lyrics but more the beats and the general flow that many songs out of Atlanta sound like.

  4. As many will probably already know these two are having a boxing match at Wrestlemania in a weeks time I do believe. I'm not really up there with my wrestling these days but i'm assuming this is going to be a real boxing match. Who do you guys think will win. On one side i'm thinking Mayweather wouldn't of agreed unless he was certain he would win but at the same time the WWE are apparently paying him $20 million dollars so either he will be forced to lose or they genuinly think the big show will beat him.

    As Floyd said "you gotta catch me first"

  5. My sister is like my best friend so I feel for you man. Good luck with everything i'm not a religious guy but I have this feeling that people that are important to us are sticking around somewhere watching us. Much love xxx

  6. Just got back from the club love Soulja Boy hate that everyone likes it. I swear the only people that get the song are me and the 3 or 4 black people in the club. I suppose its a start for the Atalanta hip-hop scene hopefully more will take note of Soulja Boys success and start releasing singles and albums here

  7. Well my predictions were well off. What a naff episode thank god they are continueing it to 13


    Update: Just watched the new Lost trailer looks like a collection of the next 5 episodes looks amazing. It also seems to confirm that Aaron is part of the Oceanic 6. A bloody waste of a spot if you ask me.

    Clarie i'm convinced she is gonna die


  8. I'm glad Soulja Boy has had success over here. Its a shame that the much better Southern Rap artists don't give it a go over here. I'm bored of the rubbish they play over here in the clubs.



    He doesn't say youuuuuuuuuuu. He says YUA you say it when you're excited or something cool happens. I really like Soulja Boy been listening to him since last summer. I really hate it that everyone likes it now though and sadly radio 1 did what they do to everything some and completely whore it.

    Saw him at the start of the month live he was pretty good.

    Hate him or love him the guys only 17 and has already made more money than most of us will see in our life time so well played to him
