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Posts posted by scubahood

  1. Perhaps someone can help me i've been using bitcomet to download torrents but for some reason every now and then my router pretty much shuts everything down so no signal is sent to my computer and the computer its connected to doesn't get internet. I then have to restart the router and then it works again but after a while it does the same so I have to repeat the process. Anyone know why it may be doing this?

  2. Where i'm from about five years ago there was a "townie vs grungers" type thing. To me the townies were still "chavs" they just didn't have that name yet they were the type of people that used to go "fucking grunger".


    Now I do a similar thing though although I think it in stead of say it , theres an area in my town that whenever you go there day or night there are always loads of "rockers, emo's, grungers, goths" or whatever you care to call them arseing about and being loud drawing attention to themselves and trying to claim that everything they do "is so random" whilst thinking they are completly uniqe when in fact they are part of another trend. Anyway when me and my mate are passing through the area we always look at each other and you do think fucking idiots.

  3. no, it isn't. Some chavs just recently spat on a friend of mine's head, on a bus. Being a chav is talking a loadof crap like 'blad'. You don't choose the colour of your skin, you do choose whether or not to become a chav.


    Its not about choice its about people judging people on something as silly as how they look. I'm sorry that your mate got spat on but that doesn't make it ok to brand everyone in sports clothes a chav.

    Its clear that some of you are into this whole group thing a bit to much its all a bit sad really but I spose in the end it is you guys that will suffer with a much smaller friend base than someone that is open minded and doesn't judge people on how they look.

  4. The sooner people realise that these classes are stupid the better. When I 15I was into the whole "grunger" thing. Was into that before it became big then grew out of it when I was like 17 looking back now we acted like and looked like *****. Give it a few years and then those of you that are still young or into looking how your music says you must look will see my point

  5. Thats rubbish theres nothing wrong with wearing a pair of tracksuit bottoms whilst doing everyday things they're affordable and very comfy although saying that I haven't worn a pair in about 7 years.

    You seem to really have it in for "chavs" did one beat you at some point in your life and maybe that is why you are bitter?

  6. I don't really hear the word goth used much these days but the emo one I do. Saying that the people that get called emo seem to go out of their way to look like that and I find actually want to be classed as an emo.

    These days at the grand old age of 21 I find myself a bit to old to get into this whole classing yourself as something game.

  7. This ones been brewing in my mind for a while and I think its finally time to let it out. For a while now whenever someone uses the word chav it really makes me cringe because sadly its one of those words that is just far to overused and has now lost all meaning.


    The word was great about three years ago when nobody used it and usually the people that were called chavs were actually chavs but now people seem to call anyone that isn't a rocker or anyone that wears sports clothes a chav.

    A fine example is when hanging around with my friends that went to Sixth Form i'll be walking through town with them and there will be some kid in sports clothes minding his own business and my mate still feels the need to point out to me that he is a "chav".


    As far as i'm concerned calling someone a chav is as narrowminded as racism. Its pretty much the same thing instead of judging someone by the colour of their skin you're judging them on something they choose to wear.

  8. No. A jew is both a religion and a race. They are different things. You can be Jewish (you were born in Israel) but not be religious. And you can be Jewish in the religious sense and not be born in Israel. They're seperate things with the same name.

    The reason the name is the same is because that's where the Jewish religion came from and for a long time it was assumed that if you lived there, you blieved in Jeudaism. But they are DIFFERENT THINGS.


    You sure about that? The way I look at it if you are born in Israel then you are an Israeli(sp?). Just because you are born in Israel doesn't make you a Jew. The Jewish religion was about long before Israel was made a Jewish state. Therefore the above point can't be right

  9. The reason I ask this is mainly due to what I read on the front of the Daily Star today. Their headline and I quote them "Those Crazy Frogs" in regards to the French accusing United fans of causing some trouble at a football game or something. This coming from a paper that joined in with the whole branding Jade Goody a racist for calling Shilpa "Shilpa Popadom".


    I myself never thought Jade Goody was being racist it was just light hearted words as is calling the French frogs but you can't brand one racist then start using similar terms yourself. What are the views of others on this?

  10. Graphics really don't matter. Nintendo have proven that with the Wii. What do matter though are games and this is where I am concerned there just doesn't seem to be a lot coming out. The last game I got was Wario Ware and the next game i'm after is Trauma Center but after that I don't know of anything I want thats coming out anytime soon. We were told there would be plenty of games unlike with previous consoles but I think we were lied to.
