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Captain Falcon

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Posts posted by Captain Falcon

  1. Admittedly they do feel a tad over priced so far, the packs are a bit cheaper and the first set was discounted. I believe the Japanese DLC only cost 100yen (65p) individually.


    That's the thing that bothers me. Our cheapest packs are £5.39 whereas the same in the US is only $6.00 which is ca bit of a urine take. Seems the Yen prices vary from 250 to 400 depending on the item but again, that can work out very favourably for them.



    Since they redesigned all the characters, I thought they were going to get custom models too but given most of the old characters have standard class types, they just get their head on standard body don't they? Marth gets a custom model as the Lodestar class but he's the only one, I think.


    Had they got totally unique models and animations, I think it could have helped swing a purcahse for certain units but it's just another knock on something that could have been a bit more special.

  2. I have a horrible feeling Nintendo will f-up and keep every other sound effect the same, EXCEPT that one


    That noise is ALTTP - there are few games that can be summed up quite so succinctly with a sound clip as that. If they drop that noise then someone needs slapping with a Titan's Mitt at which point the puzzle solved jingle will play.

  3. Anna time!


    Bonus Team: Path of Radiance

    Bonus Map: Dead King's Lament

    Bonus Challengers: Stahl's Horsemen & Vaike's Victory


    Champions of Yore II (DLC) is also available.


    And the EXPonential Growth DLC map too.


    I just noticed I now have the rest of Sacred Stones teams too. Up until today, I only had one but now I have all ten, plus one team from PoR - Titania.

  4. Thanks for reminding me. The 3DS had perhaps the worst D-Pad I've ever used. Not only was it inaccurate at times but it was squeaky. Almost every movement had this uncomfortable squeaky noise coming from it. The shoulder buttons were fine on my 3DS but it fell down once and the L button lost most of it's click, turned spongy and started squeaking too.


    I find the D-Pad on the XL to be better than the original 3DS D-Pad some people may say that it's still not the best but at least they've improved it. Physically though I think it's still the same size as the 3DS's D-Pad and it no longer has that smooth/painted/plastic feel to it either.


    The Shoulder buttons were a huge improvement in my opinion. The buttons are now shorter but wider than its predecessor, they also cover a larger area and bend with the curve of the console. It's very responsive whether you press it from the edge or the centre of the button. This time around they're also less clicky.


    Yeah, the D-pad is squeaky/creaky and again, too clicky for my tastes. I prefer somthing smoother I can roll my thumb across without needing to apply extra pressure.


    The shoulders look a bit nicer thanks to their bigger size. It's the "layer cake" design that forces them to be so tiny on the original which I don't like and as you've probably guessed, I don't like their clicky nature. The DSL ones were in another league compared to these things, as was the D-Pad which still could have used a bit of work.


    I prefer the visual appearance of the regular 3DS over the XL but when it comes to actually playing the thing, I can't help but think I might find it more enjoyable, even if I do have to make a sacrifice with the screen.


    Definitely something I'll be giving some thought too.

  5. 2. Strider?

    6. Body Blows?


    Yes it is Strider. What you're seening is the 1-up icon during a thunderstorm that results in all the foreground items being colored black. It's a bit sneaky but you got it so it can't have been too difficult.


    6 isn't Body Blows.

  6. Hm, hope the story is about restoring the Dark World or something if it's going to be returning.


    At the end of ALTTP Link wishes for everything to return to how it was all ok and whilst it only showed the changes in the Light World, the Dark World should too have been restored back to the Golden Land/Sacred Realm. But in the games that follow the original, the Triforce now actually rests in Hyrule and not there so maybe it's their removal that causes something to go wrong with the Sacred Realm and eventually it collapses in on itself trying to take the Light world with it and your job is to actually seperate the two worlds.


    Now they've told us it's going to appear, the smart thing to do would be to not show it at all. They can keep reminding us it's there but only tease it with the prospect of its contents instead of actually showing us it.


    I want the trailers to end with Link stepping into the warp area and then have them fade out as this


    Broadcast Yourself


    plays. Just don't show us the world - leave us that pleasure until it's in our hands.

  7. Is the D-Pad any better on the XL version? I don't really like it on the standard model and am finding it difficult to use.


    I like the small size of the 3DS, not much bigger than a DSL, and I certainly have no need for bigger screens as I find the pixels quite big already (and the idea of having them bigger could annoy me) but the prospect of a better D-pad, nicer face buttons, and bigger none clicky shoulder buttons seems more appealing by the day. Then again, I hear that using the D-Pad and the Left shoulder button can be a stretch for smaller hands, such as mine.


    I've been playing Super Mario Bros and Zelda on the VC recently and I was just finding the entire experience really uncomfortable to the point of it being off putting as my hands ached. The Start button made Zelda a particular chore.


    Even the GC pad had a more comfortable D-pad than the 3DS and that's saying something.

  8. They should have tried and kept this as a surprise.... Damn modern age having to know everything!


    Seems more like 'drawing Link' would have been inspired by the Wind Waker intro, or that game in general. I don't believe them. :p


    Whilst true, and if they hadn't have said they could have kept it secret, however, that was the first question that sprung into my head unpon this game's announcement and its appearance even if kept secret until I played it wouldn't have come as a surprise at all. If anything, it not being there would be the bigger surprise... and by surprise, I mean disappointment.

  9. Chances are these Basic and Premium supermarket price drops are gonna keep happening for a while anyway.


    This is the thing I'm not entirely convinced of. I agree with liger05 that they are just dumping stock right now which they may choose not to take on once they've depleted their current numbers. At those prices, they aren't making anything on the sale of the machine.


    You could make the argument that it could be worth them holding onto the stock until Q4 in the hope that a string of game releases will reignite interest in the machine and allow them to sell at a higher price but for them, that's a long way off and a chance they aren't willing to take.


    You'll see them dotted around other supermarkets but I think once any store sells out, you won't see them selling this cheap again. They will likely retain a very small stock and only sell them at the normal price - just so they can say they have them and that they appear on google product searches.



    I'm still surprised that Amazon.com don't sell Wii Us directly. Did anyone ever find out why?


    Be on the look out for a Mario Kart or Super Mario bundle come year end but it will likely only be replacing NintendoLand in the Premium SKU. Maybe Nintendo will get wise and give a DL code for NL too but I wouldn't count on it.

  10. Can some units only change into a few other classes? I noticed my guy could change into anything wheras some units could only change to like two different classes.


    Your Avatar is special in that they can change into almost any class available to their gender. Most other units have 2 side class branches they can change into.


    Once an unpromoted unit reaches level 10, they can class change into one of the other two types (unpromoted) and it resets their level back to one and adjusts their base stats accordingly for the class they are now in. This may increase or lower your stats and you also need to watch out for stat limits as defined by each class type.


    If a promoted unit class changes before they reach level 10, they will only have the option to change to an unpromoted class type, and this is where you will likely see the ipact of stats caps, but if they wait until they are level 10 promoted, then they can class change into another promoted type without the need to waste time in the unpromoted class.


    I hope that's clear.

  11. Ladies and gentlemen, the next round is live!


    Broadcast Yourself





    1. Rival Schools - Ville +1

    2. Strider - Dog-amoto +1

    3. Dead Rising 2 - Ville +1

    4. Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters - Dog-amoto +1

    5. Street Fighter 2010 - Ville +1

    6. X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse - Cube +1

    7. Viewtiful Joe - / nando / +1

    8. Goof Troop - MoogleViper +1





    Normal rules apply... start your guessing!

  12. I haven't played the sequel, but I didn't really like the first Trine much at all. I say skip it.


    But if you felt the first was so bad as to skip the second, wouldn't you be advising him to reconsider the purchase of this game as well?


    To be honest, I don't think there is that much in them that you could love one and hate the other but the sequels over ambitious nature is sometimes to it's detriment.

  13. Mega Man 2 & 3 are great, and MM1 is still good. MM4-6 are ok, it's just that the formula is getting a bit stale after the first 3 games.


    9 is also worth mentioning in the same breath as 2 and 3. It's just as tight in terms of level design but scales back the NEED for Rush and makes him more an assistance than necessary which can be an issue at times in 2 and 3 when you run out of Item/Rush usage - the return trip to Needle Man's stage in MM3 is awful for this as can be Wily Stage 3 in MM2.


    You can see in 9, and more so 10, how they've taken level design ideas out of games 4-6 and just reapplied them with a slight twist for a better end result than their original incarnation. It was probably easier to take them from the lesser known games than to go straight for 2 and 3.


    There is a Mega Man Thread over in the general section for this kinda talk though.



    Also MMX is the dogs dangly bits and anyone who says otherwise needs a slap :p

  14. Should I play Trine before playing Trine 2? If so, why?


    Trine 2 looks so tempting on the eShop! Half price! Just NOK 59...


    Do you have a PC capable of playing these games? Steam often have all 3 parts in the sale for pretty cheap and it's normally less than this even now it's discounted here too. THen again, I'm not sure how Steam prices work out when converted but the GBP price is cheaper.


    The first Trine is pretty good and worth playing but the sequel and expansion are bigger and more clever but not always to their advantage. The levels are shoter in the first game and it's no where near as visually stimulating despite still be incredibly pretty by any other measurement. I also felt it had the stronger soundtrack but the Goblin Menace is pretty good on that front. I thought this level shows of both its still beautiful graphics and incredible music.



    Some areas and some dialogue relate to the first game but nothing that get upset over missing out on.


    On thing it does handle better is the item progression model. In this game, you unlock skill points as you gain Experience and you can re-assign those skill points whenever you want. Consequently, because the solution to a puzzle isn't always easy to grasp because the game has no idea what skills you actually have. In the first game, you unlock basic skills as you progress and then can upgrade those whereas here, both basic and upgrades are linked to the same skill point pool. So you might find yourself "fudging" solutions in a way that ultimately doesn't prove as satisfying as in the first game where there is typically one clear way with each character on how to get by. Each level can still be got by by one character alone but it's just not always clear how and the solution may force you to completely swap your skills around until you have enough points to have most active at once across all members.

  15. That explains a lot. Couldn't understand why I got more than usual.


    I'm using some of the kids, five of them I think. I found them to level quite fast and they aren't too weak for the maps unless you send them on suicide runs they should hold up quite fine.


    I have four of them at the moment but am only using the obvious one. I guess I was perhaps a little quick to label them underlevelled. I guess as individuals they aren't so bad but if they made up your team, I suspect I'd be struggling. I guess they have the benefit of having more skills early on though.


    Pair Donnel with Nowi to get Nah. When I got Nah her stats were nearly as high as a nearly L30 Manakete Nowi and she also has aptitude. The kids are the best characters in the game. :p


    I hadn't paired him up with anyone yet, and hadn't used Nowi at all but I've got them supporting each other now so I'll see what comes of it.


    Thanks, definitely sounds good. Did you get the blade on or after Chapter 13?


    As Gibbs mentions, it's a rare drop and can be found on Event Tiles or as reward from the Villagers in Champions of Yore I. I managed to acquire 2 of them but he's almost out of use of the first.


    One thing I'm not entirely convinced about is whether it works on Enemy turns or not. It could just be luck that that is never when it drops but I'm not sure or that I just didn't notice/remember.
