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Posts posted by Triple_C

  1. Yeh Jade Empire has got some very good reviews under it's belt so I'll most definitely look into it and probably Dreamfall as well. Just need a new HDD that's all and to remember the password and email address connected to my Live account so I can access my stuff on the new HDD.


    You could probably get it cheaper in CEX, I got it for £3 a while back, it's such a great game.

  2. List of celebrities that have replied to me on Twitter.


    Simon Rimmer

    Jonathon Ross.



    God the internets awesome.


    Your not the only one to have a brush with fame, my question was answered on Phil and Phill's Perfect Ten. Of course, they pronounced my name wrong, but celebritites are allowed to do crazy shit.


    Also, I have a serious podcast addiction. As of today, according to iTunes I have 590 items, 12 days and 13.9GBs of podcasts. A considerable amount of those were downloaded in the past month.

  3. Just completed Beautiful Katamari, well chuffed with the purchase, cost me a tenner, and completed over the course of two days. Probably could have done it in one day, but I played at a nice pace. Good quirky fun, bit challenging at times, but not frustrating.


    [by completed I mean story, not 100% items etc]


    I'm playing through it at the moment. i also got it for a tenner, I love it!


    It's so dang awesome and fun.

  4. Still nothin major here. Apparently its bad in Belfast but not settling here :(


    It is pretty bad.


    I made 2 and a half snowmen yesterday, but today all the snow has turned to ice :(

  5. Blue Dragon - £7.99 in GAME



    Far Cry 2 Collector's Edition - £25, also in GAME.


    Except more wooden and collectory...


    Beautiful Katamari - £10 on play.com.



    The World Ends With You - £7.99 from iTunes, I feel dirty now... but it's the only place I could find it...


    Couldn't find a picture of it, but a penguin should suffice.


    The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins


  6. As much as I hate Microsoft, how would they download an alternate browser if they don't have one to begin with. A better solution would be just to have all the major browsers bundled with every OS.


    Wouldn't that deprive smaller, less well known browsers of market share?


    I'd be happy to let Microsoft bundle IE with Windows, so long as they make it clear there is an alternative.

  7. For me, all my gaming has been done on the 360 and the DS, mainly because those are the only current gen consoles I have.


    I've only bought a couple of excellent games this year that were released this year. Fable 2, The World Ends With You, Elite Beat Agents and Professor Layton being my four favourite games this year.


    Mind you, I still play Halo 3 online more than any other game, simply for the fact that it is so customisable and so many people own it.

  8. Oh and how do you kick a chicken? I need to figure out for the achievement. You turn safety off but then what?


    No need to turn the safety off, just walk up to one and press 'A'.

  9. Finished it for the second time. I figured I would play super nicely the first time round, then be super evil the second, but on my third and final play through I'll do whatever the hell I want and choose the middle option at the end.


    Childhood gets a bit tedious the third time round, unfortunately.

  10. So is it the revolution it was made out to be?


    Not really. Just a few new handy features. Installing games on you hard drive does make a noticeable difference and being able to delete game with zero gamer score from you profile does make it much less cluttered.


    It does look better than the old dashboard, but by no means a revolution.

  11. Anyone know if I can trade in games at either Game or Gamestation, for a full refund - if they're sealed?


    If you bought the game in GAME then, if it's within 28 days of purchase, you can return it for the full price. But otherwise, I doubt it. Why would they? They wouldn't make money if they did that, and after all, they're a business.

  12. I now own all the stalls in Bowerstone Market, and everyone wants to marry me.


    I got bored of having so many wives/husbands (they take too much of my money damnit) so I killed them all except for Howard the Bard.


    I nearly own all of the Gypsy camp, which is pretty cool.

  13. The Gargoyles' voices sound like the voices from Worms, and some of the stuff they say is hilarious.


    I now own two caravans and a pie stall, all giving me a steady sorce of income.


    I did have a husband and a child, but then I got fed up with them taking loads of my money so I killed them, bu now everyone is scared of me and thinks I'm evil, even though my good/evil bar says I'm nearly as good as possible.

  14. All the spells seem to do basically the same thing. Can anyone give me some tips?


    I'm thinking of just powering up inferno and ignoring the rest...


    I personally think Shock/Inferno and Raise Dead are the best. Raise Dead can be very useful if you just want to keep a couple of enemies busy while you target one in particular. I made the mistake of getting shock and inferno, even though they do pretty much the same thing.


    Avoid Vortex, it may sound cool but it's crap.
