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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. Cradle needed for most retro game downloads?

    I'd like an option of retro shells for retro gaming, either official or 3rd party. nes, snes, N64. its not that much. If I purchased 10-15 retro games for the Nes I'd be happy to buy a nes controller, same for snes/N64. I'd prefer it if there was an adapter block that let you attach the original pads straight onto the rev controller though, that would be great. I'd still need to buy snes/N64 controllers though.
  2. Word 2000

    ok, got an interesting problem here, just wondering if any of you have any ideas.. we have a word 2000 document. it has footnotes in it, and they need to be printed. however, they randomly dissapear. as in they are there "move the cursor over the number 1 for example and up comes a text box telling you what will be in footnote 1, scroll down to where footnote 1 should be... no footnotes at all. this was weird, but when text was entered into the document all the footnotes reappeared (this document is several pages big). when this was added we tested by adding more/taking away text, either way the footnotes would dissapear, then some would appear while others had dissappeared We've tried copying and pasting into another document, but that hasn't worked, the fault carried over. if anyone has any ideas it would be appreciated, as it would take several hours to recreate the document from scratch
  3. Word 2000

    its pretty screwed up. it was made in word perfect at some point, then convert to (or from?) another format, and finally to Word. this happened to several documents. they are all screwed up. I have to fix this one (why I don't know) but I can't. restarting from scratch isn't an option, too much text on page 8 and 9 there's a table, footers show ok unless the table on page 8 goes onto page 9, then all the footers disappear. on page 10 and 11, its exactly the same, but making the table bigger doesn't make the footers disappear. I was tempted to copy page 10 and 11, paste them, then retype the information from page 8 and 9.... but the computer doesn't like that. pasted pages 10 and 11 into a blank document and the table got killed, as in it looked wrong. at that point I gave up for the day. I think accidentally deleting the file, and somehow removing all its backups would be the easiest option somehow.
  4. with xsorbit all I had to do was find a legit business reason to go on an xsorbit board, and then xsorbit would be unblocked. with revo europe though : / I'm counting down the days till it gets blocked
  5. Lost Garden's Controller Analysis

    disagree actually, I found it very interesting, the conclusion was the worst part imo. good read.
  6. Will people get a chance to test the revo?

    what if they want to buy the game, not the console? as in they may already own the console. fair enough, there are losers who shouldn't play on the consoles (ie the one's who will damage them) but those who aren't damaging them may as well play on them. if there's a queue then fair enough, but whats the point of a tv just displaying the menu screen?
  7. Will people get a chance to test the revo?

    games may require wireless operation though. we don't know how real games may use the controller, so it could be a problem. I imagine they'd security tag it, and possibly alter it so it will only work on retail revolutions. and make sure the controller was tamper proof too.
  8. from IGN: Q: Has Nintendo revealed all the features of the Revolution controller? A: No, we don't believe so. Certain secondary features still remain hidden. Nintendo itself may be defining these features even as it tests and reworks the controller. there could be more my brain is frazzled enough, so I have 0 speculation left, but its an interesting thought. I think : /
  9. The perfect launch lineup?

    for the shooter I'd like a spin off of metroid - not a metroid game, in fact no mention of metroid in the title. and no samus (apart from maybe a cameo- but not shoe horned awkwardly) something waky - I imagine Wario ware revolution would be a good game, in fact in the demo video when the screwed up music came on and there were those people dressed up - I thought that was wario ware :/ driving game... possibly. I think a sports game though. I'd also like a sword fighting game
  10. Blue light Project

    lol. I'll be able to print A3 posters on works printer. though obviously I can't print too many A3 posters, because my boss would (probably) get suspicious if all the A3 goes missing. A4 would be workable though.
  11. Distances Required to play Revo

    well, a range of 15 feet is plenty, and minimum range of 1.5 feet is also fine. you just move the sensor bar I imagine. but yes, I'm sure nintendo will think about such possible issues, knowing the range of bedroom shapes and sizes available.
  12. Two Controllers

    paradigm shift. some people just literally cannot get it. they look at the controller and try to relate it to games made today. it would be interesting actually to see the people who don't get it, do a mini study and see if something in their gaming history predisposes them to not getting it. like perhaps a group of those of us who played nes/snes games, and went through to N64/GC from that, and then another group of those who started N64/GC time... or perhaps it our favourite genres? or perhaps even its less related. it would be interesting to have a mini survey, age, sex, IQ, level of education, hair colour, eye colour, favourite music nd film :P but I think most people will get it in time. also perhaps those of us who think we get it, are getting it, but wrong? :P
  13. Distances Required to play Revo

    lol, yeah. I think it makes sense for the sensor bar to be in the revolution, simply because otherwise it would be another battery sucking facility (imagine the controller stops working and you have to check controller AND receiver batteries) or there would be at least one more wire to power the receiver. the receiver would also need to transmit data to the revolution, either introducing another wire, or using a wireless connection. still, it seems easier to me to have the receiver in the revolution unit itself.
  14. Revolution not completly revealed?

    but that was revealed last night, and hence I assume not part of anything that may not have been revealed yet... thing is, what we do know is so abnormal its wrong footed me atleast, so if there are any other controller revelations they can be safely with held by nintendo till E3. also I like the way Nintendo have waited till this late, forcing microsoft to release a last gen controller essentially. that basically starts a launch clock on sony, so they have to release the PS3 in x amount of time, and Nintendo just have to release the revolution somewhere within the XBOX360's release and point x.
  15. Distances Required to play Revo

    for some reason I remember the thats the revolution thing being said to Spong or some similar site, and people discrediting it for that reason. but yes, it would make sense for the bar to be there.
  16. Distances Required to play Revo

    I wouldn't totally trust C&VG, they don't rank high on my solid facts rating. but the general info sounds ok.
  17. Thank god for nintendo

    ok, well, I'll be honest, the last football game I played I used a d pad and pass/shoot buttons, with a run fast button and a "trick" button, from what I remember, and this was on PC. long time ago. pass changed to change player when defending, shoot to slide tackle, trick was a dirty tackle I think. I guess it was fairly silly to assume games hadn't be come a bit more complex. using that though controller - controls direction of player under control analogue stick controls direction to pass the ball / shoot in. z1 and z2 could be pass/shoot buttons. the A button could relinquish control of a player, and you then point at the player you want to control.
  18. Distances Required to play Revo

    but the door would take up about half a bed's space, from opening... I assume it opens into the hall, not your room? anyway, still a tiny room, I feel for you. I use a fairly small area of my room for gaming, thinking bout it now, I may have to spend a few £1000 to make that area bigger :/
  19. lol, well I hadn't meant to stay up to see it, but a coincidental occurence meant I was up about 40 minutes before it was revealed, I figured I may as well stay up an extra few minutes (time flies early in the morning). when it was eventually revealed, I didn't believe what I was seeing. at all. I wondered where the buttons were. I knew it was serious, not a joke. my initial thought was "This is the worst controller ever" and it was. my head was looking without taking that paradigm shift in thought. after a bit of a chatter on another forum with another guy who had stayed up too, my hopes had been restored, to the point where I was accepting the controller was ok-ish, perhaps on par with the Nes controller, but certainly not as good as any of their other controllers. but still passable. went to work a few hours later, tired, but it was sinking in, the shift in thinking was taking place. now I'm pretty excited, seeing new ways games can be explored. I mean, really, looking back, it seems obvious, 1-d control in the nes and snes, 2-d control in the N64 and cube, and now 3-d control. what I'm thinking, is what happens in the 7th generation? one bad thing, I look at my cube, and it suddenly looks restrictive :P anyway, I feel I can now see what was meant by a "paradigm shift", and infact I think it will gel worse with current gamers, simply because we need to change our perception of what it means to control a video game. new comers to gaming will have the opportunity to begin with this way of thinking, so in fact this shift may actually put us experienced gamers at a disadvantage in some ways!
  20. The Public Vote!

    he said most, so you can count yourself out of that population, as one of the least gamers . I agree whole heartedly with his statment. I strongly dislike the british press as a whole, as they are (sweeping generalisation here, I accept there are exceptions) heartless, selfish, ignorant, moronic and boring. I also hate it when you see them giving people "views" so dumb people can hold on to a view they've been fed, so in conversations with fellow morons they can all agree. shame people are so unwilling to form their own views. although actually, perhaps its not.
  21. Thank god for nintendo

    that was what I thought at first, where are all the buttons. but look at your body. where's the button to eat? where's the button to jump? oh wait, you don't have any buttons. this is why I think people cannot walk run or jump basically, the new controller should enable new ways of doing the old things. like changing weapon, in a fps, normally you would cycle through, well, perhaps you could calibrate the controller, while standing up, in relation to your waist you have different weapon areas. say you can carry 8 weapons. reach to your back (just left of your spine) then press the A button. you pull a grenade out from your belt. press the b trigger, you have the pin under your thumb. take the controller back (as if ready to lob a ball) then swing it, again like you were throwing it, and instead of releasing the controller, release the b trigger. the pin flies out the grenade as the grenade leaves your hand. you now take the controller down to the front right of your waist, the grenade blows up in the distance taking out a group of the enemy. you press the A button and you pick up a pistol. a guy runs out from cover, you point the controller at the guy, pull the B trigger, BANG, headshot! but you've run out of ammo. you have no more ammo on you at the moment, so you move your hand back to the front right of your waist and press A again, your pistol is placed back in its holder. you have a knife stored at the front of your waist to the left, so you move the controller there, pick out the knife. now you have to use your analogue controller. we all know how to use this. we press a z trigger to crouch, and move to the guy we just shot in the head. you hear a noise though, you quickly take cover, and hear what sounds like one person. you hear them take cover the other side of you. then you hear them, walking round slowly. you get your knife ready, and when they come round the corner lunge your controller towards the... well, you get the idea. now how does the revolution know where your waist is? a simple setting. going to a settings screen (start/home button?) you can set your waist height. sitting down, its lower, standing up its higher. you then set a belt width, ie how far the controller can be height wise from your virtual belt. perhaps the program has you grab you pistol a few times, then it asks you to get the knife, then it tells you to get a grenade, until its asked you to get items from each belt location. ok, thats a long explanation, but think, the controller can change position. straight in front of you "A" can be button 'a', to your far left it can be button 'f', directly behind you it can be button 'm', to your far right button 't' all pressing one button, in relation to its "neutral" position. now ok, that would be complicated, getting the exact right position, I don't imagine most games will have 26 buttons though. my point is that now the position of the controllw can change its function, its no longer limited to what you do, but now the where you do it can have an affect. and yes, that will require a neutral position to be ascertained, but that can easily be programmed in. and to people saying they don't want to work up a sweat when playing a game. sorry, but you probably NEED to work a sweat up while playing a game :P but seriously, there will be games you can play sat in front of your screen like a vegetable, but there will also be games that offer interaction not just on the mental level, but on the physical level too. **edit** sorry, just saw the pro evo bit. pro evo. well, not pro evo specifically, but football game... I'll be honest, football is one I struggled a bit with, I have an idea with a fictional add on, but that doesn't count sooo... the analogue stick controls the player. the controller controls the ball in relation to the player, by flicking the controller when the player reaches the ball... flick the controller quickly and at the correct time to hit the ball harder, flick the controller off time and slowly ti kick the ball a lot lighter. probably poor, but really developers will need to do tech demo's before commiting to control methods, not having a dev kit puts us at disadvantages, as does not having a controller in our hands. it could also be a first person football game, though that would require more unique ways of using the controller, I did write an idea for such a concept, but I think this post is way too big already so I'm sure you are all glad I deleted it! but the rev basically has an analogue control on a 2d plane, and analogue control on a 3d plane. it then has an A and B button as well as D pad (I imagine Dpad and A button cannot be used simultaneously though) and z1/z2 buttons on the analogue stick. I think this is plenty of control for a football game, possibly too much!
  22. but what is a hardcore gamer? is it based on knowledge? tastes? years of being a gamer? hours spent playing games? money spent on gaming? the number of consoles you have? the number of games you have? how important gaming is in your life? how closely you follow the industry? probably a mix of the above, but where is the cut off point? I'd say its relative... I'd personally not call myself hardcore, particularly anymore. the revolution has got me excited though, the controller + online will both be new experiences to me, although I will be trying hard not to buy this until it has a price drop, although I felt the same with the DS and ended up buying it from NoE (something I will NOT to do ever again, after the metroid hunters situation, leaving me with a practically useless demo >() anyway, awesome I'd say I can't wait till E3, but the info they have given is nice enough, got 44 days max wait for the next lot of information, and then 22 days to see what effect XBOX360 has so information and movement in the gaming industry will keep me happy for the foreseeable future.
  23. Two Controllers

    it depends on how nintendo market it. if you look at the PS2 as an example, it has 1)standard controller 2)microphone 3)eyetoy camera 4)dancemat as you can see, this is current gen, 4 controllers for just one of the 3 consoles. do parents see all these controllers and think "oh no, too confusing, lets go for one with fewer options" nope. why? because most games use the standard controller. look at jungle beat, and donkey konga. both use the drum attachment, but they can be played with a standard controller, although this isn't as easy as using just the bongo's. bongo's haven't really been used, just 5 games afaik, but how many of us have them? I think it will be the same with these unstandard additions. perhaps a dancemat style analogue stick (wireless?) so you can literally move to walk in game, and 2 standard controllers without attachments, for duel wielding ability, perhaps one hand to interact with doors etc, one to hold your gun. holding your controller by your waist and pressing the + pad / A button could cycle through a accessory belt/bag, so you could switch weapons. um, digressed alot here. basically as long as the vast majority use, or can use, the standard controller it should be fine.
  24. a poll on BBC's site - hit or miss. 50:50 split nearly, .8% more for miss. but then I guess we all remember another recent gaming poll on the BBC which didn't really reflect anything at all.
  25. Wired Controllers

    since the controller is single handed, it may be possible to need two controllers. and they could have "attachments" which are just another wireless controller...