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Posts posted by Arragaun

  1. Media's actually alright, but choose wisely, for not every media department is good media department. It's a quite new subject so it's still finding its feet I guess. Not to put you off or anything, if you're teacher is good, it's brilliant.

  2. How about the benevolent/omnipotent one?

    If God's benevolent and omnipotent, why does he let bad things happen?

    Maybe he's omnipotent, but not benevolent, in which case he is malevolent.

    Maybe he's benevolent, but not ominpotent, in which case, why call him God?

    (I recalled this from a program I watched in which some actor recited this verse of some guy, maybe Plato, in the same way I've recited it...ie pretentiously)

  3. JonSt's advice is good, start cheap. If you can persuade someone to lend you and old one for a while that'd be good, as you can learn and get a feel for what you like to play and play with. Also, just go round guitar shops playing loads of their instruments, so long as you don't look like a snot-nosed punk, they should treat you okay.

  4. Oh man more El dood brothers! I'm a maverick I might not do things the usual way but I get the job done! Wait Arragaun aren't you the dude whos starving himself for an xbox? How can you afford this as well (thats if your going to buy it)

    Well my landlords pay for the tv license, and I have mates who'll buy the dvd as soon as they finished designing the cover art, I can scrounge with the best of them.

    PS, I'm not gonna sign up to any of these things cause I can also paranoi with the best of them.



    Heh, have you got the first series DVD? It's got the whole video for Jeremy' song. Tis Legendary. Second Series is out on DVD next week aswell which will be most excellent :grin:

    That video: fucking the best thing I've seen ever. Never seen better.

  5. I just threatened the woman I love, killed a dog and now I am about to pepper spray an aquetance.


    Misquoted but I love this Peep show goodness.

    Don't worry, no one's gonna piss on your bonfire.

    There's a new series on friday, I'm literally really really happy.
