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Posts posted by Arragaun

  1. Dude that's nothing.


    When I went in for my test the examiners were all pissed about a pay dock. So they were playing everything 100% by the book. Which meant any idiot student who pulled off a "dangerous fault", no matter where they were, had to get out and walk back. So they held up dozens of students for fools walking all the way back from the dual carriageway. Not only did I have to return home untested, but half the people in the room were blatantly being told he same thing.

    My instructor was filling in on a day everyone had gone on strike. On top of that, he'd not long won half a million quid on the lottery, so I have a suspicion he passed me not because of my wholly retarded driving skills, but because he had the money to not care who drives and who doesn't.

  2. Vista installs on my mate's Macbook like a whore installing a cock into herself. She will not, however, install on my sublimely non-Machiavellian PC.


    This is a dick-slap in the face.


    EDIT: Who's Machiavelli?

  3. My grandad once told me that the 'coloured race' was everyone from the Middle-East to as far as India. 'Coloured' also included the Native Americans and Aboriginees. The, believe it or not, 'yellow race' was used to refer to Eastern Asians, like Mongolian, Chinese and Japanese et cetera.


    How quaint.

  4. I do a fair amount of ballroom and latin dancing about 4-5 times a week (for the university).

    A game of squash a week (I'm not that good, I have to make up for lacking fitness by decent shot placement),

    An ultimate Frisbee practice/match each weekend (Wadham college have won one game, and thats cos the other team didnt turn up).


    However outside of University I do nothing at all.

    I was gonna ask whether anyone else played ultimate. Sweet.

  5. It's not true that there's someone for everyone, though I guess it could be pretty likely. Either way, no point thinking about it, as someone already said. If you think on it, you stress. And no one can love a stresshead.


    Equally, I'm not so sure anyone can love a person who's given up on love.

    Better to hedge your bets Ash.

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