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Posts posted by Hamishmash

  1. I’m convinced there is character customisation. That mirror shot is just perfect for it. Both characters designs are much more bland then usual and his sunglasses look really awkward.


    That’s what I’m hoping anyway.

  2. R/S almost made me lose interest but it came at a bad time. It was between "Pokemon being so cool cos we're kids and everything is awesome what is this new japanese franchise yeeees!" and "OMG Pokemon I remember this, omg so nostaligic, it's just like being back at school!". It was when Pokemon was its least cool.


    And removing day/night was unforgivable. :P


    People always get so annoyed about there being so many to catch but that is not the focus. If there is a focus, its to catch all the NEW ones, or the Pokedex (which always only the new ones plus a few extra). Catching them ALL is just for completists. There's usually too many other games for me to play to care for that.


    I like Pokemon because you can play it for different goals... breeders, trainers, collectors, etc.

  3. Gen 5 did a really good job of making new Pokemon but not forcing the "Gotta Catch 'Em All" goal. Just "Gotta Catch All the New Ones and the if you're bored the old ones later but don't worry 'bout it". I really appreciated them putting the new monsters front and center and the old ones leaving until the end. I thought Gen 4 suffered by almost being ashamed of their new monsters. I could hardly find any most of the time!

  4. I still have no idea how to find the place on the website where I can chose my game... I've read this whole thread and a few other sites and I still can't find it. Is the offer over?


    EDIT: Ignore me. God that's well hidden!

  5. It isn't one of the old ones but it IS meant to hint back to the old ones. The new titles and new theme will also hint back to the old ones. This is all part of Doctor Who's rebrand for the 50th Anniversary which will culminate in the specials in November. Also that is a terrible photograph, the new interior looks much better in motion and in the background you can see a handrail leading down some stairs... its a lot bigger than it looks in that photo.

  6. One of the basic ideas is that while civil partnership might be legally the same as marriage, it is still different.


    That's why people have stopped using the term "gay marriage" and this is now "marriage equality".


    It's like "everyone is born equal, but some are more equal than others". Non-straight people often feel that they won't have equality until all the terminology is universal.


    But there are a lot of other reasons for this.

  7. The main problem with the GamePad is that if you want to utilise it well you have to sacrifice the amazing Wiimote and Nunchuck controls.


    Because I was going to say "You could have 3rd person on the TV screen and first person on the Gamepad" but then Metroid Prime 3's controls were so perfect.

  8. After next week I'm going to be doing sort of X-Men / Spider-man villains, interchanging every week. But next week I'm doing Namor as a request.


    I'll make Venom the first Spider-man villain I do. I might leave Cardiac for a liiiittle bit.

  9. Yeah the episode is the penultimate episode of the next run and is called The Last Cybermen and also stars Jason Watkins who is brilliant in Being Human and Psychoville. It is set on a mysterious planet which is rumoured to be an abandoned amusement park.
