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About Butrosi

  • Birthday 07/07/1979


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Butrosi's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I get tired of leaving races because of hackers I used to use the wheel, but found it quite annoying once the novelty wore off, and now use my cube pad.
  2. I hope to stay as long as my illness will let me. I like playing online games, on Wii and 360. As long as there's good banter and fun to be had like.
  3. Erm. I dont dislike them.
  4. I will have a look at the Mario Kart thread. I've noticed a few play Excite bike, I'm intrigued. Is it any good? I have the original, one of my fave games as a kid.
  5. I've been looking for an introductions thread but cant find one, so apologies if this is in the wrong place... I found his forum after googling for a Mario Kart league of some kind. The place looks cool. I've recently been getting back into the Kart after introducing a friend to it online. Would love to play in some kind of tournament etc that isn't ruined by hackers, if there's ever any room. Apart from the Wii,I'm a retro gaming fan and collect consoles and games, and also own a 360. Witness! I have one request.....can an admin alter my name to 'Butrosi' rather than 'Burosi' please? I would hate to live a typo lie.
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