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  1. ,.,.,.,.,.

  2. ..................
  3. Dont you mean PAL? PAL 720x576 NTSC: 720x480 ????
  4. LOL @ that Kevin guy on that page. He is doing the same rookie misstake like others.. OMG Revospecs is just like Xbox, Revo graphics wont be any better then Xbox now...Nintendo is the d00med.. LOL Edit Seems he is correcting himeself somewhat later on.. Or not, I was reading it backwards...
  5. When it comes to the e3 2005, trust me on that Iwata say: "Small internal attchment", think i've seen e3 2005 presentation 10 times.. Had not read on the Nintendo.com page though, but they have written strange stuff before there. e3 2006 wee'll hopefully get the answer...
  6. Yeah, $10 doesn't sound like much does it? Well, if you make 3 million Revolutions it ads up to 30 million dollars.
  7. When did he say that. All I can remember is the e3 2005 statement "Small internal attachment".
  8. Customer: I want to buy an Xbox 360 Shopkeeper: Here it is.. Customer: But its not round!! Shopkeeper: What? Customer: Yes, Xbox 360, a round thing, you know 360 is a circle. Shopkeeper: eh! You use round discs in it...
  9. :p Well, that is a good question... And someone might have a good answer, but it aint me
  10. Yes, and Xbox360 is made by Nintendo...
  11. Probably fake. BUT. Nintendo said that the name would be about the last secret too, did they not? This has probably already been said by someone ... BluWave, Bluewave = using blue laser (hd-dvd or bluray) ?
  12. Yeah.. just not in HDTV and ALL stuff turned on... UE3 is VERY scalable.
  13. Anyone noticed how the revmote black-"IR" front is now a small round spot =/ Compared to this..
  14. Yeah Gamecube gfx is good enough.. on gamecube.. on Revolution I'd like to see more though. Gamecube Re4 graphics with shader 3 effects plz (for revolution). Like this (screeenshot of Tomb Raider Legends on PC @ 800x480) http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/3647/lara800x4808zw.jpg
  15. Actually its not. It was said that the screengrabs was taken from Tomb Raider Legends running at 1280x768 and then 800x480, no image manipulation at all. And I can confirm this, Tomb Raider Legend on PC looks just like thoose screenshots, in 1280x768 and in 800x480 when running thoose resolutions. Screengrabs taken by me at approx same location. 1280x768 http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/9885/lara1280x7686xk.jpg 800x480 http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/3647/lara800x4808zw.jpg
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