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Posts posted by dazzybee

  1. The game looks to control amazingly, flight games are going o be so good on the remote. This would be a great addition to Wii Sports, though I'd love Nintendo to take itvand turn it into Pilotwings - though by the looks of it it would take a while. But it does look great!!

  2. Hmmm,okay,afterreadingtheduck and the bad-mediocre Red Steel reports, it appears that light gun games arent possible, is this the case? It seems ridiculously easy to do do, but I'm hearing a lot of "have to point at sensor rather than screen" business. Is it that these games dont dont do it or that its simply not possible?


    I'm getting a little nervous about a few reports of a few things. Overall im well excited and its the only console Im interested in, but theres a few worrying things!

  3. Sorry that what I meant, that it has the analogue attachment on the gun, meaning you can walk around as well as light gun with it - some potential for some amazing action games with this!!

  4. Immersion, simple. I see what you're saying but I would guess most people would want itv- you dont have to buy it.


    Though looking at the gun, how incredible would a FPS game with it be? It has the left hand attachment!??!??! It would be incredible!!!!!

  5. Hmmm, hope this isnt Pilotwings, the levels look extremely bland, I want pilotwings64 style levels - filled with stuffvgoing on. Unless this game is really early on, butit looks a bit simple, no hint of any action whatsoever. Probably just a demo with the intention of turning it into Pilotwings.

  6. News concerning the hardware:



    Nintendo says both CPU and GPU are made with a 90nm process. Now DailyTech had an article about the hardware which is a bit more precise. Now please still take it as a rumour even though it sounds convincing:


    CPU: 90nm SOI CMOS, the chip is a modificated IBM PowerPC 750FX. This means it is the "older brother" of the GameCube CPU. Featuring clockspeeds up to 1GHz+ with a rather big overall cache. Compared to the GC CPU the 750FX has about 25% of power at the same clockspeed. This is all my speculation so if it is wrong don't blame me. I guess the L1 cache will be 32kb whereas the L2 cache will have around 1MB.



    GPU: 90nm build, R520 derrivate whic means a clockspeed of up to 500MHz, Shader Model 3.0, ... basicly in the range of a x1600 - x1800.



    Source: http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=2227




    But what does it mean?

  7. This game is just gonna be awesome, we all know it. For added lastability though I hope its got some awesome mutliplayer modes!!


    Also, I dont think all these games will be launch titles like we think. Remember Nintendo said there wouldnt be a game drought like with the cube, these will be slowly tickled out - fine by me. As long as WiiSports, Zelda, Mario Red Steel are launch titles I'm catered for.

  8. A game where you smash everything up with a hammer....more mature? Yeah... Some peoples conceptions of more mature are wildly different to mine :)


    PS I know what you meant really ;)


    PPS Yeah it looks a bit shallow, but I'm sure with the remote it'll be a lot fun. And with Nintendo doing its got to be awesome!!! A hammer version of Blastcorps will do me just fine - I loved the N64 version (please be on VC). I hope you can smash buildings down! In fact, I want EVERYTHING to be destructable

  9. Posted this on the conference thread but was immediately ignored by the fact the classic pad was revealed, as was the password for Nintendos press page!


    Also, remember those screenshots of Mario a while ago - where he was outisde a house - the must have been legit - one was where he was in space and the other was outside a house at night - that house looked VERYT similar to the one oin the trailer!

  10. I was massively dissappointed with this - Im a massive fan of Excitebike and thisvfelt like a waste, it looked fast and fun but intially really average.


    However...after reading handson reports, it actually sounds really interesting, the control is meant to bebrilliant and really intuitive (are you listening Nintendork ;) ) and one interesting feature is that there are loads of question marks, when you ride over this, terrain changes on the level, creating new routes and bigger jumps, it also effects otherraces when they are on said sections. As an example it was said that it was a fkat bit of road which suddenyl turns into a mountainside!!!


    This for me sounds awesome and scope for some great strategy and multiplayer races!!! Trust Nintendo......

  11. I mentioned it another thread, about controlling the players, and someone mentioned the Dpad. Well, unfortunately, its confirmed that the players AUTOMATICALLY go towards the ball :( This is a bit shit if you ask me. Oh well, im sure theyll be fun. I guess the Mario sports series will get the full treatment!!

  12. That wheel isnt being controlled by that guy, I think its supposed to be funny. That isnt a perhepiral though.


    Its baffling how much they left out. They dont usually announce stuff during he event either. This is probably it!


    Also, remember those screenshots of Mario a while ago - where he was outisde a house - the must have been legit - one was where he was in space and the other was outside a house at night - that house looked VERYT similar to the one oin the trailer!


    PS Excitetruck is a HUUUUUGE disappointment for me, it remeinds me of the 18wheeler type games!!! WHY THE FUCK DIDNT THEY JUST MAKE EXCITEBIKE!?!?!?

  13. Great stuff but disappointed a tad - I am stunned there wasnt even a mention of Smash Bros. Also very disappointed there was no Nights, Starwars, Capcom game, Konami game or any other EA game!


    Mario looked in-fucking-credible though, as did Disaster (that coupled with Project HAMMER very surprising for NIntendo).


    Starfox looked awesom, it is clearly a digfighting game though - hopefully wifi.


    It all felt a bit rushed for me - so much info and not enough time! I wanted more gameply footage, and I cant believe Mario wasnt played!


    Lastly do the players in Tennis automatically run towards the ball and you just swing? My feed cutout on that bit - looks awesome though - hope they're not 'too' simplified!!


    It was amazing and I cant wait, but I wish more was revealed - online service, 3rd party suuport (there was a worrying lack of it), shell, virtual console etc etc.


    Wii cant come soon enough - is a Mario trailer up yet!!?

  14. Owen,why isnt that enough? You are going to be so disappointed. I dont what you're expecting but I doubt it will happen.


    Why int the greatest, most immersive controller ever that has a tilt-functional analogue attachment and makes its own sounds enough for you? Its certainly enough for me, more than I could ever imagine actually. Im pretty confident we know the revolution hardware now - its the software and online we dont know....yet!! Get excited but dont prep yourself for disappointment.

  15. Another thing, please can people stop expecting something massive from NItendo now - we know all there is to know. Nkntendo didnt show us thevremote cause they have something bigger, they showed us the remote cause they had to - we would have bayed for blood! Dont expect 3d or any other delusional secret, expect what has already been revealed - the greatness will be the execution of the rmeote and all the new games that will be seen and announced!!
