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Everything posted by Pancake

  1. *imagines scenario* Damn that's smooth. Yes, do this!
  2. Ooookay, i think i've had it with online dating! It can just fuck off. And i'll never meet anyone at work cos it's all girls. So, me now:
  3. Job woes/wins

    Phoned in sick today cos i hate my job. Now i'm watching a bit of Statham. Coffee, and cheese on toast for breakfast. I'm like... Fuuuuuck them.
  4. New X-Files Series Is Coming. I Believed!

    Whuuuut. Like you could even tell in those trouser suits anyway?? I want monster of the week SO BAD.
  5. Nah, i'm feeling too misanthropic now. I'd probably punch someone.
  6. Thank you. Have still ended up on a date tonight doe... with a bottle of whiskey!
  7. I just spent hours getting ready to see the guy i've been dating (romantic flu kiss guy). We've not seen eachother for 2 weeks, as he's been away working. I got out the bath earlier and started to feel like a bit of a fool, cos i was getting ready to see him and he hadn't even texted me to confirm. I assumed he'd have the decency to tell me early on if he was going to cancel though, so i just kept getting ready. It never crossed my mind he'd actually cancel, cos we've not seen eachother for ages, and this was our only chance to see eachother before we both go back to work for another week. And he told me he "couldn't wait to see me" earlier in the week. But yeah, you guessed... he cancelled. He didn't even text me to let me know. I had to eventually text him when it got to 4pm and he still hadn't been in touch, to ask if we were still seeing eachother. He said sorry but no, as he has a bitching hangover. And "wouldn't be good company tonight, sorry". Well don't i feel like a complete twat. I've been looking forward to this all week, and spent ages getting ready, choosing an outfit, dyeing my hair, etc. Feel like such an idiot for caring so much. I kind of gave him a tough time about it, and he basically told me to fuck off as he'd had a rough night, and "can't be doing with this shit", and just wants some peace and quiet today. Wow. I've been single for 2 years, and i finally thought i'd found someone i really liked and who seemed to like me just as much. But i'm not standing for this, he spoke to me like shit. And generally, has made me feel like some insignificant little pest in his busy life lately. Back to the god awful dating sites for me, i guess...
  8. General Book Thread

    Am currently struggling through The Night Cleaner by Florence Aubenas. It's a true account of her living as a cleaner for a year or so, to get an insider look at the industry. It's depressing as fuck. I think more so for me cos i worked in hotel housekeeping for years, so it's a bit close to the bone. She basically has zero job security, and get chucked from one random inadequate temp contract to another. She's often working 3 jobs at a time. Most of them demand working very early in the morning, or late at night, for a few hours. So basically she's putting herself out going from one to the other, for a few scrap hours at each one, trying to piece together a living. It's a horrible life. I'm not keen on her writing style, and like i said the subject matter is as depressing as it gets. I'll be glad to finish it. But i'm glad this book exists, it's about a group of people that are usually invisible in society.
  9. Ama deffo bringing it. I proposed that since i gave him it, it's only right i be his nurse. He agreed.
  10. Ok slightly less romantic today when he sent me a text complaining about being ill. Oh well. I totally made it clear i was ill! (it's fiiiine though, he made a point of reassuring me he's not blaming me)
  11. No, not him (he cancelled 3 dates then never spoke to me again). Phlegm date couldn't have went better! I've always secretly wanted someone to grab me when i was ill, and kiss me anyway. And he did! And said "you're worth catching flu for". Woah! I never thought someone would ever say that to me.
  12. It's pretty bad, it sounds like i smoke 100 a day! But i can see me having it for at least another week, and i didn't wanna postpone that long, so i've just agreed to the date tonight. Yikes. Am worried about having a mortifying coughing fit in the middle of the restaurant! Oh well, as soon as i see him i'm gonna be like "hey, i have an old man cough btw, and it ain't pretty" just so at least he knows! He knows i've been ill anyway, so he should be expecting me to be a bit ropey. It'll probably all be fine.
  13. I have a date tonight, but am a bit worried cos i've had an old man cough all week. And phlegm - not sexy. Should i postpone??
  14. I still think you should just be like "Look, not sure if it came across when we met up last time, but i seriously fancy you. I was just too pussy to make a move. Give me another chance?" Direct, ballsy, complementary! She'll luuuuv it! The worst that could happen is that she doesn't reply. Messaging ftw for this type of stuff!
  15. God they still can't cast John Connor to save themselves can they.
  16. Yep, girls need to feel fancied. You need to tell her you fancy her. In a message is fine, as long as you say it.
  17. Just want reassurance that it's not cool to send someone you cancelled meeting 3 times for financial reasons, a message saying: "Hey gorgeous, how are you today? Working? Having a decent weekend I hope! I just scrubbed my entire house and then went beer shopping ;D Decided to be a lazy bugger and watch netflix and chill with pizza! Wish you were here to share!!! xx” He's cancelled meeting me 3 times cos he can't afford it, but he's got money for beer/pizza/Netflix? Dafuuuuuck! He only lives 14 miles away, the bus fare wouldn't cos a fortune surely, jesus. But apparently he'd rather buy beer.
  18. Funny Stuff Thread

    Skip to 1:23 for the best bit.
  19. Funny Stuff Thread

    Can't remember if i've posted this before but it doesn't matter COS IT MUST BE SEEN.
  20. That's awful. Is that supposed to sound cool?