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About mmmbbb

  • Birthday 01/01/1987


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  1. Hi guys, just signed up to say that it has worked on me, and apparently will only work if you are really willing for it to work in the first place. Two of us watched it, the other adament Derren Brown is a load of bull, but I think the guys interesting. Anyway, hard to explain, basically felt like I could easily get up, but when I tried, I couldn't. All I could do was rotate my head left and right. Did it a second time, same response. I willed myself for it to happen, which allowed my sub concious to tell me to stay sat down, no matter what I conciously thought....my take on it any way. Panicked like mad the first time till the start of that 'if your still stuck, watch this' then I was fine. Second time round was fun to see it wasn't an accident! If you are skeptical, it wont work. All about how open your mind is.
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