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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I see your point I guess. Nothing against the amazing indie titles like the ones you mentioned, a lot of them are outstanding games. I just think it would be nice to see the huge AAA budgets applied to something other than a FPS/cinematic 3rd person action game. But those are what the western world wants so that's where the investment is. Anything else is deemed too risky so it's up to the indies to provide the variety, and a great job they do of it too (in general).
  2. Destiny should have been much bigger given all the hype. Every review suggested what a let down it was and how barebones and grindy it felt. The post-release DLC is helping though.
  3. Plenty of AAA turds on non-Nintendo consoles. Titanfall and Watchdogs were supposed to start off the new gen with a bang, instead the general consensus seems to be disappointment. Games like Unity the Crew and Master Chief Collection were all either broken or extremely buggy. Destiny has been a huge let down given the hype. As has the Order. Call of Duty iterates every year... The biggest games of the last twelve months.... 4 FPS, 3 third person action games and a racing sim. Diversity!
  4. And you call me condescending and lacking humility. Also speak for yourself, not others. *Nintendo fan defends Nintendo on a Nintendo message board* shocker. I wasn't trying to get into an argument about colour, you picked put a minor point and started all of this nonsense.
  5. Can you stop acting all high and mighty pretending you triumphed in some big argument. You proved nothing and neither of us are going to "win" because we're not going to convince the other of our points of view. My main gaming preference is Nintendo, their games explode with colour and charm. And so of course games on other platforms are going to look more muted and 'grey'. Whereas if that's what you're into of course you'll find colour in even the greyest of titles. I looked at the shots you posted and genuinely thought you were making my argument for me. We're going around in circles. I think modern AAA's are samey, you don't. I believe they're samey and understand that that's what the West wants, gritty shooters and action games. Personally I find that a shame and would love to see more variety with big budget titles. Unfortunately that would be too much of a risk for publishers and so the iterative samey sequels get churned out on an annual basis instead.
  6. You proved nothing with those screenshots. Some of them like Bloodborne, Mordor and Unity were so grey and lifeless I wondered if you'd put up the wrong link by mistake. It was also telling you had to resort to indie title No Man's Sky as your first and best example. Obviously games with colour exist like Black Flag, I wasn't trying to suggest every AAA game is monochrome, just that western AAA games have very muted colour palettes. Again I was only bringing it up in response to the suggestion Nintendo games don't appeal to the western audience, who love their grey shooters/action games. I would hate to see Nintendo go down that route just to appeal to a wider demographic.
  7. For the record I didn't say that the PS4's library isn't diverse, merely that AAA gaming on PS and Xbox these days tend to be very samey experiences: shooters and third person action games with gritty, muted colour palettes (at least compared to Nintendo). Games like No Man's Sky (indie) or Sunset Overdrive (albeit still a third person shooter) at least provide something a bit different thanks to their genre and gameplay or visuals/theme respectively. Totally agree with you that the suggestion Nintendo games lack personality or are sterile is mind boggling.
  8. Wii U General Discussion

    Oustanding post @S\.C\.G Nice to get some rare Nintendo love in this thread
  9. Yeah real sterile, no personality... THAT is colour
  10. Wii U General Discussion

    Wonderful 101, Donkey Kong and Captain Toad are great as well
  11. I never suggested colour should be shoe-horned into games. The thing that started this whole argument was me referring to the prevalence of generic "grey" shooters and action games in the West. Of course art styles have to suit the game, my comment was Nintendo shouldn't move to grey games just because that's what appeals in the West.
  12. Given how the vast majority of titles on the Wii U are first party I think there's a huge amount of variety, at least in terms of genre. Pikmin (strategy), Captain Toad (puzzler), 2D and 3D Mario (platformer), Zelda (adventure), Kart (racer), Bayonetta (action), Smash (fighting), Hyrule Warriors (hack and slash), and then the likes of Starfox (arcade space shooter), Mario Maker (level creator), Xenoblade X (RPG), Splatoon (shooter) on the way. It may have a problem with quantity for sure (the third party issue), but the quality is there at least. As I said I'm not saying the other consoles don't have bright games, just that it sometimes feels like the vast majority of AAA games these days all look pretty similar at first glance, and more importantly play very similar.
  13. Mind games? I'm just saying you should calm down, no need to be so aggressive all the time. You went onto Google Images, and picked one from a page of a few dozen. Just seems a pointless argument. Personally I believe AAA games on PS4 and Xbox are very samey, bleak and drab looking (there are of course exceptions). It was suggested that Nintendo's first party games don't appeal to the West. I don't agree but even if it were true, would anyone honestly prefer Nintendo move to the Call of Duty, Rainbox Six, Mordor style games? I certainly wouldn't and gaming would be a far poorer place if that were to happen. I think the Wii U's first year with NintendoLand, Mario U, Lego City, Rayman Legends, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD and Mario 3D World was pretty good. And certainly better than the PS4's first year. IMO.
  14. No need to always be so aggressive. I disagree that your "evidence" proves anything. Well done on finding screenshots with colour in them, but if that's the best you can find it really doesn't prove anything. IMO.
  15. It's the drab world outside of the neon in the game I had a problem with, but fair enough I'll remove my complaint about Infamous. If those screenshots are the best you could find that show off how colourful those game supposedly are, then that says it all. Again, I'm not saying a muted colour palette means the games are bad, just that I appreciate Nintendo's look far more. I'd rather they carry on catering to this arbitrary 10% of the western market than to go grey and try and compete with the Mordors and Bloodbornes and endless FPS. Huge credit to Insomniac for Sunset Overdrive though.
  16. It absolutely does look incredible. As long as you forgive the probable buggyness and disgraceful in-game plugs to buy services or apps like in Unity. I'm not saying grey games can't look stunning, just that there are a lot of them. My original point was in reply to @Goron_3 mentioning that the Wii U's first year had games that wouldn't appeal to 90% of the western market. So my question was what should Nintendo do about that? Make games that do appeal: drab, grey shooters/action games. Personally I say no thanks. I love the range and look of Nintendo's game. It's definitely needed in modern gaming. I'd definitely put Sunset Overdrive alongside No Man's Sky in the 'breath of fresh air' camp. But Infamous was just as drab as the rest. Doesn't mean it's not a great game though obv.
  17. I know these games suit grey, my point is why no games that are meant to be colourful instead of the same drab, bleak, gritty stuff we've been getting? It's my opinion, I didn't mean it to cause such a fuss. Its AAA games are mostly shooters and third person action games the likes of which use a very muted colour palette. That's all I'm saying.
  18. I'm perfectly chilled out - You asked us to remind you what the Wii U's first year was like, and whilst it wasn't perfect (what console's first year is?) it had some real gems in it.
  19. ^ Was that post supposed to prove that colourful games exist in AAA PS4 line ups? If so it really doesn't, AC, Bloodborne, Mordor especially. I applaud games like No Man's Sky and Ryme, they look absolutely fantastic and are a breath of fresh air to the usual generic shooters/action games.
  20. So basically you're suggesting Nintendo should stop making their usual standard of games and instead develop endless grey first person shooters, just to appeal to this arbitrary 90% of the market you speak of?
  21. Grind grind grind through the same handful of missions over and over to level up your character so you can grind some more. Destiny, the Order, Drive Club, Master Chief Collection, AC Unity... buggy, broken or just plain $hit AAA games.
  22. Yes stating a bunch of very well received/GOTY contenders is proving this... Give me that software line up over anything on PS4's first year any day.
  23. NintendoLand, Mario U, Lego City, Rayman Legends, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD and Mario 3D World.
  24. And yet not a single exclusive in the top 10 on metacritic, a top 10 which includes GTA V (last gen), Last of Us (last gen), Rayman Legends, Fez, Minecraft and Guacamelee. The PS4 might get more games, but the Wii U has the better AAA's.