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Tissue Town

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Everything posted by Tissue Town

  1. 3D Modelling Thread

    If you're planning to make volumetric clouds then a particle system will do that for you. Otherwise planes and alphas.
  2. 3D Modelling Thread

    What are you aiming to do for your final year project? Because I have seen a lot of final year project, and they generally tend to try to do too much, too many different things, and ends up being wasted. Basically, don't even attempt to make an animation that's longer than 10 seconds, for instance.
  3. 3D Modelling Thread

    "Aquire" it. No one will persecute you for "somehow" getting hold of a £2000 piece of software. How do you think artists get into the industry in the first place?
  4. 3D Modelling Thread

    I take it you're simply messing around with materials right? I mean regarding your idea of making a chess set. That's all well and good as an exercise, but you want to avoid doing anything like that as serious work. It's incredibly cliched. But like I said, if you're just messing around, go nuts.
  5. The end of the human race

    It would be pretty funny if a leviathan the size of a thousand suns decided to waltz into our solar system and flick our planet into oblivion. Thousands of years of pointless history and a billion years of evolution, and poof. It's all gone!
  6. How much do you think?

    As a healthy and concious human being, I think constantly. As long as my brain functions, constant thought goes through my mind.
  7. Can one person make a difference?

    I think you'll find that when there is a disaster situation I will most likely do what I can to save myself and point at whoever is left behind and simply proclaim, "Natural selection, yo".
  8. Can one person make a difference?

    One person cannot really make all the difference. I mean what context is this? Let's simply look at the cosmically galactic bigger picture. We are a tiny rock in the vast nothingness of space. Floating in isolation, only warmed by a petty young star that is growing by the day. Soon this world will be engulfed by our sun and all our hopes and dreams will be burnt to a cinder. Unless we colonise other habitable planets, then this will be our fate. But then, when we look at the even bigger picture, nothing lasts for long and our universe as we currently know it will cease to exist and there is nothing we can do about it. So no. One person cannot make all the difference.
  9. What do you do at work to pass time...

    Browse the iphone. Chat with work mates and have lots of lols. Or just go home early. Flexitime <3 But the thing is, crunch time means I don't have much downtime. There is loads of work to do.
  10. Face Too Close To Camera - Photo Thread

    Save Image as > Save to - "Weekends"
  11. I bodged it together

    I just pull out and cum in her eye.
  12. Personalities

    If you was gay I would have fucked you already. Trust me.
  13. I am rubbish with girls

    I'm fucking awesome with girls. Seriously, all you need are three things: 1. A ripped fucking body. Seriously, go to the gym, pump those irons and hit the protein shakes. Also, you have any body hair? Get that shit waxed off and hit the tanning salon. Seriously, girl's don't want to fuck monkeys. 2. A smoking haircut. What do I mean by that? A haircut that makes girls literally cum on the street. You know the one I mean. Just do it HARD. Seriously, that haircut will get you more pussy then Caligula. And that is without the threat of death and rape. God fucking DAMN. 3. And finally. That one killer pick up line. I won't tell you my super secret one, but I will give you one for free because you losers need a shot at pussy for once in your life. You see a girl you like, and you say to them, "Hey lady, I tattooed my cock and it's got your name on it". Seriously, she will start to feast on your cock like a survivor of a potato famine. No joke. Just whip it out, and she will be down on your beast like nothing. And it will turn her on even more because it's in public. Then all you gotta do is lift her up and thrust her like a ragdoll. The power you gained from the gym will arm you with the power to thrust, and the killer haircut will make you look like a badass doing it. This is tried and tested folks and I guarantee success. You can thank me later.
  14. Star Wars Saga on Blu Ray 2011

  15. Help Me Move To London!

    Expect to pay a lot. Don't walk around at night on your own. Get an oyster card if you don't already have one.
  16. 3D Modelling Thread

    Way to high poly. Curves have far too many edges. Normal map will fix that. You can half the amount of tris easily.
  17. 3D Modelling Thread

    Yeah, you know.. working on characters whilst working on characters in my free time with some drawing here and there and zbrushing. S'all good.
  18. .. at this wonderful piece of 80s cinema. The puppetry, the ideas behind it, Joe Dante's brilliant direction, and of course.. Phoebe Cates' lovely mammaries. Mmmm. And Hulk Hogan. In the sequel.
  19. Film Club :: Current Film = Primer

    I suggest Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. I think it's a fantastic film, and I know at least one person in this thread will agree with me. Autobots!
  20. Delicious Food You've Dropped?

    I agree. The cheesy Asparagus was delicious. Scoop's mum is lovely. And I make fucking amazing Mango Lassi.
  21. Describe Members in One Word

    Dannyboy-the-Dane - Hopeful
  22. Describe Members in One Word

    Nintenchris - Obtuse
  23. Describe Members in One Word

    Nintenchris - Prude
  24. Describe Members in One Word

    Scoop - F**Kunt