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About eddsta

  • Birthday 09/26/1989

Personal Information

  • Location
    Hockley, Essex
  • Interests
    Video Games, Football, Music
  • Occupation
    Junior Accounts


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  • Other Systems Owned
    360, X-box, PS2, PS1, PSP, PC
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eddsta's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thank you for any congratulations I had over my league win, it was a long time coming! And hope everyone did well in their change reports, but not too well obviously! I was hoping for a bit of advice; I am getting rid of my two oldies in defence, they've served the club well, but I need people a bit younger now my youngsters have improved. I'm also selling Mick Palmer up front, and releasing my young goalie in favour of an older head as backup. The thing I need help with is Frederick Hill, easily the greatest player at the club of all time (although over only the 5 seasons this team has existed), I'm looking to sell him, he's worth around 5.8 mil, but don't know how much to ask for him, any advice would be lovely!
  2. Unbelievable. Dominated possession, 9 chances to their 0, couldn't manage to win. I am actually seething with rage. If I lose out again due to my players bottling I will not be impressed. The bright side is that after my next game I steer clear of the "big guns" for a while, so just need to ensure a positive result against Recall, who have proved they are not unbeatable...
  3. So here's the thing I'm confused about; do friendlies work in the same way as Form Training, or should I really be training my players before I have a friendly? Normally I've never thought about it...maybe that's why I'm in the bottom league!
  4. That sounds beautiful to me! If you're lucky I might even field my full-strength team this time, no excuses, therefore forcing me to accept the crapness of my team once and for all!
  5. It was last night! I got 12 visible positive changes and no negatives, not bad at all. Kind of hoped a couple would go up by 2, but then I had a few who I didn't expect to improve, improve, so can't complain! Hope everyone else got what they wanted (except for everyone in the bottom league!)
  6. By 'today' I obviously meant tomorrow...
  7. Wouldn't mind a nice win today to end the season, I don't really care by how much, as long as my players do well and I don't concede! Potentially will have a decent change report as well, but as always I'm sure it will be a disappointment, and I will struggle to get out of the bottom league again next season >_>.
  8. Looks like I may have left it too late to be pushing for promotion, pretty disappointed really. Even if Cube were to draw one game, I'd need to win all mine and turn over the last 3 teams I play at least by around 5 goals, and even that would leave it tight... Need Veni to beat Cube really, although I don't see it happening, a boy can still have dreams! Could be worse, I could be in the middle league, promotion places one minute, relegation zone the next.
  9. Cube!? Bad result against The Athletic!? I am hurt . I think my team has FINALLY turned a corner, and I'm after that last promotion spot . Doubt I'll get there, but may as well try innit!
  10. I finally won! Mortimer has scored his first, second, and third goal for the club, yet still only played to his skill level, how disappointing. I sense a difficult period coming up though with Mcoy to play next, followed by a game against Cubic, then those two again! Was surprised yet delighted to look up at the top league to see Noodle leading the way, I remember when I first joined they went up with me from the bottom division, what an amazing achievement! Also undecided what I want the Elites to do, I want them to stay up for Ell to be happy, but then I'd love to snatch promotion, them get relegated, and have a good, old fashioned Essex Derby next season :wink:!
  11. I actually don't know what happened, I got utterly trounced 4-0, the tactical awareness that I showed in this league previously has disappeared. I am genuinly fuming, what the hell am I meant to do with this lot!? They aren't bad players, I must be getting something wrong, no chances, 46% possession, it's just not good enough. Fair play to the lad for destroying me, but how do I even start making this right!?
  12. I feel utterly frustrated with my inability to find the "thank" button! I'm also interested to see how a team managed by the former Ten Plus Win boss gets on with what seems to be a fairly poor team...as if I can't already answer that, that result scared the crap out of me! Also just wasted over 3 million econ on an average young defender, the Arsene Wenger in me came out again...
  13. I'm going to attempt to be a bit more active on here, after all I do post countless press releases, so it's not as if I have nothing to say! I'd like to think I should win against Veni, Mcoy was pretty unlucky, but my team has a track history of underperforming, might be because I've focused a lot on youth? I'm happy with my first result though, managed to squeek out an away win! Also nice to see a fellow Essexer winning today, hopefully Elliot can somehow gain a surprise title in the top league, you never know ;]!
  14. Hi everyone, i'm the "new guy" that Ell was on about! Basically i've been on Xpert eleven for a few years on and off now, my first experience brought in Team Edd Kirby 3 straight league titles in a private league, it was all going amazingly until i was banned and kicked by the jealous league admin/creator simply because i beat him 6-0 in the 4th season with that victory all but assuring the league! I'd love a challenge, and i'm sure this league would be a lot more of a challenge than they were. My current Xpert eleven season has just started in an Xpert League, a win and a draw with a team passed onto me, so not a bad start! If i could join that'd be great, if you wanna know any more just lemme know :] Edd.
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