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Adam Stone

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About Adam Stone

  • Birthday 12/23/1986

Personal Information

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  • Interests
    Videogames, Art, Illustration, creative writing, martial arts, climbing trees,


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Each and everyone...
  • Other Systems Owned
    360, Dreamcast, Sega Megadrive, Plastation 2, PSP
  • Favourite Game?
    Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. i don't get the hate for frank, thought he was pretty easy personally. You do know you can simply jump and avoid the shock right?
  2. It's already been stated that they would like to do a sequel of sorts (continuing the grindhouse style and whatnot) - also, after the end credits there's a tasty little teaser ;-)
  3. Well hello there buddy :-) Hope all is well.
  4. :-) I've been a long-time browser of N-europe for a good two years or so now... thought it was about time i joined. Where i've seen you then dudey? Ntsc-uk?
  5. I can relate to what you're saying mate, though i have to say that in a strange sort of way i liked how, erm, interesting the end was... It's obvious the team decided to go 'all out' and that's exactly what they did. I think in doing so they've created the gasp factor they needed to attract greater interest - it certainly gets people talking. Also, it shows they aren't afraid to step away from what's perceived as a standard wii title, and instead completely and utterly goes beyond. They showed ambition, took a risk... and i love that. I do, however, hope they improve the boss battles in the inevitable sequel :-)
  6. You guys seen this may have been delayed in the UK? Only by a week or so mind, but a shame all the same... (not that it matters to me either... i'll be playing it around the 10th in utter glee, heh)
  7. I really cannot wait for this... I've been trying to cut down on media, but everytime i see a new video, interview, Q&A or whatever posted... i can't help but to have a glimpse. It's great to see there's an intriguing and involving story within all the violence - though, to be honest, it wouldn't have bothered me if there wasn't! - It's just another, and very welcome, layer to its overall greatness. It seems the guys have put a lot of heart into this, here's hoping it rightly sees the sales it deserves.
  8. I absolutely adore this beauty of a game. It got me wanting to get back into Resident Evil: UC so (having previously sold it due to shortage of cash) i re-bought it earler this week and have been enjoying it all over again... It's funny, because i love the Resi series and I really appreciate what Capcom did with UC, it has a surprising amount of depth and so much content (it's pretty much a love letter to all Resi fans) - however House of the Dead is good old-fashioned, fast-paced arcade fun. It's brutal, it's incredibly funny, has an awesome soundtrack, solid visuals and an addictively impressive scoring system. I also love how the zom... sorry, 'mutants', explode in a beautfully red gory mess when shot. In fact, I love the sheer madness of it all... It's good to see it selling well, here's hoping the fantastic-looking Madworld sees the same loving :happy:
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