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Everything posted by LD560
Great direct. Loved every minute of it. My wallet for 2016 will have a hole the size of the Grand Canyon....lol Also...For the Mega Man Collection the American's will be getting a gold Mega Man amiibo. Haven't spotted any other differences yet between the JP/US/EU Directs. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/11/12/gold-mega-man-amiibo-announced
I can't really see them going full Nintendo-police when it comes to codes. As you said no harm in asking At the end of the day they've really got to shift this stuff haven't they? I wonder what will happen to all the merchandise that is left over? Don't give up. E-mail Customer Support. Provide them with proof of purchase, such as a screenshot of where you got it from such as Amazon or Game (just blank out details you don't want them to have) and just pray they issue you a new code. Your purchase must be before 2015 though.
Hey everyone. I've been on here in the back round for quite sometime, managed to dig up my login details so I could comment on here Firstly if you have codes from 2015 for 3DS and Wii U games 1st party you'll be out of luck as they can't be registered. If you got 3rd party game codes though there is no expiration date on these codes so they should work. Also if you have any codes from pre-2015 and they've expired if you can provide proof of purchase then e-mail Nintendo's customer support and they'll provide new codes 1st or 3rd Party. (That's how I got my Bayonetta 1,2 NES Remix 3DS and a Batman LEGO code working again, that had expired) Also if you got any consoles: (Console codes don't expire)[You can register all of them, but only two of each system.] Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Micro = Worth 400points (except Micro worth 300) Gamecube is worth 400 DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL = Worth 500 points (The original DS and DS Lite count as the same so you can't register two original DS's then try to register a DS Lite it won't accept it, DSi and DSi XL are not seen as the same and you register two of each of them.) 2DS, 3DS, 3DS XL are also counted as separate and you can register two of each system as well. Worth = 750 points Finally the Wii and Wii Mini are worth the most 1000 points you can register two of them as well. It also appears you can register some games twice. I was able to register Animal Crossing New Leaf twice. No idea how...lol If you've got any game codes codes older than DS and Wii era such as Gameboy Advance and Gamecube try them but they are pretty much expired by now. Again try them if they are 3rd party games though. Hope this helps
Hope I don't dissapoint many of you with that title. But please read on before judging it. There's no denying that there are alot of gamers of the series who would like a conclusion to Dark Dawn. Well our prayers may of been answered. I just pulled this link from Zelda Informer about Camelot wanting to hear from the "players" basically if they want them to make another game! (Unforutnetly as I am not a frequent poster at N-Europe I cannot post the link. So please visit [ Zelda Informer .com then copy and paste the rest after this colon: news/comments/golden-sun-if-you-ask-for-it-camelot-will-make-it ] And if anyone who can please make a post with the link in. As the URL says: Golden Sun if you ask for it.Camelot will make it. Read the full article over there on ZI and let your voices be heard
@BARD Im going to assume you've never played it. And judging the way you speak about the 3D that would preety much confirm it. Also im just shocked that Nintendo didnt win this category. And fair play to your list there all good generic formula games out of most the trash EA releases. Oh little note dont call me kid sunshine. Or my Sinclair Spectrum will be saying hello :-P
EA move shovelware as thats bout all they can do. How the hell did Mario not win the handheld category??
Well the results for BAFTA was published short while ago. Dont know whether im not suprised or shocked that Nintendo didnt recieve an award at all!! (If this has been posted elsewhere sorry) So whats everyones opinions ??
Seen the advertisement. Looked it up seen its for X-box ps and win. But what about Wii U?? Any thoughts? Seeing as the game is more than 10 months away?? Suprise announcement maybe??
Lol...cheers i guess this shows how much support Nintendo recieves then..lol
Hence why i didnt know really where to put this. This is not for G4 advertising. Just want too see a Nintendo game do the best it can
@ Magnus The comments on the site suggest that becuase Skyward Sword beat Skyrim.. the fans of that series are now all voting Assassins Creed as they feel Skyrim has been cheated out of getting further in the competition. So slowly Skyward Swords percentage is being chipped away. However Assassins Creed did knock out Gears of War so waiting for the fans of that series to back up Skyward Sword...lol @ Cube Possibly....they are very biased towards Nintendo and there really dosent seem to be a reason why =S
g4tv.com/vgdm/best-game-2011 Thought i'd post this out to the whole nintendo community. Skyward Sword is currently in a deathmatch battle against assassins creed. Even though it is winning. It is slowly losing. So if you want too help Zelda crush Assassins Creed then please vote. And if this is the wrong place to stick this please move it to the correct part of the forums. I only post this as I dont want too see Zelda lose to: 1. A 3rd party game. 2. A biased website that is G4. 3. No on reliases that games like Assassins Creed would even exist without Zelda. P.s.: Skyrim got knocked out by Skyward Sword and thats defnetly saying somethink. P.s.s: To see the percentage of vote go to the main page its on the right hand side of the page. So guys please vote!! Links above and below Have removed WWW to post the link as i've only just joined the forums so just add WWW before the address. g4tv.com/vgdm/best-game-2011/
As first time poster i cant post a link too it but go to Wikipedia and you'll see Famitsu rated Skyward Sword Far as i'm concerened famitsu is the best reviewer for games. And as I own 7 and now soon to be 8 of the now 16 games that have recieved perfect scores i'll stick with them. Skyward Sword joins Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker to recieve 40/40 from Famitsu. And the 16th game to recieve a perfect score.
Actually I like that idea lol But seeing as most of the population do believe what The Sun prints it would be difficult. It has to be a newspaper that has just as much impact as the Sun. Any suggestions??
Not saying Nintendo never get good press. Just they seem to get treated like a 3rd rate competitor against Sony and Microsoft everytime when it comes to innovation. Just annoying me that The Sun reckons they can print propaganda with no proof.
Im sorry but this is just getting infruiating now!!! The Sun is attacking Nintendo however with no facts and just hear'say and rumour to support them I cant see how they get away with this. And now Watchdog!!! (Who I've actually e-mailed saying how dissapointed with them berating the console.) Sonys PS3 (radiator) has 3D cababilty with a 3D tv. And still!!1 No one has complained about that?? Wait until Sony develop there own handheld with 3D. No one will bat an eyelid too it. And then you'll have Apple develop 3D for the iseries and again it will be hailed as the most ground breaking thing ever. When Nintendo did it first an get the blame because people dont understand how to use the technology. Just wait...new handheld form Sony copy of Nintendo's. Will have 3D and now one will complain. And Nintendo should defnetly sue the Sun for no proof about the 3DS effects.
Hi I'm new to the forums been along time viewer of the site just never really thought bout signing up...lol Anywho here's my first contribution. The release dates for the re-makes of Pikmin and Mario Power Tennis uk.wii.ign.com/articles/946/946263p1.html?RSSwhen2009-01-20_030500 due to me being a new member I obviously cant post the URL so I have obmitted the http at the begining of the address. The link to IGN says Pikmin is due out February 6th (as are alot of games *cough* Chrono Trigger for DS) And Mario Power Tennis is March 6th. LD560