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Atomic Boo

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Posts posted by Atomic Boo

  1. Some more info for this game looks like will be coming real soon....

    That would be good.

    As for the 'boxart', its a bit meh, and too similar to prime 2, which was poor.


    Prime 1 boxart was a great boxart to introduce the series, and there was a cool spooky background.

    Id like to see Metroid turning into a 15 rated game instead of teen, because they could do a lot more with the blood effects.

  2. That was the poorest game of football I have seen United play. Partly that, but mostly Milan totally outplaying us. Terrible night, should have given more effort. Nobody really stood out and tried to do something about it, so it's no wonder that we lost.

  3. I find that mario is not powerful enough in Melee and lacks a finishing move that his nemesis bowser has.

    What do you think?

    His special move looks really cool though, it could make for a good feature in the game.


    Nintendo Announcement

    (I cant believe this!)

    Boo has been announced playable, as well as blargg, koopa, and goomba from the Mushroom Kingdom! As well as this, all Melee stages and characters have been kept so you can play through them again. 5 player is also a possibility, says Shigsy.


    New screenshot (of previous level):


    it seems there is no life bar for boo, because he is indeafeatable (without a star)


    Source: none

  4. Boo could not be a playable character because it would paralyse in shame when a character looks at him. But it could make a great item :)

    Not all boos do that though...

    in the sports games he is in, his description says something like 'forgetting his shyness with the other mushroom kingdom stars, boo is great tennis player.'

  5. Honestly, I can't see Chelsea losing at Arsenal. Especially due to Chelsea now having to win that game to keep their hopes alive.


    If anything, the Man City game will pose a problem for us. I hate it when teams suck week in week out, but then turn up the heat as soon as we come to play them. :heh:


    You sound like we're in a bad position, look on the positives.

  6. I agree. It was one of the worst games Ive watched. If id have payed £40 for a ticket I'd have asked for a refund. And yeah, Zenden shouldnt be in the pemiership.


    It was all route 1 stuff, no build up play like Manu and Arsenal do.


    Shevchenko was bliddy awful. How much time does he want on the ball before he even thinks what he's gonna do with it next?

  7. Best game of the last generation. I remember how it blew me away at the time, graphically mind blowing, deep gameplay and a great feeling of being stranded on an alien planet.


    What's the best game of this Gen then. Can't think of one better than Prime at the moment.

  8. Ah yes, the boost ball guardian on hard mode. Even when i did defeat him i still dont really have a proper strategy and not sure how i kill him! I hate the big room you have to go through to get to him, its creepy.


    Echoes was not as good bard due to level design, music wasnt as good, ammunition and no ice-beam combo!

    and youve made me want to play them through again. dunno if i really want to but oh well

  9. That's pretty much our best back four!


    I think we're very, very lucky to have interchangeable players. Even Fletcher was playing in defence lately.


    I know it is, and they say Chelsea had a tough time when it was just Terry and Robben out. This is a crucial time in the season and injuries are mounting but we are still good at the back.

    Sir Alex is happy with the squad so all should be good.


    Going to be a tense game though.


  10. Well, they evenly matched Blackburn, but they also won and beat (in two matches) Manchester United. I think they can give a pretty good account of themselves.

    I was hoping you wouldnt mention that, it was a fluke anyway.


    Just saw on Newsround, yes Newsround, that in professional football someone was booked for kissing the ref. He later said that he didnt know that was a bookable offense.

    What an idiot.



    Does anyone exactly know when Beckam will be wearing this?


    itll be on national news once he has played his first match for them or has scored his first goal etc

  11. What do people here think about the question:

    Could Celtic survive 2 seasons of premiership football without being relegated?


    I remember they played blackburn twice and they were both fairly evenly matched, but I cant remember the results. I think they probably could handle the lower teams but the top of the table would be a huge problem for them because the pace is much faster in the premier league. I guess championship sides have to put up with it if they get promoted.
