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Everything posted by LostOverThere

  1. Xenoblade Chronicles (Aug 19th)

    This isn't coming to North America though? What on earth? Man NoA makes a lot of retarded decisions...
  2. Wii Play: Motion

    God damn Miyamoto has a weird neck. It's just...so...strange...
  3. [SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    That avatar is so good... As for SS, I highly doubt this will come out in August. Not only does it miss the big holiday season, it's also under 2 months away! Not even Nintendo plays things that close to their chest.
  4. Killer Freaks from Outer Space

    Yeah, sounds goo...wait what.
  5. Metroid Prime Trilogy

    They also completely upgraded the lighting engine for MP1, and I believe, did a bunch of work on MP2 in a similar manor.
  6. [Spoiler-Free] Zelda: Skyward Sword

    Thanks for posting this topic. Now we can talk about how Midna and Child Ganon reside in Skyloft without having to use those stupid spoiler tags! Just kidding (None of this is true). Still, it'd be pretty bad to get these topics confused...
  7. Go Vacation!

    Damn, that is one pretty game. Especially considering it's genre. 1:09 looked like a prettier Twilight Princess + ponies.
  8. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    The thing that really excites me about this is the opportunity for a robust online system. I'd love to be able to form clans, and then get those clans to fight other clans online, then have a leaderboard and everything. Really, there's such a broad opportunity for good online here.
  9. [SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    I cannot wait to hear this game's orchestrated soundtrack. That is all. Oh, the game looks pretty fun too.
  10. Yeah, IGN kept tweeting about it a few nights before.
  11. I'm actually surprised more hasn't been "leaked" this year. I mean, by this time last year we knew Nintendo were going to announce GoldenEye Wii and Donkey Kong Country Returns.
  12. [SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    I seriously cannot wait to hear this game's soundtrack. Fully orchestrated OST's blow my mind.
  13. I think so, I'd imagine we'd have some sort of bridge game released between October and Christmas - think, like New Super Mario Bros. Wii or Kirby's Epic Yarn in terms of demographics. Incidentally, both of these were shown within months of their releases.
  14. Am I the only one who translates "A New Zelda" to simply mean Skyward Sword...? I'm going to guess this is being massively taken out of context.
  15. [SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    Okay, now I'm hyped. :P The idea heaven and hell thing makes a lot of sense and prove to be an incredibly interesting idea. I always feel Zelda games make the most impact when they deal with universal themes like this.
  16. [SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    I still think Ganondorf would sound awesome if he were voiced by an angry Orson Welles.
  17. [SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    Intentional though? There's no doubt in my mind that Nintendo know that the Twilight Princess hype was a massive mistake. Plus, if we look at Nintendo lately, they've usually hyped up their games only a few months away from their actual release. This should have been a sign, at last years E3, that Skyward Sword was still some time away.
  18. Wii General Discussion

    Yep, I don't own any other non-Nintendo consoles. To be fair though, I do do a lot of my gaming on PC, so for me, my Wii is solely for Nintendo games, and my PC for everything else.
  19. Twilight Princess

    I thought you guys might enjoy this:
  20. I dunno, last year I was massively hyped and Nintendo delivered. Last year's E3 blew my mind. This year, I don't really feel hyped at all. Why, I have no clue.
  21. Okay, here's my predictions. Hopefully they're a little more realistic. (Yeah, I know, I'm boring). -Pikmin 3 for Café -First acknowledgement of Retro Studios' next game for Café -New Skyward Sword gameplay mechanic announced -Skyward Sword still on Wii -The Last Story and Xenoblade release dates -Super Mario 3DS becomes the closest thing we have to a 3D Mario game in the style of a 2D one. -Analogue Out for Café's audio again.
  22. Pikmin 3 - Thoughts Going Into E3

    I'd be exceptionally surprised if this wasn't developed for Project Café. The thought of this in 1080p is wonderful. No doubt, this would be a wonderful launch title.
  23. Donkey Kong Country Returns

    Seriously though, I think the Mine Cart level in the Cliff's is one of my favourite in the game. Not sure why though, because it's not particularly unique. I think it just flows really well. Either way, I made sure to get the SHINY GOLD time trial medal for that stage. Felt like a boss.
  24. Donkey Kong Country Returns

    Yes, yes it does. The Mine cart stage of the cliffs is outstanding.