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Everything posted by cheets

  1. Just had a Breakdown

    its has took me 2 weeks to even come and read this thread, i am still off work, i have to go in on monday but i think i will just fucking burst and let rip. The anger inside me is so strong, i can be ok, walk to the shops, and someone is taking a few minutes at the till, and my head is going mental. I dont know why, the anguish and pain is still there. i cant even go town to drinking as i know i will lash out. I have been to the docs, he didnt really say much, just said i had faimly and shit, not what you want to be hearing, he did book a psychiatric nurse, but that was 6-8 weeks, which is jsut stupid, fucking NHS, i have paid tax on everything. I think its time for the bullied to he bully(the say all bullies are bullied), beat the shit out of the people who think they can intimidate people, i hope so, as i need somthing soon, with the early nights even better. I thank er-no, as he is the only one who can give me anything from this (the rest old school) i hope i can become stronger, i just think of my niece, this little girl, who is 2 weeks old, i just love her, and i want to be there for years to come. http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a182/cheets64/cheets.jpg < big picture
  2. £1000+ a month on eBay!

    ebay is not the place it was, its become too saturated.
  3. Just had a Breakdown

    i aint pissed ok, i am, but im home alone, i got coldplany on and i want to chuck the monoitor throuhj the fucking winodwd and listen to the ipod. been an hour since i head anything, psp owns :S
  4. Just had a Breakdown

    ha, did you ever come home and walk to school and 8am and see your dad pull up in the street jump out and start to get angry at your sister and break the video player, yuss, break the whole video player, that shit neighbours crap asuisse fake fucking crap mangle coffee shop. fucking robinsons, dog died. i can rememeber picking up a video which was in half. and thinking 5 years from now im i will be 15. good :yes: job car family house coldplay bad mental probs 5830 of the crap no future major mental probs alocholism
  5. Rita

    Here is a tip, this hurricane which is heading towards texas, Could shut down 18 refiners in texas, so fill up you cars now, becuase next week petrol prices could be sky high. This is just my speculation. BBC NEWS More than one million people have begun to evacuate the Gulf Coast of the United States ahead of Hurricane Rita. The storm, which has been upgraded to Category Five, is heading towards Texas with winds of 165mph (265km/h). Meteorologists say the hurricane could be the most intense ever to hit Texas, and one of the most powerful ever seen on the US mainland.
  6. Football Season 05/06

    and celtic are losing woot
  7. Football Season 05/06

    Chelsea 0 - 1 Aston Villa Edit Chelsea 1 - 1 Aston Villa
  8. WOW, tis a good film, really put all the others to shame bar batman, just up to the tumber bit, woot.
  9. Rita

    jesus watching the news on sky fox and ccn, as my sister is having a kid so sleep is no option, and the force is huge, its just about hit land and all the reporters where on the end of the storm aka the weak part.
  10. 'Scary' Films for Halloween?

    Mr. Nanny that is so scary seeing the hulk drinking tea in a tutu
  11. Beginneth of the Batman

    na, spiderman u can predict, its too kiddy, batman has a sense of power, hes not a super but he is powerful, spiderman and batman are no different in story only in power.
  12. The best console this generation.

    sorry but yes the gamecube was good had had some good games, but how many of them games are we seeing on the PS2, re4 VJ, the xbox got into the PS2 market, pro evo 4 gta sa, gameucbe never did that and thr xbox comes out top. ikmagine them the gamecube with WE 9 and GTA would be sweet but was let down mangement.
  13. Kate Moss

    kate moss only came into the news because of pete fuckface, i bet max clifford offererd him a deal for the papers, i man hes a funking **** who cannot sing and thinks being high on drugs makes him a god to kate moss. fucking ****
  14. Beginneth of the Batman

    DVD nonce, just got 20 mins left and this is and will be the best EVER comic book film, shits all over spiderman, hulk, hellboy, punisher, vendetta, x-men, man thing, fanshittisc 4 etc.
  15. Rita

    who is right, 12 or 21
  16. Playstation Discussion Archive

    According to the presentation material demonstrated on the Annual Operation Strategy Meeting, Sony has sold 6 million PSPs all around the world. And the sales in Europe were the best ever in the history of the PSP sales.
  17. Football Season 05/06

    na, west ham will lose
  18. Rate the above users user name

    a film, a japenese film, a blind japaense film, a good blind japenese film, a gorey good blind japenese film, a username gorey good blind japenese film, a good username gorey good blind japenese film. i need to see the film, its on my list
  19. Football Season 05/06

    i said a boring 0-0 for pool and man u, and i was spot on i just think chelsea have been abit poor and villa kinda are quite fun to watch, they always have, i just think villa get an early goal, sit back and chelsea will struggle for a 1 goaler, 1-1
  20. Adverts That Blow - Secondary Remix

    all comet workers should have to read every gadget site, games forum, and stuff mag before even being consider to work in a shop that sells anything with a plug.
  21. Rita

    they only added male names in some in the 70s or 80s i think, last big male on was Andrew, womens names where all the rage in the 40s kind of stfu bitch, and do the ironing nope?
  22. Football Season 05/06

    villa will draw with chelsea tomorrow
  23. Gizmondo 2 : WS

    marketing, they need a buzz, and tbh they just cant do it like sony or apple
  24. The fight for the Moon

    the moon is the son of the earth, a mars sized planet hit earth when it was forming. the moon controls the tides and we need the moon so we need to go back to playing golf on the moon.
  25. Rate the above users user name

    munky hes a funky monkey junkie beastie boys tune, simple name but no need for the capital K what are you special k