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About Supergrunch

  • Birthday 05/08/1989

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    Science (especially evolution), linguistics, maths, anime, visual novels, Japanese, reading, go
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    Wii, N64, Gamecube, GBA sp, DS
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    PS2, PC
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  1. Completely random question (for NaNoWriMo: see creative).


    I need a Japanese female name (pref that can be Westernised but not so important) that ties into the number 10. I know ten is 'Ju' and apparently 'Jun' means obedient (which would also work in the sense of 'names reflecting literal traits' but again, not as important) but I often hear Japanese people say their names consisting of the kanji for x and y so I presume it doesn't have to just contain the certain kanji, but there's more than that?


    Anyway rambling aside, can you think of any female names which play on the number 10 by any chance? I'll understand if not because its not like we have any names that play on numbers really so this may be a long shot.


    Many thanks :)

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