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Everything posted by Foxfear

  1. "New Play Control" Games!

    My prayers have come true!! I missed a lot of gc classics because I bought the Gamecube in a quite late stage of the console... but now all the classics come back WITH wii-controls... *pinches himself too see whether he's dreaming or not* No, I'm not dreaming!!
  2. Nintendo Holding a Conference- October 2nd

    Well, I'm still praying for Star Fox but I think it will be a no-go :(
  3. Nintendo Holding a Conference- October 2nd

    Indeed I think an MMO would be awful... But I think a Pokemon Colosseum-ish game fully in 3D with gyms and league would be much better... and were you can go to all four worlds (Kanto, Johto, etc.)
  4. Wii HD in 2011?

    Hopefully with the new WiiHD you won't be obliged to buy a whole new Wii but just let it upgrade for 100 euros or so... And I too drool at the thougth of a Metroid, Zelda or and most importantly Star Fox for Wii...
  5. Nintendo Holding a Conference- October 2nd

    Why is that??
  6. Formula 1 2008

    Didn't I state earlier that Ferarri would fuck up its pit stops (strategy or in general)... They wanna brag with their "awesome" lights and laugh with other team's "lolly pop guy", well now you see, flashier is not always better... Hamilton played it extremely safely today... and Raikkonen messed up 4 laps before finishing:indeed: Poor Ferarri, but they actually got what they deserved... :yay: I'm really happy for Alonso...
  7. Nintendo Holding a Conference- October 2nd

    I really, really don't wanna see a conference about how "cool" the new DS is going to be... Give us some first party games for crying out loud!!! I would get tears of joy if a new Star Fox will be announced...
  8. Penguin Break Season 4

    I agree he is intimidating but I don't have a "Oh shit, Wyatt's coming"-feeling when I see him, he's just too emotionless...
  9. Why Zelda Wii will probably be the best game ever.

    Are you out of your mind?? SFA wasn't an awesome game, but it was solid... great even... The controls were good, the upgrades cool, the worlds were versatile, backtracking was not bad either, and a good story... it was a zelda-like SF game... what's wrong with that??
  10. Wii Music!

    I think the much better although more expensive alternate for Wii Music is GH: WT. Now this game will kick any music game's (especially Rock Band's) ass...
  11. The Conduit

    I kinda would say "Close, but no cigar" Very nice attempt, but it still doesn't come anywhere near MP3 Would say so too
  12. PES 2009 Pro Evolution Soccer

    ROFL !! I thought it wasn't on purpose, thought they just messed up...
  13. Formula 1 2008

    Well if Ferarri fucks up their pit stop strategy again, I won't be surprised if the McLarens get two podium places...
  14. Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*

    I think that would be too logical :heh: The show likes to take it the hard road and not even consider the easy way... Why didn't the company kill sylar when they had the chance?? Why don't the heroes stick together so they can kick some serious villan arse?? Why doesn't peter use his powers more efficiently?? I mean he can teleport, stop time, control things with his mind, read peoples minds, heal ... must I go on?? ... And many more logical questions for a not-so-logical show, but it doesn't mean I don't absolutely love it
  15. Football Season 2008/2009

    Man U is not doing very well this season... Chelsea is on fire !! So I think 3-1 for Sunday
  16. Nintendo Holding a Conference- October 2nd

    All I want is Star Fox to be shown... nothing else... with Falco saying "Hands off my bread!!" I would cry from happyness !!
  17. Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*

    We should have a countdown or something :p:p
  18. Why Zelda Wii will probably be the best game ever.

    That's the danger of any hyped game... you get overhyped and due to your immensly high expectations, you end up being dissapointed... I was super-hyped for MP3 and although it was a fantastic game, I was dissapointed, I felt like it could've been more (more weapons, flying with the gunship, etc.)
  19. Penguin Break Season 4

    I'm still downloading ep 3 sounds like it will be awesome-o !!
  20. Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*

    When is the new season starting??
  21. The Conduit

    This game is certainly looking better and better, but I'd like to see it first before I believe it :p
  22. Disaster: Day of Crisis

    I would say a month is nothing compared to the 5 month hiatus between Japanese and European release of ssbb
  23. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    That's my point exactly I don't mind losing at all, if it's to a truly better player of which I can learn a thing or two... In my defence, spamming can be overcome easily when in one on one... it gets annoying when it's don in team battles, every time you get knoced back by someone, he's sitting near the edge and ready to welcome you with one of his fully charged smashes -.- I also don't blame him for that since it was his first time !! I wrote the message when I didn't know he was new to the game...
  24. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    What trophy is missing??
  25. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    I think you have to look up the word arrogant in the dictionary, because none of the message (except maybe for the second one) seem arrogant to me... I only get pissed off (or arrogant) when people like Pookablio start talking tarsh about me for no apparent reason...