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Posts posted by Beast

  1. 23 hours ago, darksnowman said:

    If you keep following Nook's guidance for island development they will come.

    I'm really struggling to find more Iron Nuggets to create this "campsite"...which is basically a stage. At the moment, I have another bridge on the go ready for the middle island so I can create a campsite for it. At this moment in time, I have Poncho (a bear who loves working out), Drago (a dragon who loves to snack- can't relate, haha), Plucky (a chicken obsessed with saying "chicky-poo"), Bubbles (a hippo who loves bright colours) and Nana (a pink monkey that is constantly crafting).

    I've turned the Residential Tent into a building and Isabelle has joined. She's a weird one. I done my island flag and tune (I made When You Wish Upon a Star...obviously. I did Beauty and the Beast but couldn't finish the tune and it done my head in). Right now, I've planted LOADS of flowers, made my own pumpkin patch, done my back garden up, planted coconut palm trees all around the beach, made a seashell rest spot...I just need iron nuggets! Can I buy them? I hit rocks all the time and they pop out now and again. Is there a technique to get them more frequently?

  2. [mention=3591]Beast[/mention] I’m on for a spike tomorrow PM time. I’ll post back the price tomorrow for anyone that has turnips and may want to sell. 
    Mine keeps getting lower. I was offered something yesterday.

    How does the PM thing work? I ask because I checked back after 12 and it was the same price. Checked it at 3 and it was the same price again. Does it mean evening or something?

  3. All of this is very overwhelming. It's got me near breaking point tonight, not going to lie. It was weird because my friend actually phoned me mid-meltdown and calmed me a little. I'm just so done with this shit.


    On top of that, I had a bloody shop assistant follow me around because I put my mask down for a millisecond (even though I'm exempt and had the bastard lanyard as well) because I started struggling to breathe and had to take my inhaler.

    She just came up to me and said, and I quote, "That covers your mouth for a reason!" really harshly. I took my inhaler and stared at her when I did it. After, she just huffed and walked away. A man complained to someone on the tills for the way she spoke to me and told me I should complain but I couldn't be arsed. I just wanted to go home. Ironically, it was the first day since this lockdown began that I properly went out. Now I don't feel like leaving...


    I hate this government. I hate these self-righteous people. I'm starting to become negative and I don't want to be and I try not to be but right now, it's becoming hard. Its why I've been focusing on my Switch, watching Cobra Kai and doing Fitness Boxing and Just Dance every day.


    I know there are people in worse situations than me but even so, it's becoming taxing.


    • Like 2

  4. It’s Diana’s birthday today. If anyone still needs to come and celebrate for Nook Miles I can open up this evening. 
    What time around?

    Oh and my turnip prices are crap. 54 bells?! Apple definitely don't fall far from the tree. They're exactly like Nook the Crook!

  5. Right. Turnips. Check nook store every AM and PM. The prices change at noon. There will be three types of pattern per week. Prices will either go down steadily all week, spike high or low, or you’ll have a roller coaster week. There are a few sites and apps that you can use to track the prices as it’s all set by the price you pay Sunday. it’s not used a lot now but a few of us still use the Turnip prices thread to say when we have a spike. As for selling, sell for more than you bought. Anything above 200 is going to be considered a spike. 
    Art is fun and you can spot fakes if you know the original piece. Again look in the trading thread as we post when we have Redd as you can buy from other peoples island when he’s there. 
    You should be able to get another bridge by going to your Resident Services and asking Nook. 

    On your Nook Phone one of the “apps” is the Critipedia. You can see all the fish and bugs you’ve caught there. If you have donated them, then there will be a small owl stamp next to it too. 

    That was very informative! Thank you!

    I bought the turnips for 95 bells each so bought 100 because my American friends were like "be sure to buy them on Sunday". They turned theirs down because they got about 110 bells each on theirs, I think they said. So I'm aiming for about 200 each and I risk whether I sell them for more or less depending on what I get offered?

    The art side is pretty funny. I risked a picture of an ocean with waves and Japanese writing on the left of it. Only because the Mona Lisa and the Pearl Earring ones were obvious fakes. Mona Lisa had funky eyebrows and the Pearl Earring one had a square earring. Hopefully I got a real one! Guess I'll find out tomorrow!!

    I tried looking in Residential Services but it was taken off as soon as I built it and I can't buy it anywhere else either. It's really weird!

    The Critterpedia hint was VERY helpful! I didn't know what I submitted in the museum at all! I love the game but its not very clear sometimes. Is there any way in knowing the art?

  6. Guys, I've bought 100 turnips! I've never done this before but I got them for 9500 bells. What would I be aiming to get for them?

    Also, I've started buying art (but I have to be careful in buying fake art) and I've got 5 people on my island with their own houses, a bridge (which I want to make another but I don't know how because the option isn't there anymore), I got an A grade on my house and I still wish I could kick Tom Nook in the face because he's mugging me off!

    Also, I was wondering if there was any way in knowing what I have in the museum without going there?

  7. 46 minutes ago, Nicktendo said:

    Yeah it’s a cart issue. My copy of Puyo Puyo Tetris is troublesome. Usually only works from the 3rd or 4th try of pulling it out and re-inserting it. I always get it working eventually, but maybe you were better off swapping it for another one. 

    Yeah, it's real weird. My other carts work fine (although Fitness Boxing did it once but has been okay ever since) but Pokemon has been quite 50/50 and I don't want to keep inserting the game in and taking it out in case I damage the reader or something.

    Animal Crossing has kept me entertained to no ends anyway!


  8. I've got Mario + Rabbids for the Switch. It's a good game. It's simple, colourful and fun and the strategy side of things isn't too heavy.

    I got Pokemon Sword but my Switch said it can't read the game card. I tried it again and it worked. However, I went back to it earlier and it's not working again so I have to return it. I had a mini heart attack because I was praying it wasn't my Switch, haha. I'm a bit gutted because what I did play I actually enjoyed. Has anyone else ever had that problem before?

  9. Kind of funny you still feel that way considering that half of the series was (until recently) exclusive to Nintendo platforms.
    It’s still really stupid that they haven’t ported the HD remasters onto Switch yet (hell, even KH3 is very possible; going by DQ11’s successful transition).  Hell, even Xbox has them all!
    Hopefully it happens now that we have MoM on Switch.
    If this happened, I would cry tears of joy. Having Kingdom Hearts with me on the go would be amazing!

  10. 13 hours ago, Sméagol said:

    I only played for a short while, as Monday evening is radio time for me (and I doubt playing RE with Disco and Deephouse music on is the experience I'm craving).

    First of all: I can finally confirm the controls and camera angles are archaic and shit. I mean, I would have expected it, but actually experiencing it is another matter. But I wanted to finally see where it all started, so i'll try to work with it.It is what it is. Though I won't be touching any of the other pre-RE4 games in their (mostly) original versions. the remakes however..

    Anyway, yeah first zombie. I died, because I tried knifing it.. And this didn't seem to work. Feel like I've hit it at least 15 times.

    Second death..i opened the front door, and Leon (I chose Leon first) just let the zombie dog through like an idiot. I was unable to aim at the dog so I died. Luckily I saved right before (I was thinking "should I save this ribbon?" but I didn't).

    Haven't explored much yet. Another archaic thing that annoyed me is the lack of tutorial pop-ups. There are a few, but none really helpful yet. I've looked at a guide for general combat tips, and while I noticed the lighter in the inventory screen, I didn't think any of it yet. Seems I should burn bodies, but I left that first zombie after I got my revenge on it. I'll go check it out when I return. I also learned I should ignore zombies if I can. I wasted ammo shooting at shiny stuff like I'm used in RE4 and 5. Didn't work. Opened up a crypt in the cemetary, but wasn't sure what to do there, Not sure where to go next. That's when I used my last of 3 ribbons. Feels like I've wasted them and ammo, but I'm not using the knife again. Does the knife have any use? Would appreciate some other general (combat) tips!


    Run. There's nothing wrong or shameful in not fighting but run and save your ammo for bigger fights. Resident Evil isn't solely about killing zombies, it's about surviving and you need to be sure you have enough ammo and enough herbs spare for boss fights and tougher ecnounters. You don't always have to kill them. I always leave the dogs until I get a handgun anyway.

    Zombies are pretty easy to avoid so only kill them when absolutely necessary, such as in narrow corridors or when you're cornered. Dogs and faster creatures would need to be put down as soon as possible.

    Personally, I'd have picked Jill for my first go as she has more inventory space and, if I recall correctly, she comes across ink ribbons more than Chris does (but I think I may have imagined that).

    Stick with the controls and the camera angles. I can imagine them being a little dated now but this series honestly defined survival horror for me. Its characters and story was brilliant and the replayability is great too. I must've completed it so many times throughout my life from the age of 8 or 9 onwards. It's a series I hold to my heart just as much as Kingdom Hearts. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  11. 3 hours ago, Glen-i said:

    For what it's worth, the Switch version has an exclusive 8-player mode if you actually have friends to play it with locally. (That mode isn't online, unfortunately)

    Apart from that, there's barely any difference. There's no massive advantage outside of Trophy support. (The game already has "feats" which function as the same thing, anyway)

    I don't have anyone who likes Kingdom Hearts locally so PS4 it is! It makes sense, really, because I own all of them on PS4 so I may as well complete it on it too. 

  12. My copy arrived early this morning and I've pretty much just cabbaged in front of the TV and played it all day. 
    Absolutely loved it. It's a true love letter to the fans of the series, with lots of iconic music pieces on offer and recaps of bits of the story from all the mainline entries. 
    I like how they included a few stages for Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days and ReCoded. There was some great music in each of these games and I'm happy to see them represented here, even if it's only a few levels. Lord of the Castle, The 13th Struggle, Another Side, Fight and Away and No More Bugs!! are top tier tunes.
    Most of the songs that have been chosen for the game are fantastic, with only a few out of the 150 on offer falling a little flat. I'm very happy to see a few Disney songs as part of the package. Outside of a handful of examples, Disney music has mostly been kept out of the KH games and so it's nice to see a few songs pop up here. I've played Let It Go a fair few times now. In fact, it was the first song that I completed on the hardest difficulty. I couldn't stop myself. It was great to see that they used the footage from Kingdom Hearts III when Elsa sang the whole song whilst Sora just looked on in wonder. 
    I can see why they didn't call this Theatrhythm. I love the game to bits but it does lack customization and strategy that those games had. All that this really has in common with them is that it's a rhythm game made by S-E.
    I was happy with the little bit of story at the end of the game. It looks to nicely set up the next chapter of the KH saga. Hopefully we won't have to wait 15 years for it to arrive.
    The credits may have rolled but there's still a crazy amount to do. I've platinumed all the KH games and want to try and get the platinum on this one as well. It means doing things like completing all 150 songs on all 3 difficulty levels, playing perfectly (no missed notes) on 50 stages on each difficulty, levelling up the gang to their max levels and using Mickey Mouse on my team for an hour. Yup, plenty to keep me busy in between other games.
    Man, I love this series.  [mention=3591]Beast[/mention] you like Disney and Kingdom Hearts, right? Any interest in this game? Here's a little taste for you.
    I've been wanting this so badly since it's announcement! Now my only trouble is what to buy it for: Switch or PS4.

    I have all of the Kingdom Hearts games on the PS4 BUUUUT I love the fact I could take the game anywhere I wanted...
    • Like 1

  13. If you're not busy on New Year's Eve, you should consider coming to the N-Europe New Year Countdown gathering I just posted about on the Animal Crossing thread.
    It'd be a nice welcoming to the N-E Switch gang.
    That sounds fun. It's my family's tradition to bring the year in together but it would be fun if you meet beforehand!

    What time does it start?

  14. I'll keep this short for now but:
    1] the first fews days are slow. It's about getting the resources to get the basic stuff out of the way
    2] I suspect Animal Crossing isn't a great choice right now for you.. A big selling point was the community aspect, and a lot of people have moved on. Just check the activity at the start of the thread. There's only a handful of us still actively playing it. So you missed the boat a bit. The community aspect isn't going to be the same for you as it was (or still is) for us. Trading is going to be weird. I mean I can literally give you a complete fossil set, but I'm not going to.
    3] There's no endgoal.
    There's more stuff to say, but I'm off to bed.

    I've literally weeded out most of my island and picked a shit ton of apples out. I visited my friend's island and her island has houses and concrete and wicked stuff. She gave me an outfit and a vaulting pole (I had no clue how to jump everywhere ).

    I want to try and do it all myself tbf. I went into her museum yesterday and saw a shit ton of dinosaurs so I take it they're the fossils you speak of? Okay, I got this

    You don't.
    Animal Crossing is a game of freedom, but trying to "complete" it is a mistake.
    The idea is to boot it up once a day and spend 30 minutes to 1 hour slowly building up your island just how you want. When you think you're done, you close the game and carry on tomorrow.
    Just go with the flow for now and just explore what opens up to you each day. The game isn't designed to be played like your average game.
    When a few days have passed, try visiting other islands N-Europe players are living on and socialising with them.
    Now, even though there's no "end goal", most people set their own goals. Some go around collecting furniture, or maybe try to complete the museum (Don't worry, the museum will make sense to you eventually). Stuff like that.

    I've seen my friend's museum...got lost in it . Okay, that's pretty cool, actually. So...my goal is to get all of the stamps in the Nook Miles app thing for now!

    None of you can visit my island until I clean it up! It looks basic and a bit of a shit-tip!

    [mention=16048]Glen-i[/mention] sums it up great, this game is about setting your own goals, your way, your pace, your preferences. It’ll become unique and if you dedicate yourself to it, it’ll attach to you like no other game has done before.
    And even though [mention=1951]Sméagol[/mention] is right about the community having moved on for a large part, this game still brings in new people like yourself or people returning to their town because of new seasons.
    Apart from [mention=16048]Glen-i[/mention], [mention=1951]Sméagol[/mention] and myself, I know [mention=2412]BowserBasher[/mention] and [mention=1169]Tales[/mention] are still active on a daily basis. And some other people from here like [mention=182]RedShell[/mention] and [mention=2286]Vileplume2000[/mention] are also still actively playing.
    But back to what [mention=16048]Glen-i[/mention] said, the first week or two are about getting to know the games’ base mechanics before it truly opens up to you. Gathering crafting materials is the most important thing to focus on during this phase, especially iron nuggets! Hope you enjoy the game and join our little cult following

    So far, I put down my tent and crafted a couple of things. The raccoon wants me to hunt for insects now. That dude is mugging me off, honestly
    • Haha 1

  15. Right so I've fired this up, got my island, spoke to the Nook family aaaaaaand I don't know what to do now

    As far as I gather, I was conned. I arrived on an island, celebrated for picking an awesome name, got a title and then he smacked it down with "oh and by the way, you're in debt to me, mwahaha"

    I've found it quite chilling, honestly. I don't understand exactly the endgame though? How do you complete it?

    (in case you didn't figure it out, never properly played Animal Crossing in my life. Saw the trailer and it didn't appeal to me but then got it for free and gave it a shot)

  16. I am absolutely IN LOVE! It's way better than I thought it would be. Now that I have the actual console out, I quite like the design. My controller matches it perfectly too.


    My manager has got me Aladdin/The Lion King Collection and it plays beautifully. Played Super Mario 3D All Stars and it looks beautiful and plays even better using the pad. I also found out I could merge my 3DS funds and i may have forgot someone telling me here but I got discounts using Gold points! I ended up buying Just Dance 2020 for £20, Final Fantasy X/X-2 and I'm going to buy Mario + Rabbids in a couple of days.


    The controller was very light to hold and first impressions was that it was cheap BUT my opinion very quickly changed when I pressed the buttons and actually used it. It's honestly so comfortable (dare I say more so than a PS4 pad) and the 3.5mm jack works like a dream. For £15 at Game or Argos, I'd very highly recommend it. Heck, I wouldn't have minded it at full price honestly. Also, for anyone wondering, it's wired but the wire is ridiculously long.


    My only issue is that it's not straightforward to find things and adding friends via a long-ass code is a ballache. Other than that, I love it. Now all of you add me so we can play shit!


    (I don't know how to access my code so you'll have to give me yours )


    Also, does the joycons charge when you Dock the screen when they're inserted?



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