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Posts posted by Monopolyman

  1. Slither... not an amazing film, not a bad one, just pure, relatively mindless entertainment. simple as.


    Yeah,a bit late in the game for this, but I only got my hands on Slither yesterday.


    But anyway, I pretty much agree with this guy. It's not really a film I can spend hours debating technical aspects of the film and all that, but for what it was I enjoyed it. My mind did wander a bit during the second act, but the first hour at least, if nothing else, kept me entertained.


    Also, I've got a couple of suggestions for movies and books, but I'm not sure if we are adding anymore or not. We seem to have a long enough list already, so we probably won't get around to my choices for months (or years!) but, still...

  2. Woah, woah woah.


    We all know John Cale did the best version of Hallelujah...


    ?rel=0&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>



    Though I kinda like all versions I've heard, apart from the X-factor one; that girl's voice is way too gravelly for that song.



    EDIT: Apparently, I suck at posting YT videos, so heres the link...


  • lol oh well. Based on a true story, really doesn't mean much...


    Pretty much every film based on a true story bend the truth a little for the sake of theatricals or excitement. Most of the time it's just small things they change, but some films take the piss. Sleepers is the best example of that.



    But anyway, I watched No Country for Old Men again recently. Still a great film, probably more so now I have a better understanding of it.

  • Hey, I will not hear a bad word sad against Return of the Jedi.


    Those fluffy Ewoks. :weeps:


    Hey, I like Jedi, but compared to Empire and Hope, it's certainly the weakest of the three (thus the metaphor)


    Oh, and I watched A View to a Kill last night, which I loved when I watched it, but now... well, it's still fun, but b-jesus, it was piss poorly directed. In the opening scene alone, you can tell it was on a set, and the helicopters were crappy plastic models, not to mention the random Beach Boys music in the middle of it.


    4 or 5/10

  • Work is fucking hurrendous. Kids....go to uni. Save your life and go to uni NO MATTER WHAT.


    No matter what? I can understand what you mean to an extent, but I think it would better to go straight to work, or something similar than go to a Uni, do a joke degree or a degree which you have no passion or motivation for, and be beack to square one three years and several thousand pounds worth of debt later.


    As for me, I did a year at uni on a course I didn't like, now I've dropped it and thinking what to do now. I was thinking of going back, but doing Economics or such. The thing is though, there is so much more you can do besides university.

  • Quantum of Solace


    The most disappointing thing about QoS is that it just seemed like it wanted to imitate the Bourne films, and in doing so lost all the charm of the previous Bond movies. I loved Casino Royale, and I liked how it was still a Bond film, whilst still being completely different, but TBH, I can't say the same thing for Quantum.


    One thing I will give it, though, are the action sequences, which were all brilliant, if a little front loaded with a bit at the end; but at the end of it all, it was disappointingly two notches lower than Casino Royale.


    It was still good, but I went in expecting The Empire Strikes Back, but it ended up as Return of the Jedi.


    A somewhat generous 7/10

  • License to kill was completely un-noteworthy, really... =/


    Yeah, disagree.


    License to Kill is probably the most underrated Bond film there is. Dalton gives a personal depth to Bond that has never been seen before (and not since until Casino Royale), plus great set-pieces, and I liked the drug-trade-oriented plot; it vaguely reminded me of Goldfinger, speaking of which...




    Damn, I just love this film. Can't decide what part's more awesome: the gold painted girl, the ejector seat part, Oddjob etc. etc. Probably have to be the laser scene, I mean, damn, it's still as intense the tenth time around.


    Jesus, what a face-meltingly fantastic film *lights cigarette*



  • Pulp Fiction though...always prefered RD from Tarantino's output. It's tighter and punchier than PF.



    Really, being honest, I thought Reservoir Dogs is the weakest film from Tarantino's Filmography. As for Fargo, though. I loved it, but I agree with you it's not for everybody.



    But as to what I've seen lately, and as the US elections are just around the corner, I've seen two White House centred films, Recount and The Contender.


    Recount: 8/10

    The Contender: 6/10


    The former is about all that jazz that happened in Florida in 2000, and the latter about a woman striving to fill the spot of Vice President after the death of her potential predecessor. Both good, with plots strong in the political system, but the Democrat bias in both annoyed me in both (although it's forgivable in Recount, as only hard core Republicans deny that the 2000 election was stolen; The Contender had no excuse).

  • People that annoy me are people who drive way below the speed limit.


    This is probably my biggest driving pet peeve. Learner drivers I can tolerate, because I know how scary the roads are when you're just learning; otherwise, it's just a pain, especially on the safest roads or in the middle of the night.



    Another thing, although not directly related to driving, but when I'm wandering around a car park desperately looking for a space, and then I see some prick parked his car over two spaces, it pisses me off so much it makes me want to grab a baseball bat from the back of my car and smash his Ferrari ('cos they usually are Ferraris or something like that) beyond repair.

  • Probably Conservatives. As the Labour Party has been gradually falling apart for the last 5 or 6 years, the Tory party used the opportunity to unionize.


    I agree with what many have suggested so far, though. It's hard to pick a party when both sides are moving closer and closer to the centre, especially considering that Parliament is supposed to be somewhat partisan.

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