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Posts posted by Monopolyman

  1. Was actually a really enjoyable show, apart from the overblown presentations of the four acting categories


    I know, what the fuck was that circle-jerk all about? It was especially embarrassing for the over emotional lead-actress presentation. DeNiro was good, though.


    I have no problem with Slumdog winning BP, although that's because I didn't really care about any of the nominated films. If The Wrestler or Wall-E, or perhaps even Gran Torino were nominated, well, it would be different.


    Also, I heard that Slumdog Millionaire was the first Best Picture winner where none of the main characters were white. That surprised me for some reason.

  2. It's also worth noting that in the book it mentions she gets killed by Chigurh. It is an amazing film which raises so many questions and interpretations. I personally think that Anton Chigurh is sort of like Grim Reaper, and he goes along giving everybody a chance to live, until that girl denies him, therefore denying the chance involved in death. It's kinda complicated and strange, but it's certainly a strong movie about violence and death.

  3. Saw Valkyrie the other day, which was OK, I suppose. It wasn't a particularly deep film, per say, or even anything more than a history lesson in the disguise of a blockbuster, but that's not critisism. It's an interesting but not a widely known event, which is proficiently executed by Bryan Singer with fine pacing and timely direction leaving the audience involved with the plot. And say what you want about Tom Cruise, but when he wants to, he can be a fine actor.


    By no means a classic, but, y'know, you could do worse.



  4. I can't stand these posters; both the atheist ones aswell as the new christian ones. They're clearly been designed and funded for to aggravate the opposing arguers, with no other function.


    How come in this day and age, we can't just learn to live with two conflicting opinions and not caring about what another person believes, or doesn't believe?

  5. Despite what many people say, a lot of their stuff after (What's The Story) Morning Glory is pretty fucking good. There's some great choons off the new album, for example.


    Heathen Chemistry is one of my favourite albums. I'll never understand the backlash for it.

  6. The fact that he's black is pretty invalid if you ask me, his race shouldn't matter. I do wonder whether it was his politics that got in in to the white house or just the colour of his skin?


    Yep, especially considering the fact that race was hardily ever came up during campaigning from either side.

  7. The Wrestler


    Fucking brilliant. Rourke perfects a character that who is complex but still very realistic and one that the audience can relate to, which, as well as a absorbing script, a fantastic ending and Bruce Springsteen during the end credits; makes Wrestler perhaps the best film of the year.


    It would be a shame if didn't at least get a nomination for Best Picture at the Oscars, but Best Actor and Best Original Song are almost certain.



  8. I either want my cinema tickets heavily reduced if I'm going to have to watch adverts, or I pay full whack and they take them off completely. I pay my license fee to the BBC and in return I get ad-free telly. I receive channel 4 for free therefore accept that advertising is needed and I cannot complain.


    You have to realise that cinemas make almost literally no profit from actual movie tickets themselves; it all goes towards the studios who make the film. They have adverts and trailers to make this profit. This is also why it cost so much for food & drink at cinemas.


    Oh yeah, and about £6.10 at my local cinema, but you do get a free £2.50 off coupon with every visit, so it's not all bad.

  9. Personally. I think that if Aliens did spend all the time and money to reach earth, they would try and make contact with us. Its what we would do if we went to another inhabited planet. Stealthy research just wouldn't make sense.



    I think it would be sensible to scout out the alien planet first before trying to land and making contact with it's locals, so it's kind of a logical explanation. Not that I believe in UFOs, though.


    As for the story, though, saw it on the front page of the Sun today (go figure), and, yeah, it's probably nothing (though, technically, i suppose it is a UFO, being that it's a flying object that hasn't been identified yet).


    This Is England


    Wow. Basically a bit of a masterpiece. Iconic and a resounding vision of the 1980s. Excellent film.





    I love this movie. In fact it's my favourite film of the year before.



    Gran Torino


    Basically, It's about a grumpy old racist (played by Clint Eastwood) making a connection with the Hmong family next door to him. It was pretty 'meh' overall, apart from a scene where Eastwood saves his Hmong neighbor from being raped by a group of blacks in an amazingly racist way; and also a scene where he tell a joke "A Mexican, a Jew and a colored man walks into a bar; the manager says 'Get the fuck out.'" The film would have been so much better if it was just Clint Eastwood as a super racist superhero, telling the odd un-pc joke between shooting-up neighborhood Koreans. Never-the-less...





    In America


    Good film. It's about a poor Irish family moving to America, which ended up being a pretty emotional film I suppose. Ironically, the best performance came from a 10 year old girl.







    Look, fuck off. I like this film. I don't care if it's not exactly the most sophisticated comedy, Stone and Parker crack me up every time I see this. The psyche outs are genius and the story is actually quite good. It's better than most of the crap that passes for comedy these days, anyway.



  11. For girls names, I'm kind of limited to what I can call her. The thing is, my surname starts with a vowel; to be more specific my starts with an 'eh' sound and the first three letters are 'ell', so I can't call her anything like michelle or belle; and I can't call her anything that ends with an 'a' because that just sounds silly when saying her whole name. That just leaves any name ending with an 'ee' sound. I suppose I've always like Connie.


    And, if he's a bloke, Johnathan.

  12. It's a wonderful life


    Ahhh I can't tell you how much I love this film. James Stewart is brilliant, I just feel every emotion along with him, the desperation and the joy. I love his voice so much too, ''Geeeoooorge'', ah :heart:. It's a film that makes me happy (and I'm not interested in any cynics opinions ;))





    I watched this last night as well. Clearly one of the best films ever made. The last scene really gets to me. 10/10

  13. I haven't seen AB in a while, so it's probably best if I watched it again first, but this is one of my favourite monologues I've ever seen in a film...


    I had always heard your entire life flashes in front of your eyes the second before you die. First of all, that one second isn't a second at all, it stretches on forever, like an ocean of time... For me, it was lying on my back at Boy Scout camp, watching falling stars... And yellow leaves, from the maple trees, that lined my street... Or my grandmother's hands, and the way her skin seemed like paper... And the first time I saw my cousin Tony's brand new Firebird... And Janie... And Janie... And... Carolyn. I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me... but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday.





  14. Well, the answer to this is overpopulation. Eventually, it will get to a point where there are more people than humanity can cater for which will in inevitably see a rapid population decline. As there will be very few people alive, humanity will again fail to cater for itself and eventually fizzle out. "The world will end, not with a bang, but with a whimper".



    But enough with common sense; maybe there will be a virus which sends the world into a homicidal rage.

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