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Posts posted by navarre

  1. I did GCSE German at school, and got a B. Can't really remember much now. Despite being forced into doing a language (I believe my education would've benefitted more from me studying Geography than German), there was never the incentive. The general arrogant state of mind of English being the only language you need to actually know was preventing me from ever taking the subject very seriously, and to a certain degree, that state of mind proved correct, especially when you venture round Europe and the locals don't even bother trying to speak to you in their language.

  2. Because that's what following something you cannot even prove is there looks like from the outside... isn't that what faith is, anyway? To believe in something without needing to see it or feel it, just feeling like you 'know' something is true, that's faith. Hence 'blindly'.


    No, you're assuming that theists follow their religion without considering the theological and historical implications that come with it. How do you prove Jesus existed? How do you prove history? You cannot prove history in a scientific sense, so does that mean we follow history blindly? Of course not. We follow sources. Catholics (of whose ranks I am hoping to join soon) believe the canonical gospel accounts to be legitimate sources of Jesus' life and existence. Those sources are the basis for the entire Catholic faith, and just because you cannot prove those sources in a scientific manner (ie you cannot conduct experiments), it doesn't mean Catholics follow their faith 'blindly'.


    Religion isn't evil, at its heart it's just a naive and childish story that started with inexplicable 'magics' like lightning storms, the moon and the sound a shell makes when you put your ear up to it. It's the people that blindly believe in these things and lay out their sanctimonious nonsense with fists and guns that are evil.


    Why do people assume theists follow their faith 'blindly'?

  4. Because they can't think for themselves?


    I think religion exists purely to control others.


    What a rash, misguided view of theists. I think you may need to revise the definition of 'thinking for themselves', because in your opinion, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and even atheists are incapable of thinking for themselves simply because they belong to a group with similar religious views. You realise each person is individual, and has very different opinions on things regarding religion? Would you consider me unable to think for myself, because instead of investigating science myself, I accept scientific evidence gathered by others as facts?



    Dude, if you're gonna kill someone a gun is much more preferable than a knife.


    It's compeletely irrelevant which instrument is used. I doubt you used the 'gun' analogy simply because a firearm is a more efficient method of killing. Another example- your hands can be used to kill someone. Are your hands evil?


    But you remove the gun from the equation....and it prevents the evil.


    Thats the way I see it anyway.


    Yes, but what if that gun where replaced by a knife, or some of the other billion-something methods of killing someone?


    I have to agree although I know a lot of Catholics and love the churches I have big problems with their theology.


    Aye. Orthodox churches are amongst the best on the planet. Hagia Sophia is the lesbian porn of the world of Christian architecture, and that's without mentioning the beautiful churches in Greece. Damn, you Protestants may be right with the 'theology' part, but you need to start building more beautiful churches.



    Just because we haven't had a religion thread in a while doesn't mean we should start off with such a nonsense opening question.


    Nonsense or not, people ask it irregardless. Religion is empirically, objectively not evil. It should be shuffled to the bottom of the 'serious' pile, along with 'Are videogames evil?' and other nonsense arguments, albeit Richard Dawkins and other 'devout' atheists still like to perpetuate religion to be an evil idea. And, what, with him being a professor at a leading national university, he can't possibly be wrong, can he?

  6. In recent years, the very concept of religion has gained a negative connotation - and not just among atheists, either. While the likes of Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins describe religion as mankind's bane and the fundamental enemy of science, progress and enlightenment, some believers do seem to tacitly adopt some aspect of that stance as well by saying things like: "Christianity is NOT a religion, it is a personal relationship!" (Which, apart from being patently wrong, shows how things are perceived at the moment.)

    When people hear the term "religion", they think of legalism, rituals, hierarchies; people dressing up in strange clothes and performing strange deeds that do not seem to make that much sense; rules of conduct and modes of thought that seem to belong to a bygone age, and seem at least partially incompatible with a post-industrial society.


    I'd like to contest that notion, or at least to relativise it to a certain degree:

    Historically speaking, religion wasn't the antithesis of progress, but its very foundation: the first major civilizations were theocracies; codes of law, the written word, agriculture, astronomy, art, even the sciences: all of these (and more!) were pretty much linked to, motivated by, or even based upon religion.

    The perceived schism between religious thought and the scientific method is a relatively recent phenomenon, and one that would have undoubtedly baffled many of the most well-known forerunners of science as we know it today, such as Isaac Newton.

    To divorce a sense of the numinous and religious wonder from the pursuit of knowledge seems like a very bad idea to me. Admittedly, most established religions do belong to an earlier age, both in thought and deed, yet it would be foolish to discard the very concept of religion and spirituality out of hand, let alone demonize them.

  7. It's like a building site with some deck chairs.


    Firstly, sex on the beach isn't all it's cracked up to be unless your bag is extreme friction. Secondly some of the best beaches I've been too were in Morocco, almost deserted apart from the odd guy selling "happy cakes", brilliant.


    Was the water warm or cold?

  8. ...Unless you live in Birmingham.


    I could've sworn you have a beach in Birmingham.


    its not always practical to travel distances just to go to the beach you know...


    Perhaps not, but when it is practical, I'd throroughly recommend it. We have some of the best beaches in Europe.

  9. Is there anyone on N-E who has never been to a beach? I sometimes forget how most people don't live near a beach, I'm so used to it as I have my whole life.


    If you live in a country like Britain, where we have more coastline than France, despite being smaller than France, there's really no excuse. In Britain, you're never too far from the coast.

  10. Went to a beach at the Mediterranean Sea down in Southern France in the holidays. It was very nice (and I almost got sunburnt :heh:), but the water wasn't warmer than the water in the ocean on the west coast of Denmark in the summertime. I was a little surprised, to be honest.


    I know! You'd think that the Med is a hot sea, and therefore the water would be warm, but it's not. It's freezing. You have to adjust to that chill.

  11. Personally think he's a wanker. Not just because he's rich, but because he is a genuine tosser.


    Is it just me, or have you always wanted to see Cowell and Gordon Ramsay fight? My money's on Ramsay.

  12. Truth be told, I love a good beach. Sand castles, sunbathing and swimming are all favourite pastimes of mine. I've travelled around Europe, I've swum in the North Sea, Atlantic, Meditteranean and some of the beaches in Europe are stunning. So, I guess the aim of this thread is, what's the best beach you've ever been too? Pictures as well please if possible.


    Oh, and one thing I've noticed is that sea water is always freezing cold. Has anyone else noticed that?

  13. Why would anyone criticising Labour be anything but a good thing?


    Perhaps because they have some good policies? The Tories try and make out that Britain would become a perfect superpower under them, but the job Labour is doing, despite all the bad press, is good.

  14. I can't believe it- a story that is both genuine and half interesting in The Sun! The Daily Facist, sorry, Mail, need take note! I'm not the biggest fan of Labour, but your incessant criticism of them is getting a bit too annoying.

  15. Pretty straightforward thread, who's your favourite actor in Hollywood and out of Hollywood?


    My favourite hollywood actor is Will Smith. I liked him before, but his role in I Am Legend just sealed his place for me.


    My favourite non-Hollywood actor is William Fichtner. Great in invasion (remember that?!?)? Check. great in TDK? Check. Great in Prison Break? Hell yeah. Brilliant actor with hopefully a good career ahead of him.



  16. Firstly, not every Muslim country is 100% Islamic in terms of population, so what would happen to those people? Secondly, what are the benefits to, well, anyone, of a Caliphate?


    Jews and Christians should be respected as 'People of the Book'. (They'd still have to pay taxes, mind, and wouldn't have any jobs in government. Plus, the legal system would always be in favour of Muslims.) The future for atheists wouldn't look so bright. I think some Muslims just want to go back to the golden olden days, just like some Brits want to go back to the day of the British Empire. Thankfully, neither looks likely.

  17. I never said that there points are not valid. I am saying in general the muslim world does not accept occupation. I not sure why anyone would find this strange. I mean would you accept the UK being under occupation?


    To be honest, if there was a government that took away all my rights and freedoms, whipped my neighbours to death for petty crimes and took away my rights to have whatever religion I choose, I think occupation/liberation by a liberal, advanced democratic society would be a total Godsend.

  18. Its not always as simple as that. I've been battling with a skin condition for 20 years.


    Going to the doctor or dermy won't mean an instant cure - it depends on your case - how severe it is - how you react to certain meds/treatment - how long it takes to find the right one.


    But I'm all for people going to see the dermatologist. They know more than your gp would, and EVERYONE should at least ask to be refered!


    I'm one of my local clinics more critical patients, I've been on more topicals, drugs and other therapies than you can imagine. I'm only in remission now after 20 years. My skin condition developed further into arthritis, and i'm now a really sick person because of it.


    I know the terrifying fear of a skin problem coming back. I've had it oh so many times with treatments that improve it then stop working. Heck the meds i'm on now are so expensive (£180 per syringe!!) they are likely to be cut at some point, and it'll come back again. My skin condition is so severe that it could kill me. I've been let down so many times with miracle treatments that could cure me, and end up not. :sad:


    That post made me feel bad about complaining about a few spots. You're probably the person who can relate to me most on this. It is extremely distressing when you have a skin condition, because there is no specific way of curing. I'm going to contact my GP at the end of the week if it gets any worse (hopefully it's just a little outburst nothing too serious), but I don't want to have to suffer like I have done for the past 4 years. I don't want this year to be ruined like the other past years. I shouldn't let it win emotionally, but sometimes it's all I think about.


    I've put up with it for pretty much all of my teen life. I've been on several courses of medication, none of which seem to work beyond making them a bit less severe - however, I continue to get them on my face, back, upper arms, etc. The dermatologist keeps trying me with different medications, and I was looking forward to getting a "miracle" drug in June, but unfortunately I have to wait until the end of August, as it has some sort of conflict with the sun...


    It's especially annoying when none of your mates have it. I find it very unfair. My dad had it really bad.

  19. Oh look, a Muslim who takes all the benefits of an open democratic society to preach for a suppressive society! Joy!


    Brilliant stuff.


    Also support for sharia and a caliphate is not the small minority. Sharia has huge support all across the muslim world. University of Maryland/WorldPublicOpinion.org done a poll two years ago in Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan, and Indonesia which showed that majority of people asked favoured sharia law.


    One poll conducted by a questionable source proves shit. They didn't ask every Muslim in those countries, just a small amount. It therefore isn't reliable.


    Oppose the law? I am saying they oppose the invasion of muslim lands. Go to Baghdad, Islamabad, Gaza, Kular lumpur, Riyahd, Cairo and see if the masses support occupation of muslim lands.


    So you're telling me the Muslims I know have less valid opinions because they don't live in the aforementioned cities? I don't need to travel to those cities, thank you.


    Who said it was easy? It has been a long struggle and will take time as these dictators have a brutal grip on the country


    You were under the dillusion that people could simply decide for themselves when they wanted a dictator or not, thus implying it was easy.


    An islamic state is not restricted to borders. All the muslim world would hopefully be united under one state.



    I'm sorry, if it doesn't have borders, it isn't a country. Maybe an organization? Is that what you mean?


    Nationalism has no place in Islam.



    Bullshit. Iraq was ruled by a nationalist (Saddam Hussein) and his nationalist Baath Party. There are plentiful pan-Arabs in the Muslim world. but I like this idea of yours, though. I'm going to unite all people with brown hair under one state. Forget the fact there are plenty of blondes and black haired people in the world. As long as the people in government all have brown hair, abide by my special brown hair laws and pay taxes to brown haired peoples, it should be fine. Do you think it's likely?

  20. Egypt lock up all political opponents. Secular or islamic, they torture people who speak out against the government. The reason why Mubarek is not removed by the west is because they know he will be replaced by an Islamic Government.



    If we invaded every country that lcoked up political opponents, we'd have to introduce conscription. The difference is, the Taliban were murdering people in their thousands. Egypt is a good example of a secular country in the Muslim world, largely because of its 20% Christian minority. Egypt is an example of a Middle Eastern country gone right because of its secularity, and the result? The most powerful country in the Middle East alongside Israel.


    The masses on the street have not. the Governments have, there is a big difference here. These governments do not represent the people's views


    Really? Please post a link to these street masses that oppose the law. Thw only example I can think of was in Luton, and the Muslim community in Britain was quick to denounce their actions! Further proof that a minority of Muslims share your views. Oh, and Muslims shouldn't elect those governments in the first place if they don't represent 'peoples views' lol.

    Letting the US dictate your economic system is sub-servant. Letting the US use drone attacks on your land killing innocent civilians is sub-servant. Pakistan was a mess long before the taliban. It has had courrpt leadership for decades and has a fuedal system that makes like for the poor a real misery.


    To be fair, being the sub servant of the most powerful and wealthiest democracy on Earth is hardly a bad thing.


    Er no, The sharia is very clear on how a khilafah government must treat non-muslims. Extermination or forced conversions is strictly forbidden and against Islam.


    Would that be the same sharia that the Taliban used to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists then?


    The masses with help from people with influence can remove dictators. History has shown this to happen.


    Sorry, didn't see this. Would this be the same history as Hitler and Stalin, or are we talking about the history of a parallel universe here?


    By the way, if it's so easy to overthrow dictators, why don't Muslims overthrow their governments if they don't represent their views? Just interested.

  21. I dont know why you are saying that navarre i mean shias and sunnis are making such a gran job of it in Iraq arnt they???? :indeed::indeed::indeed:


    If blowing each others mosques up is making a grand job of it, then yes, yes they are. The Taliban didn't even treat Shias as Muslims, making Iran a Taliban enemy.
