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Posts posted by Deathjam

  1. I really want to read the next chapter in the @Hero\-of\-Time adventures!


    Think you are a natural though. I have played demon souls, dark souls 1, and monster hunter but still really struggled in the first section of bloodborne till it finally clicked.

  2. Guys I just bought Dark Souls 3 and my brain won't let me play it until I finish Old Hunters. Problem is, I started the damn thing on NG2+, and am getting absolutely tanked by Ludwig. Anyone willing to hop on for a little coop sesh? I could really use the help, otherwise there ain't no way I'm ever going to beat him.




    What level are you?

  3. Yeah it's shorter than lots of missions and very easy :/


    I don't mind them using existing areas if they don't have a creative team available to make maps, but surely you can put in more difficult waves of enemies.


    You're overestimating the new content... in terms of missions etc there's about 1.5 hours of new stuff.




    Wow. That's...lame

  4. Welp, the new content won't take you long to do. PoE 41 and Challenge of Elders were fun but not at all difficult (if we think back to how hard top level PoE bosses were when that launched). Not played any crucible yet.


    Yup. Planning to take things a bit slow and do stuff here or there rather than smash through the stuff in one week like before.

  5. Possibly because of Destiny but this is not what I am currently looking for (I really miss Monster Hunter). It has it's positives but the negatives are similar to annoyances I had with Destiny so I think I will sit this one out at launch and see how it pans out.

  6. This isn't really PS4 specific but it's most applicable to me for PS4 really. I every once in a while wish for a very basic, yet very lazy(for me), feature of this nice new modern console.

    Seeing as the PS4, and I presume the Xbox One too, all download games to the hard drive and don't actually use the disc for anything other than verification - I wish I didn't have to swap discs as much. I know. It's super lazy. Get up, press a button, swap disc, sit down and play. Barely any effort really. Unless you're a disc-box shuffler like me, but even then it isn't heavily tiresome.

    Like...I wish for every time you put a disc in you could get another 5 boots of that game without the disc or so. I realise that one obvious solution for this is to go digital on purchases, but I'm more against that than I am being lazy(see Josh64's excellent How future-proof are modern games? in GGD).


    Is it just me? Am I that lazy? I have to actually admit there's been occasions where I've wanted a quick go of a game and genuinely because of having to get up and swap discs I've just played something that I've downloaded instead. I've actually avoided playing a game because I was too damn lazy to get up and swap discs. I think I have been thoroughly spoiled by modern media technology.


    I am the same mate and yes it's pure laziness but man is it awesome to just switch games with the press of, what, two buttons? I now buy everything digital and the ones that don't require me to switch discs are definitely the ones I play more.

  7. I feel that a bit, but I dunno if it's just me/my age or that most of their top talent seems to be injuring themselves :p

    My issue is with the PPVs I do get round to watching - they're usually pretty good events and I enjoy them on the whole but the headline match outcome usually just completely underwhelms me. Shouldn't PPVs be all about the big story and cliffhangers? Get people buzzing and talking about the final outcome and where things will go next? For most of the events now it's usually an earlier match that buzzes me these days. Last year's match of Sting vs Triple H with the run in from old greats like DX etc was brilliant watching for me - and I wasn't even all that about for the attitude era stuff(basically I only saw some WWE Heat on C4, or a bit more if I was at my uncle's, or WCW on C5).


    Having said that I do still find the wrestling I see enjoyable, and I'd really love to properly get back into it, but I'm not sure I'll stay committed. There's some good stuff being done by WWE, and some good fighters/gimmicks(New Day really does rock!) so I'd say if you find yourself at a loose end for one of the future PPVs to consider checking it out. I've probably watched maybe...4 or 5? of them over the past year now and generally enjoyed the events as a whole, even if not the headline matches. Chatting with people before/during/after is definitely part of what it makes it for me though.


    OMG WWE Heat on C4 was...well for the consumer without the money for sky, awesome! And WCW on C5 filled in somewhat too. Although I remember many a night staying up too late and catching the PPV on C4 and being totally ruined for school the next day and following week. Good times. But it's exactly because of those times that I can't get hyped for what is here now. You had quality throughout WWE. Now it's just in pocket areas IMO.

    For example, one of the most 'Vanilla' wrestlers ever imo, Kurt Angle, his gimmick being that he is an Olympic champion in wrestling is and was more interesting than most of the now. Think I should just go watch old matches.

  8. Well, for one there was no Goldberg :p


    I'm a bit of a mild wrestling fan - I liked what I could see from about 1999-2002/3ish maybe and caught some very occasional TNA over last few years so really I don't know if I'm the best judge of the whole shebang as I only really end up watching the WWE events these days depending on getting Frag and a few others round mine to watch it. Only saw the Rumble last night as a mate invited me to his for it.


    Having said that I did generally really enjoy last night's Rumble! That may have been due to the company I was in but it started strong with the last man standing match, and generally the Rumble itself was pretty good(AJ Stylez returned) - I was disappointed with the ultimate outcome of it though with Triple H winning. Was hoping for some sort of Ambrose push - though I can't tell you why I just was. I did say to a few people the real ultimate thing would have been a returning Cesaro appearing and then somehow ultimately taking it - he's still out though.

    Skipped the US title as I was outside and resultantly missed the Divas match but saw the aftermath with Sasha.

    I'm not a great fan of the Usos finding them a bit generic/bland but the finish of the match with New Day felt pretty good watching.


    But yeah on the whole it was a fairly good watch for a lapsedish fan like myself. Just really not keen on the Triple H rumble win, he's older and had his time, don't see why he needs to be getting involved again now when you've got a whole roster of fresher talent on the books.




    Thanks for that. Not much of a fan these days as for me, I was drawn by the characters of the attitude era and around the same time as you stated (also used to watch when I was a kid and thought it was real back in the early 90s), but I like to try to keep up to date with what's going on and see if any of my faves have returned.

    Seeing as it's the same old, I am glad to see it was at least enjoyable but for me, the current roster is so bland and uninteresting.

  9. Ooo yeah I've put the codes in but haven't done the quest yet! The only question I'd ask...which quest is it? There's one where you basically have to ascend the tower for the stealth drive under a certain time limit and that's a solo one. I'll try and give it a look this evening. I think I'm skipping work today due to last night's royal rumble but I've still gotta run some errands, but hoping I should be around from 5ish til probably late.


    Totally unrelated to Destiny, :heh: how was the Royal Rumble? Was actually tempted to watch it as it was free and there were mumblings of Greats such as Goldberg turning up.

  10. Speaking to Zell and Shorty at the weekend and they both asked to be put down on the signup I'm gonna do. Anyone else up for hard challenge Oryx this Wednesday, start time between 7:30 and 8PM?


    Really we need people to be light 311 and up like I think we noted last time. Most likely we will do 1 run of Oryx at most on Wed due to the time, followed by the remaining runs another day (is Fri good for anyone?)


    It could be that if people have low light level alts that we could mix and match people so that people who are in reserve get tagged in for a run or two (as it really did seem like light levels below 311 struggled last time on Oryx challenge). Or not, if we don't have enough players!


    Also to avoid what happened last time, once we have 6 people confirmed, if someone can't make it we will probably let a reserve person in, if we have one. I think that's probably the fairest way since if we miss out on a day we might end up not finishing the challenge 3 times like last time (and it's a shame for everyone else).










    Sign me up
