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Posts posted by thunderer

  1. 'lolololol omfg RROD lol M$$$$$$$ rofl fail'. The RROD argument is stupid, i know more 360 owners than PS3 owners yet i have heard more stories from PS3 owners of problems than 360 owners, and we all know that MS do a lot better at sorting any problems out. As soon as PS3 fans mention RROD in a console argument, they're already losing.


    As for live, go to ebay. You can get 13 months of xbox live for £28.50, that works out at just under £2.20 a month. I consider that bargin of the century considering the amount of use and enjoyment i get out of the service, and i'm more than happy to pay that to ensure XBL stays better than PSN.


    And don't start with the Blu-ray player bs. If i wanted a Blu-ray player, i would of bought one. I bought my 360 to be what it is, a games console.

  2. I had awful tonsilitus over the summer. It was crap, then it went for a week, then came back, i was given different drugs and then ended up with quinsey (not nice at all) and ended up in hospital for 1 and half daysish. /emo


    Never really had a problem swallowing pills though tbh. My sister can't, she never ends up taking medicines when she's ill *rolls eyes*

  3. I actually didn't think that episode was that great to be honest. In parts it just seemed overly predictable and overly scripted. Don't get me wrong it was funny in parts and i enjoyed watching it, but it wasn't really one of the best. Hopefully next Sunday's episode will be a bit better.

  4. I have no current partner. I still have strong feelings for my first girlfriend; my 'first love', even so much as to say i may still love her, i think about her a lot, more so than a lot of people probably think. Interested to find out how i end up feeling when in another relationship. It can be hard sometimes, just started uni and there is so much change around.

  5. And if one isn't stopped at the stage where it's just curiosity/pictures, it will turn into full-on abuse of children.


    That statement annoys me so much. It's utter bs. You may as well say any one who repeatedly plays violent games is going to go out and kill people. I play GTA4 a fair bit, but when i went driving to drop my sister off at her boyfriends earlier, i didnt run people down. Most people have self control, the people who don't, those are the people who go and act on feelings towards children.

  6. But that's the ting: He's asking the question. I do in now way condone paedophilia, nor do I think it should be allowed. Children are in no way ready for that kind of thing, neither mentally nor physically, and so they shouldn't be involved in it. But I agree with Dyson, I believe it's all in the head. Per instinct, sexual attraction is aimed at reproducing, which means a 20 year old is per instinct more attractive than say a 50 year old. But we humans often find people/traits that are NOT optimal at reproducing, for example children, who cannot even reproduce yet. It is in no way more criminal to have that kind of philia than having, say, homophilia. The problems start when peadophiles cannot control their lusts and start acting them out in real life.


    The above is pretty much exactly what i was about to type out. Though i would of made less sense, i was never good in arguments/discussions.

  7. Ok. So like a lot of people; I need a PC for uni! I'm building my own because... well i'm quite into PC gaming and have wanted to for a while. Basically i'm pretty sure i'm capable of the actual build, i've done various I.T repairs and a BTEC IT course at college. Only problem is, well, i'm a bit paranoid that i've got some components that won't work together e.t.c. I've got a list and links to components below and was wondering if any of you n-europers out there wouldn't mind checking over the stuff for me and letting me know if i've got it right. I'm not sure if i'll need a bigger PSU or if i should go for 3/4Gb or RAM rather than 2Gb e.t.c. Any help and tips would be greatly appreciated! If anything needs changing then some suggestions would also be awesome, my budget is well... about £700 tops, the cost is at about £660 at the moment if i remember right. Thanks! :smile:


    Antec Nine Hundred/Ultimate Gamer Case



    Antec Neo HE ATX 500W PSU



    Gigabyte S775 Intel X48 DDR2 ATX Audio Lan 1600FSB 6xSATAII



    Intel Quad Core Q6600 2.4GHz S775



    Zalman Heatpipe CPU cooler with quiet 110mm blue LED fan



    Gigabyte GeForce 8800GT 512MB GDDR3 PCIE Dual DVI 700/1.9



    Hitachi Deskstar P7K500 500GB 7200RPM S300 16MB 3.5"



    Corsair Memory TWIN2X2048-6400C4 2x1GB 240-Pin DIMM XMS2-6400 CL4



    Pioneer 20X DVD+/-RW 12xRAM BLACK SATA



    Dabs Value All in One Internal Card Reader USB2 Black



    Microsoft Windows XP Home SP3 OEM



    Oh and for the monitor, my parents are buying me that so yeah, that's not an issue! Thanks again!

  8. Nightfire multiplayer bots were the funniest things ever, if you set the weapons to random and you got lucky enough, the starting weapon would be laser trip mines... the bots would just throw them when they saw you...resulted in lots of red lasers shooting towards the sky, was awesomely funny.

  9. Proper oils you dip like bread and shiz in, i find to be pretty tasty. Other than that i really cannot see the point in puting it on stuff. Cookery programmes make me laugh, can anyone ever be bothered to make something thats been on a cookery programme??

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