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Everything posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I wish my life was a movie like Frank's is.
  2. Awesome stuff thread

    Great. Now I'll be reading that all day. Curse you, Rummy!
  3. Not always right

    Love that site! I remember when I first discovered it back in the day; I spent the rest of the day reading through the entire archive.
  4. Oh, well. So I messaged the girl I've been having a crush on, asking if she'd like to go for coffee sometime. She said it sounded nice, but that she thought we should stick to having a beer at the uni gatherings. I can't help but admire her graceful rejection, but it still doesn't exactly feel good. I suppose getting over her will be easier, considering the short time we've known each other, so that's a plus, I guess. And now I've become sick in the middle of my holiday as well. This is just great.
  5. N-E Picture Caption Game

    I'll have to give this one to @The Peeps and his puntastic entry.
  6. Tonight we Dan in Hellfire!

    Well, I liked it. Happy birthday, you two!
  7. General Book Thread

    Well, I bought this one, which seems to be slightly different than the one you posted. I'm not aware that either has been Americanised - surely they'd simply be reprints of the original stories? Anyway, it is a large book, but I found it surprisingly light for a book that size, and there's something about having the entire collection in one volume.
  8. bad stuff thread.

    I know I have, like, no authority to speak on relationship matters, but ... bro, your relationship sounds incredibly detrimental. I mean, psychological and now physical abuse?
  9. Ha! Nice. :D I guess I just need to be more confident. :heh:


    Tropic jungles and deserts in little Denmark? XD That's such a hilarious thought. :heh: Yeah, we're very much an island nation.

  10. I haven't seen any Theros cards in the Magic 2014 game yet, but I can't rule out their existence; I recall the 2013 game having decks from the Ravnica set, which was the first one after the 2013 Core Set. I'm collecting Theros decks and boosters in real life, though unfortunately I don't play with anyone at the moment. There's a comic book store in Aarhus which has both official tournaments and free play, but all the players there seem pretty pro, so I feel rather intimidated. :heh:


    The Colossus of Rhodes ... in Aarhus?! :p Haha! That's cool, though. :heh: Aarhus is often called the capital of Jutland - we Danes have a friendly rivalry going between the larger landmasses. :heh:

  11. Bastard. :heh: You just had to tell me about the Theros set being based on Ancient Greece, didn't you? Now I'm completely hooked on it! :p How could I possibly resist the holy union of two my favourite things? :heh:

  12. Things you like that everybody hates

    Indeed, Mayim Bialik has a PhD in neuroscience; she was even referenced in the show for that very reason before her character was introduced.
  13. Things you like that everybody hates

    On that note, a friend of mine who's a huge Neil Patrick Harris fan as well recently discovered the Glee version of "Dream On", and I must say I much prefer that version to the original.
  14. Awesome stuff thread

    While listening to that I convinced myself I could hear the switch to the next tone. I've also seen a video of the McGurk effect, and it's quite fascinating!
  15. Things you like that everybody hates

    Indeed. It seems to epitomise the current norm of having to have a distant, censorious, even ironic relationship with media; god forbid you actually enjoy anything.
  16. How I Met Your Mother

  17. Tom Clancy dies aged 66

    And here I thought you went by that name because you preferred a level of anonymity.
  18. good stuff thread.

    I must also express outright praise for this post. You should be a comedy writer, Goaf.
  19. Breithlá Sona Mokong (Got a Zelda Cake for Party :D )

    A rather belated happy birthday!
  20. N-E Picture Caption Game

  21. Final Fantasy XI Mafia - Sign Ups

    Just for good measure: Thank you for the offer, but I, too, must keep my focus elsewhere for the time being.
  22. Why Do People Get Into The Christmas Mood So Early?

    Because Christmas is awesome. Though I do prefer to enjoy the autumn for a while before kicking it into Christmas overdrive. I usually wait until after Halloween.
  23. good stuff thread.

    I join my very first RPG campaign tomorrow, and I'm very excited! Worked with the GM to create my character tonight, so now I'm just itching to get started.
  24. He's Od, but Win.

    Happy birthday!