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About Gatoman

  • Birthday 11/09/1991

Personal Information

  • Location
    eldridge, Iowa
  • Interests
    games, anime, basic Otaku stuff
  • Occupation
    student, soon-to-be gamestop worker


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, SNES, N64, NGC, GB, GBC, GBA, DS, and a wii :D
  • Other Systems Owned
    ps2, 360, psp
  • Favourite Game?
    KH2 so far......
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    i dunno, i'm kinda indifferent, i guess megaman, or link
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Wii Console Number
    7605 8882 4101 6742
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    PKMN diamond: 2363 2104 4375
  • Xbox Live Username

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  1. yea, it's like watching yugioh EPIC >.< BTW how is dusk? i'm thinkin' about getting it
  2. Actually Digimon came before pokemon, as a tamagotchi thing for boys. the dub was a bit painful tho but the original versions are good. I like digimon more than pokemon actually, simply because there are more digimon, and that one digimon could become a bunch of others, there weren't any preset evolution lines (in the anime there kinda was tho) BTW i became unlazy and made a horrible wallpaper, but it gets the job done lol well said
  3. LOL yea i've been watching the first series lately and now i'm addicted to digimon :P.................again........ always liked Gomamon in the 1st series, and then my friend Paildramon came into action *sigh* those were the days...
  4. Hey i was just looking through a fan-made digidex and found my fav digimon from when i was a kid, and i was wodering if anyone had any desktop wallpaper of Paildramon? I was kinda hoping I could find a DV tree for him, but to no avail. Thanks. ;P perhaps i could make one, but that would be unlazy of me, lol
  5. i just did SSE to get him
  6. hey guys, i havent been on at all recently cause brawl came out 6 days ago, and i stopped by to leave mt friend code, anyway, pm if you add meh, as i prolly won't be back to the thread, cya. FC: 2449-4285-7656
  7. lolz sorry couldn't resist, thanks to neogaf for the toon link pic edit: w00t just noticed i'm a regular now ^^
  8. it better, yea, pit's voice and PKtrainer's voices are annoying, ike's is meh, MK is total badassery, sonic is normal sounding, snake of course is badass, lucario better be badass, because in the movie he sounds cool and in the japanese version of brawl he's, guess what, badass
  9. HEY!!!! WHY NO LUCARIO!!!!!!???????
  10. lucario effing talks, that's how BA he is, if you watch some of the videos in japanese you'll see, sakurai was just tellin' us that he's not physically speaking, he's using telepathy i am not going to dignify that arrogant statement.
  11. because i was at school T_T but no that i'm home.... JBDXui; azofjmbv gpzildvb uifhb lbhjbv hj;bv ;hhvomgilovelucarioheissobadass!!!!!!!!11111111111111#
  12. DAMMIT!! i already preordered it, to buy it now would be a waste of munny
  13. indeed some people actually don't mind finding out everything before a game's released, me personally, i try to stay away from storyline spoilers, but i like to find out other features, like characters
  14. I'm so glad i only have less than 2 weeks, i feel bad for europe, there's no reason localisation should take this long, they're either lazy or lying. or both
  15. how come Lucario is getting punished in every pic in the characters section?
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