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Posts posted by CompSci

  1. I had BETA 1. They copied everything off Opera and FireFox.


    well it atleast i will help the masses of people who do not know of FF (yeah i know :indeed: ) the main concern is getting these people to download IE7 which a whole different story, as one could see with the Service pack 2 in the summer of 04 dibocle

  2. Hah. Someone hasn't seen Vince McMahons last paycheck then. Over a billion dollars.



    erm no, Vince McMahon, is not a billionaire he was once (for like 2 months), but the wwe stock prices have plummeted, over the last few yrs also there tv rating is also suffering, however it has improved (due to the edge/lita sex show) but it has gone down again, lol


    face it, they dug them self into a hole, once Vince monopolised the wrassling industry and soon enough, they will be bankrupt and all the assets will sold to the highest bidder, via ebay maybe lol

  3. Like the Simpsons it got less funny and more annoying later on in it's life.


    thats because majority of the "haha" was ripped of from seinfeild, however when (Sith lord lol) Larry David, gave erm a law suit, Friends stoped ripping off ideas, hence the lackluster season 6 +


    i can't wait myself!!


    even though i've seen them all, if i'm flicking thru the channels and they're on (well, they're always on e4!) i'll always end up watching them, even just for chandler, that character has gotta be the best in sitcom history!


    erm no, can you say george costanza

  4. You'll be lucky, swapgame are pretty shit really.

    You'll get games at the bottom of your list long before ones at the top. If you don't put many on your list you can end up with nothing for a week plus, which they won't reimburse you for.


    yes i what you mean about the part where u have to at least 8 games on your list, to have them actually send you games, since its quite annoying, however apart from this one issue i have not had any probs with swapgame, on numerous occasions i had newly released, sent to me like POP3 :t2t, GTA: SA, HALO2, Call of Cuttlu etc, also they posting system is impeccable, i get all games being within 1 business day, yes 1 business day which is quite remarkable

  5. i pre ordered my xbox 360 from game play, the one on ebay was scam (yes i know, but i got my money back) any how gameplay told it would be atleast 2 months till i get one, but it doesn't matter i got tons of other games that i still need to finsh on my ps2/xbox/gcn also, also by march some more good games will be out for the 360 and plus i'll have a 2nd batch vr of the 360 (which means magority of the problems will be fixed), also another plus that i can check out the ps3 lauch options when they hopefully will release the info in feb at PS conference, and if the ps3 is overall better in terms of games, price etc, then goodbye 360

  6. http://www.play.com/play247.asp?page=search&searchtype=PC&pa=srmr&searchstring=resident+evil


    check out that link, this would be so cool it it was true, cause i played GNC vr and wanted to get the ps2 vr to play the extra (however the shoddy jaggies and gfx are putting me off as well as the load times!!!!!!!!!!) however if a pc vr is indeed in works, then bring it on, imagines blasting geandoes @ 1280 x 1024 on his 19' tft woot

  7. Didn't your dad already pick you one up from Italy last week?


    yes he did, but my stupid nephew he is 14 yrs old (the annoying age) started crying fit for it, and my dad gave him it (not free mind you), however as u may have guessed, it was not right as rain for a week or two in my house hold, due to i anticipated this console for quite some time then all of a sudden poof it gone, any how now that i found this one fingers cross that it arrives.
