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Everything posted by Colin

  1. Hard Gay

    Ahahaha, second vid link you posted up was mint. Kids on the slide with a full grown man, and one between his crutch..............sort of thing you'd get locked up for in the UK. That bloke on the bike was pedalling for his life. Quality stuff though.......HOOOOOOOOO!
  2. What will you buy at launch?

    Where has it mentioned TP having online functions? FF:CC has got to be online, would be a waste if it isn't.........but I can see them doing a GBA>GC style thing with the DS personally. I just hope that it isn't compulsary because getting a multiplayer game together just takes the piss with that. Reason enough why they need full online 4 player then in my eyes.
  3. Hard Gay

    Haha........... Seriously, I think it was ripping it outta gays more than promoting them as comedy icons. (I sense lockage at somepoint in this thread) :wink:
  4. Hard Gay

    "I'm just your average hard gay passing by............HOOOOOOOO!" Gimp dad at the end was pretty funny. Were you looking up gays on Youtube dabooker by the way? HOOOOOOOO
  5. What will you buy at launch?

    Changed my mind about launch games now. I think Zelda, Super Monkey Ball and Wii Sports are going to be the titles I pick up, then hopefully be able to get a second Wiimote aswell. Does anyone know if there are any titles that will feature online functions at launch at all? As the absence on that info is starting to get annoying. Suppose we'll have to wait till TGS for any mention of online.
  6. Brutal fight scenes in films

    What part is that in reference to? Yeh, overall the film is pretty twisted and sick. Although it's not a fight scene, the rape part is equally as shocking as the fire extinguisher scene, but obviously for different reasons. I haven't watched the film in a while, but I could never forget it. The film has brilliant editing work throughout and makes you kind of feel the drama that Cassel and Dupontel's characters are going through. IMDB provides loads of info actually, and apparently of 2,400 people at the film's Cannes premiere, 200 walked out. Also a notible mention should go to Goodfellas. Either of the scenes where Henry Hill batters that bloke over the head with a gun for touching his girlfriend Karen or when they have Billy Batts in the boot of the car and they stab him up in the middle of nowhere. Classic film though.
  7. Brutal fight scenes in films

    I was going to mention that aswell, but thought many people wouldn't have heard of it or seen it. That scene prob takes the prize for most graphic piece of violence in a film ever I would say. It's so brutal that I'm careful to who I lend that film out to, and along with the rest of the film it's just too shocking. I've been watching the Vengeance Trilogy, and just finished watching Oldboy tonight, and the hammer sequence definetly needs a mention here. Just got Lady Vengeance to watch now, and if it's half as good as Oldboy then I cannot wait.
  8. What will you buy at launch?

    You beat me to it Dante. Just about to post that list. Seems more accurate I would say.
  9. What will you buy at launch?

    I'm glad someone made this topic, as I was going to do it the other day. Anyway, here is the list of launch titles that Owen posted in another thread. Seems pretty close I would say. Well there not all 100% confirmed but it's 95% certain: Wario Ware: Smooth Moves Legend Of Zelda: The Twilight Princess Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Red Steel Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz Tony Hawks: Downhill Jam Rayman Trauma Centre: Second Opinion ExciteTruck Wii: Sports (if it's not put in free with consoles) Project H.A.M.M.E.R For me, my launch games will be Zelda, Excite Truck (looked wicked after seeing E3 vids), Wario Ware, and Wii Sports. And if Red Steel receives some decent reviews and opinions then I'll also try and buy that. There are too many decent launch games there though. I would still want Metroid, Monkey Ball and Trauma Centre aswell. Oh well. Edit - And Crystal Chronicles has no chance of being a launch title btw.
  10. Hmm, Poland. Very unpredictable usually. World ranking: 28 Odds: 80/1 Local view: "Janas says our aim is to qualify from the group and make the last 16. If we do it we will have made progress, if not it will be disaster again. There are no stars in the team but the coach gets the best out of them. Nobody knows how, but he does." Robert Blonski, Gazeta Wyborcza. Our verdict: No pushovers. A favourable draws mean the second round is a distinct possibility, but they are unlikely to feature in the latter stages of the competition. You really want that trade don't ya? Well Italy have not got their No.1 keeper this world cup, as he was kicked out of the squad because Juventus were match fixing or something. But their attacking way of play could see them get far. I'd be up for a trade if you want Booker..........considering you've got issues with Italy. I have to admit though, that Italian players are known to cheat quite abit and roll around on the floor when they get a slight nudge during play. That could surely be an advantage.
  11. Mustard vs Ketchup + Music suggestions

    I like it aswell, made me chuckle. Did you create it in Flash? If you did, then uber well done on the 3D rotate bit, as I wouldn't even attempt that with 2D graphics as it would end in tears for me. Sounds are good aswell, and I like it when the music suddenly cuts in when the mustard appears.
  12. I'm up for it. Sign us up!
  13. Neogaf never stops amazing me.
  14. Apple MacBook: shit.

    Absolutely none of them will be hindered at all with running an Intel Graphics chip over a dedicated ATI x1600. You sound confused as to how graphics interfaces run. Unless you're chucking polygons around it won't matter. The only thing it may have trouble with is editing HD video with FCP.
  15. Assassins Creed Not PS3 Exclusive....

    At this years GDC is was apparently shown running on 360 hardware and not PS3 anyway.......and considering Ubi's track record with loving multi-format then it will for sure happen. If it ends up turning out good, then I'll definetly consider buying for the 360.
  16. Game Testing

    I did have an interview lastweek doing testing at EA, but I've had to postpone it until June because I couldn't make it. I'm very confident I'd get a position there aswell, as it's not exactly rocket science, but having a working knowledge of development cycles would help alot. I would never make a career out of it though, and wouldn't recommend anyone to do so aswell. And like fatnickc said, this months Edge magazine has an in-depth article on the subject. The job contains alot of repetitiveness, and a good comparison is like playing a mmorpg! The general idea is that testing at development studios can be more beneficial and you would be more appreciated there than doing testing at a large publisher. But nowadays moving up through a company via games testing is pretty rare and it only really gives a straight direction to being a lead tester. The industry is moving into a very specialist skillset aswell at the moment, and the days of just asking for an artist or and old programmer are pretty much over, so now you have your character, environment, TD's, and script artists in game art........... Also the money could be alot better in games testing, but there is usually always overtime available, and this is paid on an hourly basis at most places unlike people in the development teams who are on annual wage. It's not unheard of for testers to sometimes walk away each month with a bigger pay packet than artists for example..............but then again, the hours can be a killer.
  17. It's much better I think. Cheers for posting it up here CompSci.
  18. Is the scrolling through library tracks alot quicker in this version? As the current media player seems pretty slow to me with the scrolling.
  19. Disaster: Day of Crisis

    There are no big sites up on the net yet for individual games, just game pages on the Wii site. http://wii.nintendo.com/games_disaster.html It's got not alot of info on that page though.
  20. Disaster: Day of Crisis

    Just noticed your edit there, as I've just taken a print screen from there. Gamespot just have it listed as Monolith, while IGN have it down for Monolith Productions. But Monolith Productions staff have said they aren't making it. I wouldn't be worried though, as Baten Kaito's is a superb game apparently, so this could turn out very well. May aswell post the print screen I suppose.
  21. Wii Orchestra

    I'd rather they just make a game called Wii Music than just having Wii Orchestra. Just having Wii Orchestra sounds very limited, and having a game based totally around music with the drums and what ever else they want to chuck in would be a lot more appealing I rekon. Good timing. I can honestly see that happening actually, although Electroplankton sold pretty badly, I'm sure Toshio Iwai would love to work on a music/art based game again with another piece of game hardware.
  22. The Official E3 Thank You Thread.

    I would like to do the same, and thank the people there for making me laugh the most at E3. Also well done R-E mods, was done pretty well. And are the trade and other boards coming back at all?
  23. Disaster: Day of Crisis

    It seems you're all pretty confused by who's making this. Just to let you all know that Monolith Productions (Fear, Condemned) and Monolith Software (Xenosaga, Baten Kaito's) are not the same company, and they aren't even related as western and eastern studios. It is just one of them should have checked before they named their company. And the studio which is making this is Monolith Software, and it's not the Xenosaga team that are making it (a good thing), it's the Baten Kaito's team which is creating it. So that's all good. Someone from Monolith Productions (Fear, Condemned) confirmed they have nothing to do with it.
  24. Football Season 05/06

    Gerrard goal flipping brilliant! Best FA Cup Final in years.
  25. Wii Sports: Airplane

    The controls on this game look to react very well. It didn't seem like the person playing had any frustrating control problems even though they missed a few rings every now and then. And I agree with Redshell, seems like a Pilot Wings test demo or something.........could be wrong on that one though.