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Everything posted by Colin

  1. I need a new graphics cars. I'm confused.

    If its AGP you may aswell just buy a whole new mobo. Although you can get the 7600GT in AGP, but it's about £150+ I think. But I seriously think you should get a new motherboard, as AGP is obsolete now really. 7600GS is available at overclockers in AGP for £105.
  2. I need a new graphics cars. I'm confused.

    Damn it, I wanted to jump in and ask where I can get graphic cars from. And I also back-up triforce_keeper's post about the 7600GT. Excellent card for the price, and is definitely the best option if you plan on holding out for DX10 cards. I've got a BFG 7600GT, and that can be found on overclockers.co.uk for about £90. On the CSS stress test at 1400x900 with full wack everything I get results of around 120fps. But if you're having probs reading text you could also get a new monitor.
  3. Cube-Europe Forums Shut!

    So have threads from there been archived at all?
  4. I'm back from uni this weekend, and I decided to stay in tonight as I need some home time. I watched that Dean Learner program which was very Dark Place in bits, so was surprised by that. Then I sat in 3d Studio Max for 2-3 hrs trying to adjust to that from Maya, and I had no luck at all really. That's pissing me off at the mo.....need some decent beginner tutorials. And now for the last hr, I've been looking at other peoples past work who have started on the same course as me now at Uni..........and that was getting me depressed knowing that some people are fucking too good, and are younger than me aswell. Now going to go bed, as I'm feeling even worse writing this.
  5. Lost - Series 3 [spoilers]

    I also agree that episode 3 has been the most outstanding so far out of the three. And SkyOne getting the rights to air Lost in the UK sucks. More people will just end up downloading instead.
  6. Far Cry Vengence Wii

    I totally agree. Without widescreen Ubisoft automatically loose. Hopefully look better in motion.
  7. Game reactor review scores.

    I've never heard of Game Reactor before? But those scores were what I was expecting for the majority there. Just waiting around for my PC Pro Evo torrent.
  8. Right, as we all know, there was some accessory announcements earlier this week with concerns to various cables and first images of the LAN adapter. Also a certain cable going by the name of D-Terminal was announced for Japan because most of their TV's out there can use this interface. I know I wasn't the only one, but from a quick glance of that image originally I thought our VGA requests had been answered.........but that wasn't the case. Now I was slightly pissed, but after researching the D-Terminal cable, I found out that this can be modded to a VGA interface without adding any extra cables (which you would have to do with component cables if you wanted VGA connection). So those who want to use their Wii with PC monitors can now relax knowing that if a VGA adapter isn't released at all here in Europe, then the option is there to import a D-Terminal cable and mod it for our requirements. Alot of people here should be pleased with this news.....hence the topic. Oh yeh, and it apparently can only output Progressive, so any interlaced only games won't work I don't think. We could really do with a list of Prog-scan games.
  9. VGA cable.....we're all saved!

    From converting the Japanese price in Yen to pounds it comes to about £11, so with delivery and that it shouldn't be anymore than £15. But then again, it is def worth waiting to see what NOE announce accessory wise. Although it's always best to expect the worst with Nintendo, as they usually fuck you over. Yeh, I did mention that in my original post. I personally won't be playing all that many cube games anyway, but I've heard there is work arounds if this method is used.
  10. Official Issues and Problems Thread

    Check my VGA cable thread.
  11. VC European Misery Rumour

    15 games on VC at launch sounds plenty to me. And yeh, what you posted above is apparently true.
  12. VGA cable.....we're all saved!

    I was going to save the link till later near release. But it's here. Sticky back plastic would indeed also work aswell, and most would take that option.
  13. :laughing: I remember that alrite!
  14. Gamestation Trade Ins?

    Are Game or Gamestation still allowing people to trade in GameCube hardware at all? I know you wouldn't get much, but something is better than nothing right!
  15. They should have stuck a microphone on it aswell really, but again, like Nintendork said this option may of not been feasible because of memory limitations. The lightsaber sound with a Star Wars game is what I'm most looking forward to experiencing with it.
  16. Low key Nintendo of Japan press conference

    Yep, VGA is known as a PC monitor connection in most circles, or nowadays HD-15 which in spec sheets it's listed as. With the DVI thing, I'm not sure you would actually notice any difference between that and VGA cable with the Wii. The 360 VGA cable uses a HD-15 interface I believe and not DVI. Still I'm well annoyed. As I've got no TV at Uni, and that's where I'm spending most of my time. But because the Wii can output via component, then a VGA cable is entirely possible. Some third-party has got to make one, it's just I would rather have confirmation now or before release.
  17. Low key Nintendo of Japan press conference

    No VGA cable................tossers. Best be a third-party solution.
  18. Psygnosis?

    Yep, Psygnosis no longer exist under that name. All Sony Liverpool now. And that whole articles only relation to Psygnosis is how the person was reminded of the company from the games title and font. I mean WTF. Topic doesn't deliver shit except for some indie arthouse game......which looks very nice in the short teaser video.

    Congrats, but I have no clue who the OP is or this person Fresh. But yeh, good going! (think Fresh may have used to have been that person who made the kickass sigs but got a name change?)
  20. Lost - Series 3 [spoilers]

    Good start to the new season I thought. I want to sit here and write some spoilers, but I'll refrain from that. Anyone else watched it yet?
  21. No Project 8 for Wii? (Tony Hawk)

    You've missed nothing...........but replace Timesplitters with Haze in his post and you'll get the picture.
  22. Wii Ethernet kit coming...

    For the amount Nintendo will charge their customers for this, you may aswell just chuck another £10 in and buy a wireless router itself................they're pretty cheap for what you get these days.
  23. No Project 8 for Wii? (Tony Hawk)

    Yeah, I can't tell the difference from looking at it.
  24. Oldboy - Friday 11.05pm, Film 4

    One of the best films I've seen over the last few years. Must see for sure.
  25. This HDTV anygood?

    Yeh, I've just seen the deal posting. And it says "from Saturday", so it's most likely a price reduction for good.