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Everything posted by Colin

  1. HMV = the worst f**king retailer in Britain

    Topic title is well OTT.........but I can understand why you must be concerned. If you were one of the first to put the £30 down for a console in that said store, then you should be fine. HMV's prices online were brilliant the other week, and I think they still retain some of the cheaper ones around. Definitely not that bad.
  2. Videogames under attack...again!

    Just did the same research, then found out you by far beat me to it. So when films have the same sort of content and are rated similarly to this, where are the news articles and EU minister's shouting their mouths off about them. I can understand they could have a problem if we were using the old ELSPA system, but PEGI ratings are now treated in the same manor as BBFC's.
  3. The Reviews Thread

    I'm looking forward to the Edge score and the Eurogamer one. Those along with IGN and Gamespot are the biggys. Decent score for Rayman aswell, and sounds like they were cracking up playing it.
  4. GameCube RGB Cable on Wii ?

    Yeh you are correct Yenrug. I was thinking that it was purely the connector that shows improvements with RGB over composite but it's more than that. Nice try aswell . \/
  5. GameCube RGB Cable on Wii ?

    Yeh, same tech. Just cut off the end of the composite that goes into the Wii and re-wire your cube RGB cable to that. Problem solved.
  6. Official Issues and Problems Thread

    Play-Asia have now put all their prices up for Wii stuff. Just ordered a D-Terminal cable, as I really can't see there being a VGA cable available anytime around launch. I prob should wait though till someone else actually does the mod and confirms it works on the Wii. Suppose I can always cancel it if needs be.
  7. The Reviews Thread

    Reviews are needed for all of Ubisoft's games i think. Especially Rayman, RedSteel and Farcry.
  8. UK Wii Tour - Details FINALLY!

    Well they did 25 pre-orders in a week. Which is alot considering it's no Game/Gamestation store. Looking at the launch date there will be more than the usual on that launch day I feel. I'll get the numbers off of someone who works there a week before or so, and update somewhere with them, but the amount of units is going to be around what I stated above for that store.
  9. UK Wii Tour - Details FINALLY!

    I'm being a risky mofo, and not bothering with a pre-order. Virgin Megastore will have plenty left over on launch day, as Bluewater store took 25 pre-orders then refused to take anymore. I'm expecting them to get about 80-100 hardware units considering this store is the 2nd biggest in the chain and from seeing previous console launches. They always have extra on launch day. Also getting my console for £162.
  10. UK Wii Tour - Details FINALLY!

    I played it at Bluewater today. The whole set-up is a massive dissapointment. Only Wii Sports and Wii Play there each on their own TV with a sofa. I only got to play Wii Play, and played the paddle hockey, duckhunt, and some horse racing game with jumps. The hockey game wasn't that good really. After many impressions saying it was one of the better games in the compilation, it just plain sucked. Controling it was very difficult, and after a while I started to really aim it at the sensor bar and it worked alittle better. 3/10 for that. Duckhunt inspired game was excellent. Played 6 rounds of it, with each consectutive round having more targets and at a faster pace. Mii's started appearing in the later round and were getting dragged off by UFO's. Aiming took a round or two to get used to, and once I understood how to aim properly it just got more and more fun. Was playing against a mate (as with the other two games) and it got really competitive towards the end with him winning most of the previous rounds and in the final me being 20 points behind, but I delivered in that round and he had no chance.......the win was mine. 7/10 The best game out of the three I played was the horse galloping thing. Controller is held sideways and you tilt forward for your horse to gather speed, while leaning the remote left or right directed your horse on the track. The aim of this game was to direct your horse into targets on the track which scored you points. The track also featured obstacles that your horse needed to jump, and this was done by jolting the remote upwards and the horse on-screen would follow precisely with it. Control wise, this was the best out of the three, and delivered the most fun I felt. Only gripe with this game is that the course seemed alittle short, and when it ended you just wanted to play again. 9/10 easy for this one. For the money Wii Play can't be turned down I feel. These games although there isn't alot too them, are worth the extra £5-£7 on-top of a Wiimote for sure, and if you plan on using your Wii as a family evenings fun on Christmas day then there is alot of fun to be had for people who usually wouldn't play videogames. These games work very well multiplayer wise. I can't see them being of much interest though if you haven't got people to play multi with though. When I first walked upto the Wii living room (as it kind of looks like) there was a middle-aged woman and an old lady playing, and they were having a blast. There was also large crowds gathered round watching people play, and you could tell everyone wanted a go. The Wiimote is damn sexy aswell. Feels just right in your hand, and after playing even for this short while on three games I can say for sure that controllers like this are definitely the future of gaming, and this coming gen the most fun will be had with the Wii fullstop. Normal controllers are just not going to deliver after playing the Wii. Waggle and GameCube on steroids is doing the job brilliantly. Going to go back early tomorrow morning and get my hands on Wii Sports hopefully.
  11. UK Wii Tour - Details FINALLY!

    Woah, shit. Plans need to be adjusted. Cheers for letting me know. I can't make tomorrow there as at uni, but I'll go Friday.
  12. UK Wii Tour - Details FINALLY!

    Bluewater event is next week btw people. From tomorrow it's at Lakeside, which would be much more quieter. I've now decided to go down to Lakeside on Friday, but I'll still visit Bluewater next week at around 10ish I rekon.
  13. Age

    Yeh I know that. Alot of the younger users here though do make quite informative and mature posts considering age and that. Still the forums are nowhere near as busy as they once were back in the c-e days.
  14. Age

    I'm 21, and have been here for years. I posted under the name ilsa_Nadir originally, then people got confused so just stuck with my normal name, which was the right thing to do. And with this post I enter into the Aficionado stage. With stats like that I'm amazed this place hasn't turned into the NOE forums.
  15. Wow, glad to hear you've played the game all the way through.
  16. Wii on LCDtv

    It's just the crappy uni halls internet it seems. Restart has sorted it. Thought it may of been imageshack or photobucket down as I know some of the files for the old schemes were kept on there a while back. Anyway, I'm really hoping for a 3rd party VGA cable, as I really can't be bothered to do that cable mod. But if it needs to be done, then suppose I haven't got much choice. Anyone know any info at all about the gamecube games being forced into Prog Scan if the Wii is connected by component? I'm amazed IGN/Gamespot haven't answered this at all yet.
  17. Wii on LCDtv

    Anyone elses "edit post button" not appearing at all? Or is it just me. Banner at the top of the N-E forums is not there either?
  18. Wii on LCDtv

    Yeh, S-Video is better than composite. But a RGB cable is better than both, although I'm not sure if these are actually going to be available. RGB isn't just composites plugged into a scart btw. Think a fair few people are thinking that. Progressive scan is only available on the Component and D-Sub cables, with the latter able to be modded to a VGA cable (HD-15).
  19. Wii on LCDtv

    Some people really need to read that sticky at the top of this board to do with video signals/outputs.
  20. Psychonauts

    Well tbh, the story, gameplay and comedy elements will all still be there.....its just that I've heard if you can get either of the other versions over the PS2 version then it's best to do so. I really do hope I get the time to get back into it and to actually finish it. Must do it before Zelda arrives on the scene.
  21. The Reviews Thread

    I never really noticed it as something technicial for that slowdown. It never affected battles, and just made them more intense I feel.
  22. Near Compete Wii Channel Interface Video

    You can stream it like he said. Insider accounts aren't worth paying for anyway, same goes for gamespot.
  23. Psychonauts

    It's a game made by Tim Schafer and his company Double Fine. He used to work on the Lucasarts adventure games back in the day (Monkey Island, Full Throttle, and Grim Fandango) until he left and set up his own company. I've had about 3-4hrs playtime with the PC version, and this game is seriously good. Many funny moments so far and the art style of the characters and the environments is damn quirky and a breath of fresh air. The game is mostly made up of adventure/platformer moments, but overall it really does mix it up gameplay wise. I'm not sure I'll have the time to go back and finish it. But I think people should def try it if you find it for a low price. Ignore the PS2 version, as it's apparently bug ridden. Xbox version is the one to get, and if you've got a decent controller for a PC (360 or ps2 adapter one) you can't go wrong with that either as this game looks lush on high res widescreen. Shame it's not a 360 BC game.
  24. The Reviews Thread

    Makes more sense for you to post the score in spoiler tags than for people to click on the link and have a chance of seeing game spoilers.
  25. UK Wii Tour - Details FINALLY!

    I also plan to get to bluewater early on that Thursday, hopefully around 9-10am. I'm going with a mate who I used to work with, and he's sometimes on this forum aswell. I expect Platty and Oli may turn up at Bluey aswell considering they live close by. I was going to go to the lakeside one originally this week, but the Bluewater one would be more convienient, and I suppose I can wait another week to have a lil go at Wii Sports.