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Everything posted by tapedeck

  1. Endless Ocean

    That's a fair play then. My main worry was that it would be too short. I just don't want to rush this at all. I'm purposely not rushing it at all. I feel this is anotehr "excite truck"...Receives sturdy if not spectacular review scores yet sells via word of mouth.
  2. Endless Ocean

    Did you blitz through this? How many hours Cozmic? I can't help but get sidetracked... looking at rocks for hours. Strange.
  3. Super Mario Galaxy

    Just read N-Gamers review... (97%) Felt I had to buy it considering Zy Nicholson's review of mario 64 was one of the best pieces of videogame (review) journalism ever. I thought they would have let him review it but alas...not to be. Still, a little too jovial but a half decent review. They've always been good raters of games and reward the 93+ scores to the finest games "ever". Well worth checking out. Now my hype begins.
  4. Endless Ocean

    Agree Redshell, the swim was a little humorous and the whale encounter was fun yet I do agree that there should be some kind of objective. Even if it's something like finding puzzle pieces scattered around and joining them together as a team or maybe fishing with a little net lol. Just something! It's wierd, you cant really play hide and seek because there is a map, you can't really draw something (I put "yo" and when I turned around it said "oy" backwards lol..Apologies :p) for others to follow neither. I don't really see the point of it tbh.?! It's just another "feature". Still ... whadda game!
  5. Name That Game

    number 2 speedball?
  6. Endless Ocean

    In my personal opinion: GOOD: Scubadiving! Unique experience. Chilled out. Oozes atmosphere everywhere. Utilises a decent mission structure to maintain constant choice. Graphics are (at times) beautiful. Good use of the wiimote. (drawing, pointing and basic motions) Waggling the wiimote to instantly turn around on the spot is one example. Constantly suprises and engages the player with new areas and species. The music is a wonderful fit. (And SD card implemenation) Characters are believable and (for the most part) interesting. Wifi offers an enjoyable break from the norm of "winning or losing". The masauri(?) ocean is believable and offers many, many areas of exploration. BAD: Scubadiving may be inherantly boring to you. Doesn't really feature adrenaline-fueled-action set-pieces. Graphics can be poor (limited to "on deck" scenarios) Pointing at the screen (to direct your character) for long periods of time can be tiresome. You may hate the music (it can be turned off). Some characters are wooden and have little personality (like those you take on guides). They are fleshed out via e-mails though. (So it's no big deal). You may find it repetitive. Overall, if you like chilling out to games that are different and out of the ordinary this should float your boat (sorry!). The price tag should make this an impulse buy if you like exploration/diving or wildlife. Hope this helps!
  7. Endless Ocean

    my FC = 8550 9509 5120. All owners of this (so far) have been added to my buddy list
  8. Endless Ocean

    My wii makes a fair noise too. All normal I'm thinking. At the river - Groove Armada is brilliant for this. Wierd Fishes Arpreggi - Radiohead is good too. Donkey Kong Country underwater music is good too. These are all in one of my "ocean" mixes:yay: There are hundreds of animals KING V and definately the ones you mention. And no it's not endless per se. You can only save on the boat. But you can return to the boat at any time/instantly. (You don't have to swim all the way back to it.) The ocean is "made up", as in i don't think it is real
  9. Endless Ocean

    Wow...I am loving this game. It's astounding. And I never thought I'd feel so attached to a dolphin before! It's the perfect game to get lost in. And swimming at night is wonderful. It puts a slightly different spin on the atmosphere and personally makes me feel as if I'm actually a little wary because as you explore the ocean alone at night you feel alienated. Surreally wonderful. The atmosphere just carves deep into you and before you know it you've spent hours just drifting with the ocean just taking in the beauty of it all. Doing pretty much...nothing. I love the way you can also surface and just watch the waves ebb around you and watch time pass. Plus the music is hauntingly beautiful. (If a little repetitive). However, I made a playlist and (thanks to King V) stuck tracks together to make one large playlist. Got some Enya on there too! 'Caribbean blue' is the perfect song for this game. I recommend anyone to get it onto an SD card asap. Indeed, I'm loving this game. And taking people out on guided tours and looking for specific items is srangely alluring. This is only going to get better too as the ocean is slowly unveiled. I think a special metion has to go to the greatest title screen ever...And coupled with the rolling demo, it is the perfect screen saver ever!! IF YOU WANT MY "PERFECT" PLAYLIST I'VE PUT IT HERE: It's 33mb as it is all ONE tune...it's around 15mins long and is superb quality. I looked up lots of "ocean" type songs. Enjoy http://www.zshare.net/audio/4785702ac0e7bc/
  10. Agreed Din, I'm heading from Sunderland at 4ish so I dread to think how long it will take me to get to the metro through Washington. May skip out of uni early! Could be worth it If there is a free game I may indeed dress up. A mario theme is not exactly the easiest thing to dress up as. If only I still had that second hand NASA suit too..hmmm. What to do.. Will a Zelda Tee be enough?! lol.
  11. Endless Ocean

    In regards to only being able to play a single mp3 at a time I may go with some classical music which will last over 10 minutes. This could be the way to go rather than having pop songs lasting around 2 minutes. Indeed, classical music will probably suit the atmosphere. The camera element sounds fab. I love taking pictures in games (Pilotwings64 was loved by me for this reason alone!) WOW....I may just add the Pilotwings64 birdman music onto my SD card...Seems too good to resist!
  12. Endless Ocean

    Maaaaan, I wish I could get games before they are officialy released... Should I start getting them from websites????!?!!?!?
  13. Wiis, sold out online?!

    I've got 2 on order from Germany ... Should arrive on the 13th. I may sell one locally though as word of mouth could seal a good deal. Ebay seems to be the place to make the most money though. As people expect you to sell for £179 when "they know your aunties mothers grandparents"! Foools. Oh, on Ebay it's around £25 for postage and packaging according to most sellers! Realistic?
  14. Ubisoft CEO: Nintendo-Like Quality Games

    I personally believe they have the skill to make consistent quality games up there with Nintendo. Beyond Good and Evil is still one of my favourite games ever made. And possibly my favourite cube game. It is a little short but what content there is, is wonderful. And I would rate it alongside Mario sunshine and Wind Waker in my eyes. Infact, it is a lot like Zelda. I feel companies sometimes strike gold with a game (Glover, Rocket: Robot on wheels, Spacestation: Silicon Valley, Psychonauts etc) But those "golden" games sometimes don't sell. Ubi have the position of being able to market and publish their games and so I really feel they are in a great position to always sell their products. (Maybe I'm wrong as BG&E bombed!!) But with the current crop of consoles UBI have a great chance of selling well across all platforms. I just hope they don't become arrogant or neive as to what they distribute on each console. Something I feel they border on with some comments directed at the Wii. I'm sure a company who makes titles such as Splinter Cell (where a massive MGS niche was,) localises and distributes DS 'games' such as Jam Sessions, has confidence in "My word coach" (utilising DS to Wii connectivity) and goes for the jugular of the casual market really want to bring as much "appropriate" software to the world as possible. In my eyes that's a good thing right? They may have been sloppy in the past but I think Ubi learn fast. I don't think we will see as sloppy a game as Farcry for the Wii anytime in the future. If anything sales of the title will have seen to that Yet when you look at RRR2 (and it's ideas) they seem like a company that enjoy what they do. A rarity and a refreshing change from the mindset of nothing but a programming powerhouse.
  15. Your Favourite Wii Title So Far...and why

    Probably: (In order) 1. Wii Sports - STILL the most accessible and best social game ever 2. Excite Truck - Simple, engrossing mechanics make this a fresh racer 3. The Godfather - Still has some of the best motion controls available 4. Carnival Games - Second only to Wii Sports at all parties. Great fun! 5. Twilight Princess - The sheer artistry and consistent design is astonishing Indeed, the Wii has changed my gaming habits. I no longer have time for the massive/epic games I used to play. Next week Mario Galaxy will make or break my future gaming exploits. But I'm happy with that notion. A half hour high score challenge on a shoot out on Carnival Games gives me more satisfaction than trying to catch up with a story/puzzle I last played/worked out two weeks ago. (Ala Most "hardcore" games).
  16. Yep, Metro Centre one it is for me I'll be there at 5pm ish...
  17. Super Mario Galaxy

    A definate 'tsufufum' moment of reviewing.. Not really any spoilers and possibly up there with IGN's review... http://pressstartblog.wordpress.com/2007/11/05/review-super-mario-galaxy/
  18. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

    First review of the game rolls in... http://www.gamepro.com/nintendo/wii/games/reviews/145628.shtml I have to say it is way too short and doesn't even go into details about any events at all. I actually think the reviewer hasn't even played the game. Seems suspect...
  19. Super Mario Galaxy

    Well I shall deffo be at the metro centre with gf in tow. The chance to get some goodies and play me some Galaxy amongst the 'tendo fans sounds like a good laugh. I just wonder if anyone will be dressing up?! There is a wii and Galaxy to win afterall...
  20. Super Mario Galaxy

    I dunno which GAME they will be in. (At the Metro.) I may go a little earlier and do some scouting. Either way, should be fun if there are freebies and I get to play the game early.
  21. Super Mario Galaxy

    Friday 16th November has become a date embedded into the hearts and minds of Mario fans eagerly awaiting the porky plumbers new platform game. Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii will be launching a day earlier in selected stores around the UK. GAME stores along with Nintendo will be heavily promoting the launch of the Nintendo mascots game. Eight Stores in total across the UK and Ireland will be selling the game to anyone from the hours of 6pm-9pm on Thursday 15th November as well as handing out prizes to the eager fans that turn up. Nintendo will be encouraging fans to dress up as Mario or come dressed in space gear with the chance of winning a Nintendo Wii and a copy of Mario Galaxy, a competition that will be judged by Nintendo not GAME. Dress to your best as Nintendo will be sending photographers to the stores to snap all the fancy dressers. Other fans won’t be neglected either as they will receive goody bags containing posters, keyrings and strangely…an Umbrella… Nintendo will also provide demo pods in the 8 stores for the customers to play before they buy and it has even been heard that Nintendo will offer a busker unit for them to take a demo of the game to the people in the queue. This event will happen over 8 stores in the UK and Ireland and they are: - London - Oxford Street - Manchester - Trafford - Birmingham - Bullring - Glasgow - Sauchehall Street - Gateshead - Metro Centre - Cardiff - Queen Street - Belfast - Donegail Arcade - Dublin - Dawson Street I'm going to the metro centre one for sure. Me and the gf may dress up as spaceman sams...
  22. Zack & Wiki

    If this has been delayed to 2008 then Nintendo have just wrecked my christmas!! Most people would probably have asked for this game as a gift from others I'm sure. Cheers Nintendo. Yet again you piss everyone off. That's another step backwards.
  23. (Foreword: DK Barrel Blast should have been the Rare game that was originally shown all those years ago!! Grrr.) Personally I feel Nintendo pay fan service too much at times. I still feel they are at their best when they are forced to take risks. Indeed, the Wii and DS were born from this notion alone. Oh, I have to say it seems like Nintendo were whoring out franchises during the Gamecubes lifespan. DDR Mario/Starfox Assault et al... They needed sales but it just annoyed me. Afterall, what were Nintendo doing last gen? Playing Wii???! Phew, done!
  24. Endless Ocean

    I may actually listen to the games soundtrack.. Apparently it's perfectly soothing and fitting. We will see. Koji Kondo back on the pan pipes...Would be lovely.
  25. Endless Ocean

    I'm thinking some Enya will do the trick...