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Everything posted by D-Day

  1. Super Mario Galaxy

    True, but Twilight Princess fell when the Gamespot review started getting proper attention... Gamespot have given this a fantastic 9.5!! (I think everyone knew they should give it that, but no one saw it coming) Which they have only given to The Orange Box and Halo 3 since they started their new .5 system (if I'm wrong, someone correct me), I remember somewhere saying this was the game of the decade (and it wasn't the Official Nintendo Magazine), everyone seems to love this game! And to further cement that: PALGN - 10.0/10.0 Link: http://palgn.com.au/article.php?id=9354&sid=aaf4037ff72b21ed1a4a9d1f0e72d509 I really, REALLY can't wait for this game!
  2. OK, put another one for Oxford Street, I should make it down for that!!! If you guys see someone dressed up as Mario, it's most probably me!!! (I'm also doing it for Children in Need on Saturday at a charity event some mates set up)
  3. Super Mario Galaxy

    I kept away from this website as much as I could only because of this game, but now I knew the reviews would be rolling in I couldn't help myself!! It has definatey started off with a bang (as I thought it would) with 90% being the lowest so far!!! I know Matt at IGN will do some realy realy detailed review of this, I really can't wait to see what he gives it... but I'm not sure I want to see what gamespot give it. 9.0 what I honestly think (I don't reckon they'd be able to take it from the users if they gae it any lower ) Enough about ratings... my most anticipated of the year (dare I say ever) is just days away from me
  4. Are you racist?

    Well Dannyboy, I really respect your post, and your closing comment and I fully agree. I really am for freedom of speech, why should another human-being have the right to stop impose when another human articualtes themself? But is it really right to do soething just because you can? there are always resulting factors of actions, especialy actions like that. But I'll leae that there. Am I racist... well when I find myself getting annoyed for someone stereotyping to a group of people (e.g. all Afro-Caribbeans, South Asians and Eastern Europeans cause crime in East London) then I know I'm not. Prejudice of any kind tends to get on my nerves and some people don't tend to see the hurt behind words and minor actions unless they become a major victim of it themselves.
  5. Football Season 2007/2008

    I'm a Gooner so it 'may' be that disagrees, but in the 1st half there was nothing much to go on for either side. Yes, they stopped our usual liquid football which is a great point for them, but in the 2nd half when it became more open, it was more us, we were more wasteful though, whilst they looked more cinical. But nope, it wasn't the work of art that it was hyped up to be, not that I care though , it was just really important for us to show we have that steel that a lot of critics say we lack.
  6. Football Season 2007/2008

    My throat is dead!!! Fantastic from the boys! I thought Theo had scored myself, although I was a little confused why Willy Gallas had run off, the I realised it was him who scored! Good technique from our centre back. The belief and the togetherness from the team is there to see (especially at the end there and the response going into the 2nd half). I did feel we deserved it more, but when you're the team chasing because of the goals and you see a response like that... how can you complain! 25 unbeaten for the Arsenal now, I'm hoping the boys go from strength to strength now after proving the critics wrong in the past week.
  7. Soul Calibur Legends

    Does anyone know if the actual Soul Calibur line up of characters stops at what we have already or could there possibly be more characters. (now that we know Lloyds in it) If this is just before the first Soul Calibur, this whould be perfect for the likes of Xianghua and Kilik to be in it, they were the most important characters to the first Soul Calibur storyline (besides I want them in there, especially Xianghua!)
  8. Super Mario Galaxy

    Indeed, the time moving along quickly is a great thing here!! No shame in it K-Project, this game, along with the games coming in the run up to the end of the year are enough to make anyone excited! I most definately am.
  9. Timesplitters 4 announced!

    I second that burnout comment . This is fantastic news, I was a huge TS2 fan and to see TS4 coming to Wii brings me nothing but joy. It looks like they are rolling out
  10. Football Season 2007/2008

    A nice quick pull on the current table mr-paul . So it looks like it is true, first time in two years after a weekend of football matches, we'll come out as the leaders. I hope the boys can keep the momentum!
  11. Football Season 2007/2008

    Yeah, this has to be game of the day on Sky, besides, the fact it's the North London derby and it wasn't televised is bad in itself, but it sounded like a cracker so I got my fingers crossed on this being the game of the day!
  12. Erm... I know this was announced yesterday, but as I weren't around I would just like to say... ICE CLIMBERS ARE IN!!! WOO HOO!! That's a big shove in the face for all those that speculated and said otherwise (I don't know why they were on of my fav's, but the look on people's face when I beat them use the Climbers is priceless!) Anyway, about the Game & Watch Frying-pan projectile-ish, I do believe it is two sausages.
  13. Football Season 2007/2008

    I couldn't have said it better myself Ironflame, fantastic Adebayor!!!!!! Although, as a manager, I hope Spurs keep him!!! Typical Arsenal, leaving it late again Top of the table now! (First time in two years I believe, although it's early days !)
  14. Football Season 2007/2008

    mr paul, we haven't even got Eduardo on the bench!!! But from listening to this, the play is definately in our favour. (Why did Wenger start with Diaby and start with Rosicky on the bench?!?) 2-1!!!!!!!!!! CESC FABREGAS!!!!!!!!!! GO ON YOU GOONERS!
  15. Endless Ocean

    I echo that. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that you can take photographs. All other aspects of it make it sound like the type of game I've been asking for too. I'm definately making back-to-back purchases this November with this on the 9th and SMG on the 16th
  16. OK, taking it all back on track, I'm saying terrorists (although my opinions of Bush as a leader and how he's conducted himself through this whole ordeal will aren't anywhere near positive... but I'll leave that out here).
  17. Gamebryo Engine

    ^^ That's right Cube. Well this is a good thing, no doubt about it, lets see what 'glitter' developers will bring to the Wii table as a result. But one thing I really believe is that there isn't going to be a huge turnover tide for the look of the type of things we're already recieving.
  18. Link's Crossbow Training

    I was going to post and say the same thing. This will definately be a way in getting people to really get to grips with the Zapper, something in the vein of Wii Play. Personally I'm not to bothered about it being Zelda, as I said earlier, the price point (at £15, which looks likely) will be attractive and no matter what game (or sub-game) was released with it. Marketing wise too, Zelda could be good as Nintendo are easing one their real heavy-hitters to an audience that would look pass Zelda, possibly easing them into becoming more 'core' if you will. And as flameboy stated, this could hold down the Zelda fans for a while, as the Wii-build Zelda game is far off.
  19. Link's Crossbow Training

    Thankyou Demuwan (Off topic: btw Happy b'day ) But that is my stance. Regardless of what is packaged with the Zapper (I still think a Duckhunt 2 is really on the cards), if it is going to be £15 like Cube says, then it's an attractive package no matter how you really look at it... unless you don't want the Zapper no matter what. Edit: oh and yeah Cube, I know what you mean, that is the best way to ease that crowd into becoming more serious with a wide range of computer games... which is Nintendo's goal.
  20. Meals for Students

    Such a fitting name for a cookbook for students, I like it , might even check that out, could be really useful for myself.
  21. Link's Crossbow Training

    News!!! OK, but yeah it doesn't sound realistic, and the possibility of this actually being real... well I'm remaining reserved. I'm not too bothered about it, but I hear where a majority of the people here are coming from when they're objecting against it. I agree with Dannyboy-the-Dane, the whole training aspect of it (especially within the title) makes it sound like it's directed at the audience that doesn't really scream for Zelda titles.
  22. Meals for Students

    Well, this is helpful to me as I'll be in this situation for the next three years starting the end of this month. Well I'll throw in one, macaroni cheese!!!! You can make a load at one time and just reheat it when you require! And plus you can throw in a load of things, so there's always a new twist to it when you decide to make it.
  23. Xbox Live More Important than Wii...Says Molyneux

    Which judging category... that is a great question, but whatever. I agree with you, I don't really care what he says at this point, as online implementation in terms of what can be offered to the consumer has been around for a long time, with a steady build on what we can get out of it. Live is a great service, regardless of the fact you have to pay money for it or not, but how can it be claimed to be more important than something that has taken a a larger leap in terms of what we had in gaming? The importance of online gaming has been realised by plenty of companies and people before the ball really got rolling with live... so even if this guy believes that Live is more important than the Wii-mote, as its just one version of an online service, we've had them in the past and will have more in the future, so Live will only go down as a chapter in online gaming. The Wii-mote on the otherhand is the first 'real' crack at motion sensing as it is the primary control type, not and add on or something additional. I mean, Sony were oppertunists with this once they found out about the Wii-mote (although the six-axis isn't really up to par), and it shows you the potential 'importance'. And it will go down as the beginning of this new way to play, in a monumental role, and something even greater if it is seriously implemented in the future. OK, a bit too much there (and I wanted to write more ) but you can see my stance.
  24. The Fastest Man on Earth

    Yep... me and Asafa go way back... with me training him and all, his status potential is reached . And I heard about Habana racing a cheetah, reminds me of when Micheal Johnson raced a horse... apart from the fact cheetahs are quicker
  25. Ubisoft does it again...

    Yeah I know, the nice blend of titles for the non-casual market mixed with those that are for the casual market will see Nintendo's goal of reaching out to a broader market become true, rather than going after just one market as some believe is the case at the moment (but hey, for all the games released on the Wii, it's not really Nintendo's fault). Nintendo could have an influence though, because we do need a number of titles of the more 'serious' nature that makes it comparable (in number) to the other next-gen consoles (for that real 'broader market' appeal). The Man-Hunt example is a good example, hopefully the sales for it will prove it. You got some good insight there . And hey, with Ubisoft behind Assassin's Creed, you never know (sorry, I couldn't resist that one) . BTW, by no means am I complaining about the present state of the Wii, just my opinions on it to keep it's success going and for Nintendo to truly reach the goal they set out for (just incase I'm misinterpreted).