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Everything posted by MadDog

  1. Formula 1 2012

    I'd guess that Maldonado is getting a penalty. Hamilton had the track position, stayed on the line, and Pastor had 4 wheels off the track.
  2. iMac Power Button?

    I got a new iMac yesterday, and i love it. But a massive problem has kinda appeared. When i first set it all up and turned it on, i had to press the button a few times, i didn't really think much of it and just forgot about it. I shut it down last night, and tried to turn it back on after a minute or two and i had to spend about 2 mins pressing the button just to get it back on. I shut it down again earlier, and now it isn't turning on at all. Should i just ring them up? Or is there anything that do to hopefully resolve it? Thanks for any help.
  3. iMac Power Button?

    Yeah i've tried all sorts, different plug sockets, cables etc. I've just got off the phone to them and it'll have to be replaced. Thanks for the reply.
  4. Football Season 2012/2013

    Messi is the best player in the world. It's as simple as that. Ask any defender in the world who they'd rather play against, Ronaldo or Messi. 99% would say they'd prefer to face Ronaldo.
  5. Madpool to win 2-0, 6 chances to 4.
  6. I'm doing exactly what we did most of the time last season. Boss games, other team has 1 chance and scores. Hit the post 40 times, have 800 shots.
  7. Defensive/anti-football/chelsea is the best tactic in Xpert Eleven. Frustrated me millions of times.
  8. Football Season 2012/2013

    I don't get it. I didn't set any position goals, I just commented on how much I'm looking forward to seeing a new era develop. I'll have the last laugh anyway.
  9. I play 13 midfield and attack ratings yet create half the amount of chances as Bubbles. Sounds about right. /bitter
  10. Silverdale to score first and win 3-1.
  11. Football Season 2012/2013

    My current feelings about this season are totally different to my usual feelings. There seems to be such optimism with Rodgers, he has this aura about him. I have a very good feeling about him. Key thing is he needs time to implement his philosophy, it doesn't happen overnight.
  12. Football Season 2012/2013

    First 3 at home to the top 3, nice. Norwich away on my birthday, another Suárez hat trick will do nicely.
  13. Football Season 2011/2012

    God. It's already unbearable and it hasn't even been officially revealed. :p
  14. Football Season 2011/2012

    We only wore our third kit once or twice last season. (Away at United, and another I think) So we would only have to put up with looking at it a couple of times. :p If it was all purple, it'd be quite nice, but the orange shorts are just horrific.
  15. We came up with loads of good ideas, but we're lazy and not really making it happen. :p We were going to do a weekly or fortnightly Xpert Eleven show. A short 5ish minute clip where we would talk about the goings on in the leagues. We would ask you guys for suggestions for topics and stuff like that. We could do it this weekend i think.
  16. Football Season 2011/2012

    Another thing added to the ever-growing list that proves you are a tit. That could of been us under Hicks & Gillett. It's far from happy days.
  17. Rihanna

    My hatred of Coldplay makes it hard for me to like that song.
  18. Booooom. Smashing win over Hendersonhater FC.
  19. Football Season 2011/2012

    Are you just saying totally silly things to try and annoy me? :p
  20. Spotlight Intergalactico Stars 1-3 Madpool. Goal in 25th minute.
  21. Football Season 2011/2012

    I know nothing about our transfer dealings, as does that guy.
  22. Football Season 2011/2012

    And what the hell does he know?
  23. Football Season 2011/2012

    Where did you get that complete rubbish about Gotze?
  24. Football Season 2011/2012

    Joe Cole? Are you serious? He's pointless. Johnson has had a good season, I'm not sure what games you've been watching. Henderson has played how many minutes for England? Players perform differently from club to country, give him a chance at international level.
  25. Football Season 2011/2012

    Because we have no players better than them. Other than Adam Johnson, who is better than Downing. Shut up you pansy. :p