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Posts posted by yesteryeargames

  1. Thats for an instant new replacment and the money will be refunded as soon as they confirm its faulty i think.

    MS is also shit for returns, even worse


    My day one controller was faulty out of the box and to get it replaced i had to pay £10 postage to the chezh rep, and they will only pay the return postage.

  2. I bought 2 copies from game and i am misisng the pre order bonus too, I am so pissed off with GAME, first they screw me over with the zelda lbw collectors edition and not sending the posters.


    And now they have with the cat mario special edition, not only was the game late but missing its contents and with no email or apology saying they will come seperate.

  3. I don't understand why they didn't let McGann be the war doctor why case hurt in the first place , It would have been better IMO. Hurt did ok not taking that away from him It just seems a shame not to give mcgann the role he was good in the mini short episode , I would like to have seen more episodes as his doctor. Maybe a prequel series before he would have turned into Chris would have been a better way to fill the gap . Seems a little bit of a waste on that respect .

  4. When will we get the concluding part of the going into the timeline finale , the last episode of the series ?


    Also was this form of Clara and the doctor set before they go to the grave of the doctor or was it a version of her sent back ?

  5. Do you just sit at home all day all bitter over perceived offenses towards Nintendo?


    nope, i was only stating a fact.


    I plan to buy xbone and ps4 at launch by the way, but there is no doubt sony copy the best ideas from nintendo. I do wish nintendo would copy some ideas from the online services on the other consoles tho but at least its free on wii u.
